Mandella signed off on the deaths of innocent people.
Mandella signed off on the deaths of innocent people
Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. At his trial, he had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilising terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists.
Here are some highlights
-Church Street West, Pretoria, on the 20 May 1983
-Amanzimtoti Shopping complex KZN, 23 December 1985
-Krugersdorp Magistrate’s Court, 17 March 1988
-Durban Pick ‘n Pay shopping complex, 1 September 1986
-Pretoria Sterland movie complex 16 April 1988 – limpet mine killed ANC terrorist M O Maponya instead
-Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court, 20 May 1987
-Roodepoort Standard Bank 3 June, 1988
Tellingly, not only did Mandela refuse to renounce violence, Amnesty refused to take his case stating “[the] movement recorded that it could not give the name of ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ to anyone associated with violence, even though as in ‘conventional warfare’ a degree of restraint may be exercised.”
Research by a British historian, Professor Stephen Ellis, has unearthed fresh evidence that during his early years as an activist, Mr Mandela did hold senior rank in the South African Communist Party, or SACP.
His book also provides fresh detail on how the ANC’s military wing had bomb-making lessons from the IRA, and intelligence training from the East German Stasi, which it used to carry out brutal interrogations of suspected “spies” at secret prison camps.
Stalin had his own death camps, Fidel Castro was a butcher and Che had all the morals of a sewer rat. And Mandela was a fitting member of their company and alliance.
Mr Mandela joined the ANC in 1944, when its leadership still opposed armed struggle against the apartheid state. However, by the early 1950s he become personally convinced that a guerrilla war was inevitable, a view confirmed by the Sharpeville Massacre in March 1960, when police in a Transvaal township opened fire on black demonstrators, killing 69 people.
But while other ANC leaders also came round to his way of thinking after Sharpeville, the group still had no access to weaponry or financial support. Instead, says Prof Ellis, Mr Mandela looked for help from the Communists, with whom he already had close contacts due to their shared opposition to apartheid.
So reading between the whitewashing, a senior Communist in South Africa turned the ANC into an armed terrorist group.
In the months after Sharpeville, Communist party members secretly visited Beijing and Moscow, where they got assurances of support for their own guerrilla campaign. In conjunction with a number of leading ANC members, they set up a new, nominally independent military organisation, known as Umkhonto we Sizwe or Spear of the Nation. With Mr Mandela as its commander, Umkhonto we Sizwe launched its first attacks on 16 December 1961.
(I have seen history white washed and rewritten many times. The real nelson mandela was a terrorist murderer. Now white land owners are killed at will and the press ignores the murders by blacks.) Story Reports
White Genocide in South Africa
White Genocide in South Africa
TV Alberts
I would kindly like to inform you about the ongoing white genocide in the Republic of South-Africa. Since 1994, the end of the so-called Apartheid, whites people, especially white farmers, have been subject to extremely brutal and racist murders. About 50 people on average are murdered in South-Africa per day, of which at least 20 of them are whites(95+ % black on white murder rate). Please take into consideration that white people make up only 9% (4 500 000) of the demographics in South-Africa and therefore the white murder rate in South-Africa is quite significant.
South Africa: Where Corruption, Rape and Murder Are Normal
The unthinkable is now reality.
White Genocide in South Africa
Nelson Mandela's legacy:
1. Over 50% black male unemployment;
2. Approximately 49% of black schoolgirls HIV positive;
3. Crime, rape and murder figures at record levels;
4. Since Nelson Mandela and the ANC took power, over 60,000 white South Africans have been murdered for being white;
5. Mandela and many other corrupt ANC officials all living in gated mansions with chauffeured Mercedes while ordinary black South Africans still live in crime-ridden shanty towns;
6. South African economy continually hitting new lows year after year due to cronyism and as white farmers are killed or chased from their farms;
7. Mandela's friend and current SA President, Jacob Zuma spent 17.7 million pounds ($28,931,004.00) upgrading his mansion, without a word of condemnation from 'saint' Mandela himself. In the same year Britain sent 19 million pounds in aid.
But the brainwashing by the Western mainstream media continues to turn this vile villain into a saint. If you're still in doubt, take a look at the pictures and videos...
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