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Monday, October 15, 2018

Liberal Democrates Are Addicts

An addict will do anything to get the next "hit".
They will lie, cheat, steal or sell their own mother.

All an addict cares about is getting the next "hit".
They don't care about themselves, only the next "hit"

For the liberal mob is all about getting the next "hit" or fix.

The liberal mob gets a "hit" or "fix" every time there is an opportunity to lie about President Trump on the news.

The liberal mob is a group of addicts addicted to their liberal views of President Trump.

An addict's actions are not logical and seem to not make sense.

To them the most important thing is getting a "hit" or fix for their addiction.

So when you see the angry mob of liberal democrates in the news you can be sure all they want is another "hit" or fix.

This hit or fix can also be in the form of fake news reports.

The liberal mob includes the news media that reports fake news manufactured by their fellow addicts who lie, cheat, steal and would even sell their own mother for a "hit" or fix  pushing lies about President Trump.

Until the above mentioned addicts go into a "dextox" center like Rush Limbaugh's
Talk show or website they will just continue to be liberal addicts.

They will continue to only think of the next "hit" piece on President Trump.

Addicts don't care about themselves or anyone else, only the next "hit" or fix.

This is what conservatives face in the media, which also is just another angry mob of addicts looking for a "hit" or fix. This is what republicans who support Presidnet Trump face also.

The liberal mob is a dangerous addicted mob who will do or say anything. They become violent when they need a fix. They advocate violence to reach their goals.

I suggest dealing with the liberal mob as addicts and remember they are sick and only want a fix.

When confronted with violence defend yourself as necessary.

Remember you can't convince a drunk when drinking to stop drinking and so it is with the liberal mob.

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