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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Urgent Information About Pelosi Impeachment Process Sept 2019

Impeachment Rule Changes By Pelosi In Dec 2018

In dec 2018 Pelosi and house democrates changed the house rules. A formal vote to inititate an impeachment inquiry is not required but until this week is has always been done in the past.

Republicans  will have No enforceable rights without a formal vote of impeachment inquiry!

Pelosi's articles of impeachment will be drawn up with out any participation by any republican.

During the assembly process of impeachment articles you will be blocked from any participation or input, you will have no voice which means all the people in republican house districts will have no voice to stop the pelosi impeachment articles which will be drawn up.

This is by design to deceive the public and republicans in the house.

Pelosi rule changes ALLOW permitting depositions WITHOUT minority REPUBLICAN notification.

Republicans will be in the dark about the impeachment process by design.

The  democrats are going to act fast.

Pelosi has set up the fast track impeachment process by design in dec 2018.

There will be NO republicans participating in the assembly of the articles of impeachment of President Donald Trump. They will only be able to give lip service during some hearings.

There will be NO minority ability to change articles of impeachment  in the impeachment process under the new pelosit rules changes from dec 2018.

Republicans will likely have NO idea what is happening in the impeachment process because pelosi has changed the impeachment rules in dec 2018 to just allow the democrates to write the articles of impeachment!

Republicans will have no ability to participate in the subpoena depostiion process!

The subpoenas are part of a 2 pronged strategy by the democrates. Get the information to help tailor the articles of impeachment, or convert a refusal to comply into an impeachment article itself.

When the 116th congress returns from the brake on Oct 15. 2019 the articles of impeachment will have already been assembled.

Any house committee debates on the democrates pre asembled articles of impeachment will give the impression of minority participation by you and other republicans. Lip service republican debates only!

It will only be for optics because  republicans will not have participated in the assembly of the articles of impeachment! Only democates will have assembled the articles of impeachment!

Once pelosi is certain the max political benefit has been achieved by media exposure she will announce a date for the full house vote on the articles of impeachment that the democrates will have assembled without ANY participation by  ANY republication because of the pelosi house rules changes in dec 2018.

You  must not just "do something" you must act to stop pelosi and the house democrates from drawing up impeachment articles without any participation by any republicans.

What are your going to do as a congress person?

I suggest you get busy telling your own  district voters the real truth about the democrates and their rule changes to impeach President Trump without you being able to participate in the impeachment articles being drawn up.

I suggest you drop everything else you are doing and inform the general public about the house rule changes that were made by pelosi that doesn't allow republicans to  participate in the depositions the democrates will take!

You  must alert everyone to this back door way of democrate rule change impeachment leaving the republicans out of the process. This is treason by design!

The only think republicans can do is  have a committee debate on pre assembled articles of impeachment by the democrates.

Your involement in a committe debate on preassembled articles that you had no participation in making will not be enough to stop pelosi and her fellow democrates from impeaching Trump unless you stir up the American Public by informing the of the Democratic house rule changes that have locked you out of participation in the articles of impeachment.

Will you work to stop pelosi and the total corruption of the democrates!
GOD help us and may GOD save our republic from those who want to destroy it.

A US Veteran Urgent message to all who love their freedom and this country.


Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge

Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing.

Between May 2018 and August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump.

The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.

The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”

(This new rule change along with the Pelosi Dec 2018 house rule changes have allowed the democrates and the fake news media to deceive the public into thinking President Trump has done something that requires the democrates to impeach the President.)

The timing of the intelligence  community, deep state,  rule change has allowed the 2nd hand hersay evidence to be handled as factual evidence that must be taken on face false as credible but it is totally false!!

We the American People are Now in a Cold Civil War.

Which side are you on?

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