Donald Trump said during a Pennsylvania rally that Bernie Sanders 'made a deal with the devil' by agreeing to endorse Hillary Clinton last week
'She's the devil!' he boomed.
Dr. Ben Carson said during the Republican National Convention that Hillary Clinton's mentor Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer.
'SHE'S THE DEVIL!': Donald Trump went all-in on Monday night,Aug 1, 2016, as he said that when Bernie Sanders made an endorsement 'deal with the devil,' Hillary Clinton was the Satan figure.
Trump has hinted at the insult before, saying Friday in Colorado that 'Bernie blew it. He sold his soul to the devil. He did.'
The Daily Mail

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If you repeat what the national news media parrots to you without taking the time to sift through the smoke and mirrors of deception just consider yourself a parrot that has no cognitive thinking.
Some of the "news" is worth repeating. It is not totally worthless but it like picking seeds out of a watermelon to get to the meat of the story. Train yourself to say something other than the gossip of the "state run national news media", "polly want a cracker" talking points, twisting of the facts or something made up out of thin air.
For Instance: Millions who downloaded the new Pokémon Go app
unknowingly granted Pokémon Go permission to fully access
their Google accounts. Don't Get The Pokemon Go app!
This app dosn't need to hack your accout to know everything about you when
you give them complete permission to view everything you have on Google! Pokeman is playing you.
Watch out: if you’re using your Google Account to sign into Pokémon Go on iOS, you may have allowed the developers at Niantic to have access to your e-mail, documents, and anything else attached to that account.Unlike other applications that link to Google, which typically ask for your basic account info, Pokémon Go gets full access to your entire account. (Niantic says they are working on a fix. In the mean time they have COMPLETE access to everything you have on google.)
The app gives no warning and does not request this access—it just takes, like a Pokémon trainer in the wild. Don't play Pokemon Go or Go with hillary.
parrot news report dot com
pokemon, Pokemon Go app
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