Chicken Slaughtered, Raised In China Could Pose Major Risk
CBS NewYork)
Chicken from China has officials on alert.
As WCBS 880’s Jim Smith reported Sunday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture only allowed chickens that had been processed in China to be sold in the U.S. Now, he said the USDA plans to green-light poultry raised and slaughtered in China.
China has a terrible record on health safety, and chickens are one of the things that need the most care and inspections,” he said.
China has been a massive source of food poisoning here in America for years.
A USDA report to Congress indicated aspects of the Chinese slaughter system to be equivalent to that of the U.S.
Rhode Island Red hen rapidly developed a strange walk. She walks very upright and her ankles stay straight, imagine a chicken "goosestepping." She is eating well, alert, and moving around. I don't know if she was injured of if this is some disease.
Have a roo that walks like that and his feet seem to be sore.image They also look a little reddish in between. Could this be a staph infection? Could be mites also.
You need to look at the feet good to see what they look like. Look for any scales that may be turned up and make sure they are clean. If they are turned up then it could be mites and rubbing the feet good with something to smoother the mites is what you need to do. I perfer soaking the feet and legs in mineral oil for 4-5 minutes but any petro jell will work also.
(If china starts to sell their gooooose stepping chickens here in the U.S. I am going to only purchase local grown non goose stepping chicken to eat. You know those chicken macnuggets etc will be from china.) Story Reports
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