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Friday, November 1, 2019

"They ain't out here arresting people for (shoplifting) and everyone knows it in California."

SAN FRANCISCO – In a lighted garage on one of San Francisco's busiest streets, a young man in baggy trousers and messy brown hair pulled down his pants. He had been hiding two pairs of stolen jeans with the tags still on them. He handed them to another man waiting nearby, took some money, pulled up his pants and headed back into another store on Market Street — home to the city's high-end designers and big-chain retail shops.

The incident wasn't a one-off. These brazen acts of petty theft and shoplifting are a dangerous and all-too-common consequence of Proposition 47, a referendum passed five years ago that critics say effectively gives shoplifters and addicts the green light to commit crimes as long as the merchandise they steal or the drugs they take are less than $950 in value.

The decision to downgrade theft of property valued below the arbitrary figure from felony to misdemeanor, together with selective enforcement that focuses on more “serious” crimes, has resulted in thieves knowing they can brazenly shoplift and merchants knowing the police will not respond to their complaints, say critics.


Over in the City by the Bay's famous Tenderloin district, Cassie, a 21-year-old mother of two and a former heroin junkie, told Fox News that when times were tough, she too has stolen from stores.

"If my babies need diapers or formula, who is going to get that for me? No one. I have to do it," she said. "They ain't out here arresting people for (shoplifting) and everyone knows it."

Proposition 47 is seen by critics as one of California's biggest blunders. Supported by the state Democratic Party and championed by the American Civil Liberties Union, the referendum was passed by a wide margin in 2014. The idea behind it was to reduce certain non-violent felonies to misdemeanors in order to free up resources for cops and prosecutors to focus on violent offenders.

Editor Note 

This is exactly what the democrates want for all the United States.

1/4 of California is on fire because of enviromental waco's and government not cutting under brush for the last several years.

California is also letting shoplifters steal up to $950.00 anytime they want knowing they can get away with it.

This is what you will get in your local area in other states if you vote democratic in any election.

California is a NUT house. The inmates have taken over.

These inmates want to do the same thing in all 50 states. Nancy Pelosi and her fellow nut cases want it to happen asap along with every illegal alien they can push on you in every county in the US.

I live about 3,000 miles away from California and I am thankful I do.

The nut jobs are on their way. Pelosi wants them in your neighbourhood sooner than you think!

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