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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Exposing Real Origins Of Russia Probe And Mueller Investigations

Obama allowed hillary clinton to use phony documents via the fisa court to spy on carter page and also spy on all Americans. Congressman Nunes has exposed the real origins of the fake russia investigation on Trump.

Rep Devin Nunes Youtube Channel

U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., claimed that an “insurance policy” mentioned in an August 2016 text between disgraced former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page referred to their ability to obtain a FISA warrant.

"We believe that 'insurance policy' is not just about investigating the Trump campaign," said Nunes, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, during an appearance on Fox News' "Hannity".

“We believe it's to ensure that they were able to get the FISA warrant on Carter Page so they could go in and look at the emails in the campaign.”

NUNES CASTS DOUBT ON MUELLER’S FINDINGS ABOUT PAPADOPOULOS TIPSTER'S MOSCOW LINKS Page, a former campaign adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump, was the subject of the FISA warrant that allowed investigators to surveil him.

President Trump and Republicans say that the warrant shows the corruption of the FBI and the Department of Justice under President Obama, with then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein signing off on the warrant, and that the surveillance was illegal as it was using unverified information to justify spying on a U.S. citizen.

Portions of the FISA application have been released to the public and show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant.

The dossier, which was "opposition research" funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals.


Editor Note:

Hillary clinton and her campaign call the FAKE dossier "opposition research".

This FAKE so called "opposition research" was used to obtain several illegal fisa court warrants by the fbi to spy on the the Trump campaign and these warrants are still in effect!!!

This means the fbi is still spying on President Trump using the original fisa warrants obtained to spy on carter page.

This also means the fbi is still able to spy on ALL Americans also.

The illegal fisa warrant is open ended and very broad!

The fbi is still acting like the Gestapo.

The Gestapo, abbreviation of Geheime Staatspolizei, was the official secret police of Nazi Germany.

Democrates continue to say our country is in a crisis because Attorney General William Barr will not turn over the entire redacted muller report to the democrates in congress.

The truth is that our country via the fbi and other government agencies  employ "the enemy within" which continues to create FAKE news to divert Americans attention from the coup of the fbi and others in spying agencies of the government and democrates in congress who trying to destroy America.

This country is in a real civil war.

This civil war has 2 sides.

(1) Government agencies that are obama/hillary supporters in the "deep state" that are doing the bidding of th democrate party which is controlled by obama/clintons behind the scenes.

(2) President Trump and Americans like me who support his efforts to Make America Great Again by draining the washington swamp of the scum described as fbi, spy agencies, democrates in congress and FAKE news media. 

This civil war is different but is real.

It is not just a war of words.

It is a war to expose the corruption in washington and others in the FAKE news media that are the "supply lines" to keep the civil war  operational for the socialist democrates in congress and accross the nation.

I am part of the "Make America Great Again" President Trump "supply line" of REAL facts and news in the battle to control the nation in the media and social media.

Battles are real and on going.

Rep Devin Nunes is a General in the Make America Great Again army of volunteers.

These battles are not just a war of words because the outcome is real and ongoing in the form of corruption in the form of politial correctness and FAKE news about President Trump and his efforts to Make America Great Again.

Many Americans are lazy or willfully ignorant and ignore the truth.

The truth about President Trump is not found in the so called main stream FAKE news media.

It is found by searching for the real news in the following locations:

(1)  (My Blog)

(2)  (Rush Limbaugh Podcasts)

(3)  (GeneralRush Limbaugh)
     Commander of the Make America Great Again Army 

(4) The Tara Show (6-10 AM Weekdays)
     Tara supplies us with FACTS about FAKE NEWS that disputes
      lies about President Trump and  his  efforts to Make America Great Again. 

(5) Bob Mclain Show (3-7 PM Weekdays)
     Bob talks about the issues that affect you. He disputes the FAKE
     news media nonsense with Real  news facts.


Debunking the Media’s  Latest Hysteria Hoaxes

Visit  (FREE Roku Channels that refute FAKE news)

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