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Sunday, October 13, 2019

5g will make artificial general intelligence possible

Skynet is a fictional artificial neural network-based conscious group mind and artificial general intelligence.

The nationwide 5G network is not fictional and will provide the necessary connections for an artificial neural network of artificial general intelligence networks that will all connect.

I don't think this monster AI network will ever become self aware but it most likely will function like it is self aware.

AI technology is a crucial lynchpin of much of the digital transformation taking place today as organizations position themselves to capitalize on the ever-growing amount of data being generated and collected.

This is why the FCC has approved the nationwide deployment of 5G without any testing of the RF plused data dangers to humans and animals.

Its all about money at the expense of your health and safety.

When cell phone companies talk about th new faster data speeds and how it will make your life easier they are really saying; will will make money selling this fake new concept not telling the public of their 5G health hazards and dangers.

5G Cell Radiation Information   (This is a must read about 5G Cell towers, 5G wi-fi and 5G Cell phone hazards.)


The movie enemy of the state warned of the new AI network 25 years ago.

This AI network is ever present in the form of the internet of things. 5g is just a part of this vast AI network watching and actually controlling many of the things you do everyday.


The deep state of the military industrial complex is using the vast AI grid to overthrow the United States Government from within.

The deep state is using AI to wage war against the American people using the fake news networks people watch and listen too.


What is Artificial Intelligence?

The concept of what defines AI has changed over time, but at the core there has always been the idea of building machines which are capable of thinking like humans.

After all, human beings have proven uniquely capable of interpreting the world around us and using the information we pick up to effect change. If we want to build machines to help us to this more efficiently, then it makes sense to use ourselves as a blueprint!

AI, then, can be thought of as simulating the capacity for abstract, creative, deductive thought – and particularly the ability to learn – using the digital, binary logic of computers.

Research and development work in AI is split between two branches. One is labelled “applied AI” which uses these principles of simulating human thought to carry out one specific task.

The other is known as “generalised AI” – which seeks to develop machine intelligences that can turn their hands to any task, much like a person.

In a comment, Elon Musk wrote: "The pace of progress in artificial intelligence (I'm not referring to narrow AI) is incredibly fast. Unless you have direct exposure to groups like Deepmind, you have no idea how fast—it is growing at a pace close to exponential. The risk of something seriously dangerous happening is in the five-year timeframe. 10 years at most.”

Elon Must is wanting to interface your brain with a AI.  He is working on a project to interface your brain with AI.

It's the AI applications that play a critical role in ensuring safety that we all should be concerned about. For example, if AI is responsible for ensuring the operation of our power grid and our worst fears are realized, and the system goes rogue or gets hacked by an enemy, it could result in massive harm.

Editor Note:

If artificial general intelligence is in total control of your safety and the AI fails to protect you or is given a command to harm you, what will you do?

AI general intelligence devices are watching us 24/7 and controlling many things for out "safety" and "convenience".  Its not for our safety or convenience but for total control of the population.


How can artificial intelligence be dangerous?

While we haven’t achieved super-intelligent machines yet, its only a matter of time,  the legal, political, societal, financial and regulatory issues are so complex and wide-reaching that it’s necessary to take a look at them now so we are prepared to safely operate among them when the time comes.

Outside of preparing for a future with super-intelligent machines now, artificial intelligence can already pose dangers in its current form.

Aside from being concerned that autonomous weapons might gain a “mind of their own,” a more imminent concern is the dangers autonomous weapons might have with an individual or government that doesn’t value human life.

Once deployed, they will likely be difficult to dismantle or combat.

Social manipulation

Social media through its autonomous-powered algorithms is very effective at target marketing.

They know who we are, what we like and are incredibly good at surmising what we think.

Investigations are still underway to determine the fault of Cambridge Analytica and others associated with the firm who used the data from 50 million Facebook users to try to sway the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the U.K.'s Brexit referendum, but if the accusations are correct, it illustrates AI's power for social manipulation.

By spreading propaganda to individuals identified through algorithms and personal data, AI can target them and spread whatever information they like, in whatever format they will find most convincing—fact or fiction.

What are the biggest companys that use algorithms and personal data to manipulate information in the form of FAKE news etc? There are two big ones and most people use them.

I use  because they don't track your every move.

I do think they might play with the search results a little like the big guys.

Invasion of privacy and social grading

It is now possible to track and analyze an individual's every move online as well as when they are going about their daily business. Cameras are nearly everywhere, and facial recognition algorithms know who you are.

 In fact, this is the type of information that is going to power China's social credit system that is expected to give every one of its 1.4 billion citizens a personal score based on how they behave—things such as do they jaywalk, do they smoke in non-smoking areas and how much time they spend playing video games.

When Big Brother, the deep state, is watching you and then making decisions based on that intel, it’s not only an invasion of privacy it can quickly turn to social oppression.

Social oppression is now a reality and will play a big part in future election outcomes.

Its not just the deep state that is oppressing you its  also companies that skew search results with algorithms that block opposition to their agenda of controlling what you think by controlling personal data and search results.

Orwell predicted the future and it is here.

If you use wifi, use it as little as possible because it is a beacon unto the world of where your are and what you are doing.

Your cell phone, laptop, tablet etc etc all report to the AI that is listening and monitoring your every move.

Yes your cell phone spys on you and reports to AI everywhere all the time.

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