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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Enigma Explained

enigma (ĭ-nĭgˈmə)

  • n.
    One that is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable.
  • n.
    A perplexing speech or text; a riddle.

    The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio Cortez Enigma Explained And Exposed

They don't want you to see the one.

Click on the above video to see The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

I have seen her on tv sometimes acting like she has read a script and other times when she acted and sounded like a total idiot.

This Video by Mr Reagan (You Tube Channel)
explains the Ocasio-Cortez enigma.

The justice democrats created AOC and totally control her.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a puppet.

In this video Ocasio Cortez Enigma Explained And Exposed  Cortez explains that she won an auditon as a new york congressional candidate that the justice democrats were seeking.

Watch her admit she is an actress starting at 1:15 in the video.

Her brother submitted her nomination as a congressional candidate while she was working as a waitress. She received a casting call from the radical justice democrats whose stated goal is take over the democrate party.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is and actress controlled by the justice democrats, a radical socialist communist group.

What she says is totally scripted by the justice democrats.

This is why she seems to be acting like she maybe knows what she is saying sometimes.

When she is NOT scripted and speaks her own mind, she sounds like an idiot.

This is why she sometimes seems fluent and other times sounds like she is a total moron!

Ocasio Cortez is only a FAKE FRAUD and not a real congress woman who has the ability
to be coherent in her thought process.

Now the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ENIGMA has been exposed and explained.

I urge all Americans to watch Ocasio Cortez Enigma Explained And Exposed

The democratic party is afraid of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez only because they are afraid that other puppet radical candidates will be running against them in their congressional primarys in the future if they are not as radical as Ocasio Cortez.

The justice democrats goal is to remove democrats in congress who are not total radical socialist communists!

None of Alexandria Ocasio Cotez's tweets or speeches are her own.

All her tweets and speeches are scripted by the justice democrats, a radial socialist communist organization that seeks to remove all those who are not communists.

This video about Alexandria Cortez is a total eye opener.

She is an attractive female whose thoughts and actions are scripted to deceive voters.

Her tweets and speeches are not her own.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a creation of social media by the justice democrats.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez  can be compared to a person who is in the media that reads scripted news and is attractive to look at but without the script is DUMB AS DIRT!

She gets attention because she is attractive.

Her agenda is the agenda of the justice democrats.

She is only an actress in the role of a congress woman.

She is an empty shell, like obama but much worse.

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