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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Herouni Antenna Disproves The Big Bang Theory!

The Herouni Antenna - The Death of the Big Bang!

I have read several different articles on different websites indicating that Cosmic Microwave Background data (CMB) is reliable  and accurate information.

The truth is the original CMB data is not correct nor has there been any successful prediction of the existance of cosmic background  radiation.

I agree that the CMB does not confirm the big bang theory in any way.

Please pass the following information below to creation scientists and others for their conclusions.

The Herouni Antenna - The Death of the Big Bang!

Key paper relative to the self noise at 8mm: P. Herouni, Measured Parameters of Large

Antenna of ROT-54/2.6 Tell about Absence of Big Bang Journal of Astrophysics: Reports. —

National Academy of Sciences of Armenia 2007, v. 107, no. 1. 73-78.     Herouni Measured Parameters

The Herouni Antenna - The Death Of The Big Bang!   (YouTube Video)

The above link explains why it is incorrect to assume that secular scientists are correct about a successful prediction of the existance of a cosmic background radiation (CMB) measurment.

The originial measurment was flawed because it did not take into account that their CMB signal was subject to defracted signal from the nearby ocean.

Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson did not account for defraction of the signals into the horn of the antenna. (Nearby ocean signals were actually what their CMB conclusion was based on.)

All of these years people have been tricked into thinking there was a CMB that had been measured.

This includes Creation scientists who only relied on this false data. NO CMB has been verified.

This means there is NO Cosmic Microwave Background Noise that has been measured that was not just defracted signals from the ocean.

How can this have been missed by PHD scientists who should have know better?

The R.H. Dicke, P.J.E. Peebles, P.J. Roll, D.T. Wilkinson Cosmic Blackbody Radion Astrophys

J. Letters 1965, V. 142, 414-419

These secular scientists claimed the big bang temperature was real and not simply apparent.

They did not correctly observe the laws of thermodynamics.

Also their claim of verification by the COBE satellite, additional ground based antennas, rockets and balloons were also subject to a defracted signal from the ocean.

The Planck satellite should have been able to meausre the monopole but it never reported such a finding.

The original CMB measurement by Penzias and Wilson has never been confirmed at a physical distance away from the earth.

Please note:

Professor Paris Herouni Antenna has a self noise of 2.6 kelvin at 8mm wavelength. This left no room for a CMB noise signal from the sky as claimed by Penzias and Wilson.

His data was sent to 10 of the worlds top labs and they were asked to highlight potential errors in his measurements.

None of them replied. They was no error.

Professor Herouni was an expert in radio engineering and knew how to meaure antenna noise.

Professor Herouni waited for 10 years for an answer before publishing his first data about self noises of radio antennas.

His paper was published:

Self Noises Of Radio - Optical Telescope

ROT-54/2.6 Antenna

Journal Of Applied Electromagnetism, Athens, 1999, V.2, No. 1, 51-57

The bottom line is this:

There has never been a successful prediction of the existance of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation!

Any conclusions by secular or creation scientists who assume there was a successful prediction of the existance of a CMB are incorrect.

Antenna noise generated by the ocean does NOT confirm the existance of Cosmic Background Radiation.

There is a need to refute secular scientists who claim the existance of CMB by refuting the original premise that there exists a successful prediction of CMB.

Conclusions that there are features within the CMB that are completely contrary to the big bang theory are correct.

The problem is that the CMB claim is false and incorrect to begin with.     Herouni Measured Parameters

The Herouni Antenna - The Death Of The Big Bang!   (YouTube Video)

In 1963, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were studying faint microwave signals from the Milky Way galaxy.

They found mysterious noise of an unknown origin. (IE nearby ocean defraction into their antenna but they didn't realize this flaw.)

At first, the noise was thought to be interference caused by pigeon droppings on the antenna equipment.

Pigeons were trapped and dung was cleaned from the anteanna.

Ultimately Penzias and Wilson realized that the noise was an signal.

The problem is Pendias and Wilson thought they had found a CMB signal but what they really had found was only a defracted signals from the nearby ocean.

They published their findings claiming they had found a Cosmic Background Signal.

Pigeon droppings could have been more accurate than the ocean refrated signals they found and published as CMB microwave radiation.

The flawed Pendias and Wilson CMB data has been used to prop up the big bang theory for years by secular scientists and those who deny that God Created The heavens and earth.

Creation scientists have accepted this flawed data as fact and refuted it in by saying it was not uniform in the universe.

Creation scientists should also have refuted the orginal flawed CMB data as being worth no more than pigeon droppings on an antenna that picked up refracted signal from the nearby ocean!  :)

The  cosmic background radiation hoax continues as does the evolution and global warming hoax.   (KJV Bible Online)

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