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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Doctrines were changed in modern versions of the bible

Doctrines were changed in modern versions of the bible.

Doctrines HAVE to be affected by wording. For example, when you get.. have you ever gotten a notice from the telephone company, or from your cable TV person, or from your credit card people. Or when you agree to download a piece of software. Or when Apple gives you an update. Or any of those things. And then there's this big, long thing that says, "I have read, and ...." And then you go [click] "I agree." Wow. You have no idea about all the things you just agreed to. And by the way, those things, everything in that document means something. They're not there just for fill. And that's why it's in small print. Because if it was in big print, you probably wouldn't do it, because it would be page after page after page. But it's there for a reason. Because words mean something.

And you change the words, you change the doctrine. You change what's taught. You change what's believed.

One of the things that we constantly hear, and it's written in books, is that "Sure, there are differences in the words, and yeah, the text is different, too, but not one cardinal doctrine of the faith has been changed by the modern versions."

You know, some people like to say, "Well, there are plenty of verses that teach the Trinity, the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost being one God. You don't need 1 John 5:7."

You know, there's a guy with the last name of Russell. Charles Taze Russell. He was going to a Bible study, and he got hold of an English Revised Version. I found the "Zion's Watchtower" (1882) I downloaded it. I found it online and read it for myself, and he actually tells what happened. He was reading the Revised Version, and he thought, Oh, the scholars say that 1 John 5:7 doesn't belong. See, I always thought that Jesus Christ wasn't God.

And he influenced thousands upon thousands of people, across continents, to stop believing in Jesus Christ as God the Son.

How about an entire religion, or cult, was created because of it?


1 Timothy 3:16, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh...."

I can just stop right there. God was manifest in the flesh! Now if you get out one of the ones that comes from Egypt, an Alexandrian-type text, it'll just say, "He appeared in a body," like the New International Version says.

What about the New American Standard?

It doesn't matter. All of them, they all say the same thing. Or "He was manifest" or "Who," because the Alexandrian word is "who." Because what they did is, they took a single line out. By taking a single line out of the letter Theta, which is short for God, they made the letter an Omicron --and with the Sigma at the end of it made it "who": "who is manifest in the flesh."

Now you say, "Well, the CEV, NLT & LB even say, 'Christ was manifested in the flesh.'" Wonderful, but that's not the point of this verse.

What is "the mystery of godliness"? That God was manifest in the flesh. It's definitely not that He appeared in a body. Because you appeared in a body, Jack appeared in a body, and I appeared in a body. And that didn't do anything for the salvation of the universe, did it?

No, God was manifest in the flesh. But if you say, "Christ was," there's no manuscript on earth that says "Christ was manifest in the flesh." The fact is, the preserved manuscripts say that God was manifest in the flesh.

And that is an important doctrine. Because there are only a couple of places that say those words like that. And all you have to do is take out one.

And then they go, and they say "Oh, it's right-- Oh, wait. It's not there after all. Okay, alright, it's still over here..." Well, the next version may not have it there, either. They'll change the words just a little bit, and pretty soon you'll be where we are today!

"I don't think Jesus was anything other than a good man. I don't think he was really God." And their Bible pretty much agrees with them.

Is that what we are presenting to people today? So we've gone into saying, "I am enhancing my Christianity and the Christianity of others, by giving them a Bible that lets them doubt that Jesus Christ is God, doubt that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one God, doubt that you're really going to go to heaven or to hell when you die, doubt that there are angels and devils, doubt that there is a Satan, doubt that you are saved without works, by grace, through faith. Not like that's important.

Just because every other religion on the face of the earth teaches there's works you must do to be saved... And only in the gospel do you have that without works, by faith in what Christ did for you --because one person's gonna pay for the crime. It's the perpetrator or somebody else. But when it's paid for, that's done. It's a paid-for event. Well, Jesus came, completely sinless, and paid for our crime for us .

He'll pay it, or we'll pay it. It's just a matter of who pays. If you teach a gospel of works from your Bible, then you're just like every other religion on the face of the earth.

But if you have God's holy words, you will realize that salvation is by grace through faith. And that's it. Because He paid for it, for you. You have to trust what someone else did, for you.

If you're sitting in a prison, and somebody walks up with a pardon, and you're sitting there with your arms crossed, and he's saying, "Here's a pardon from the Governor--you can go free!" And you sit there, going "I refuse to accept that document." Well then, guess what? You're gonna stay in that prison. And you're gonna finish your sentence. You can do it by your own will --literally.

All you have to do is accept the free gift, and you're a free man. Don't give them a Bible that tells them, "You're not free!"

Moreover, if Jesus Christ is not God, then, assuming He died for someone, that would just be "a life for a life."

And secondly, if He's not sinless, then how could He pay the price for somebody else's sins? So He not only has to be sinless, He has to be God. His blood has to be of eternal, universal value --the most valuable thing ever. His blood is sufficient to pay for ALL of my sins. He died for the whole world.

Well, maybe, perchance, somebody can give his life for another. But how can One give His blood, shed His blood as an atonement for many? Only if that One, first of all, is sinless Himself, innocent. And secondly, if that Person has eternal value. This means that the deity of Jesus Christ is critical to everything that we believe. (KJV) Bible

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