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Friday, August 2, 2019

Big Tech’s shocking manipulation of the American electoral system

The democrates in congress claim russia and trump manipulated the 2016 election.

Its was actually the most used search engine in the world used by 85% of people typing in search terms.

The search engine's manipulation of votes gave at least 2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton in 2016. During the July 16, 2019, Senate hearing on Google and censorship, former editor of Psychology Today, Dr. Robert Epstein exposed the search engine's role in America’s elections. In an exchange with Senator Ted Cruz, Dr. Epstein lays out the facts about Big Tech’s shocking manipulation of the American electoral system.

In the 2020 there will be 15 Million votes that can be secretly shifted without people's knowledge by the biggest search engine in the world.

Try using as your search engine instead. They don't track you but like all search engines they will influence your searches with cherry picked search terms that most people will use which will filter out what you really want to know.

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