*IBD/TIPP: TRUMP +1 ...10/19/2016
*Was most accurate in 2012..2008..2004
IBD Poll daily updates will continue until the election.
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Trump Leads Clinton By 1 Point Going Into Debate — IBD/TIPP Poll
After more than a week of blistering attacks from Democrats, celebrities and the press, Donald Trump has managed to pull ahead of Hillary Clinton by a 1.3 percentage point margin — 41.3% to 40% — in a four-way matchup, according to the new IBD/TIPP poll released today.
Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson got 7.6% and Green Party candidate Jill Stein got 5.5%. The results are the first in the IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll. Daily updates start Thursday 10/20/2016 and will continue until the election.
From the results, it looks as if Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are drawing more support away from Clinton than Trump.
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The IBD/TIPP poll previously was monitoring support for the candidates in the 2016 election on a monthly basis. The new 10/19/16 poll results are Trump's best showing in months. The poll also found that in a two-way matchup, Clinton is up by 3 points — 43.6% to 40.6% — which represents a slight gain from September, when Clinton was ahead 44% to 43%.
More independents support Trump. This is very significant and will determine who wins the election.
Independents TRUMP 45% Hillary 26%
The ONLY way hillary clinton can win the election is to steal the election through voter fraud and deception. Hillary will try I am sure.
For daily updates until the election and full details, including demographic breakdowns of results (Cick Here)
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