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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Morpho Trust U.S.A. collects data about CWP Holders and sends it to federal agencies!

Department of Revenue spying on Missouri CCW Holders

Department of Revenue spying on Missouri CCW Holders

Jeremy LaFaver
MO House of Representatives
201 West Capitol Avenue
Room 116A-1
Jefferson City MO 65101

Re: Missouri government officials spying on citizens and selling private information

Mr. LaFaver:

I am alarmed to learn that the Missouri Department of Revenue routinely collects information on Missouri Residents who apply for a Carry Concealled Weapon permit (CCW). In Stoddard County, the Department of Revenue Office compiles data on Missouri Citizens and sends this data to a PRIVATE COMPANY, Morpho Trust U.S.A. Morpho Trust U.S.A. collects data for agencies of the federal government.

A judge has issued a temporary restraining order to stop this practice, but only after a lawsuit was filed by a private citizen of the State of Missouri.

Mr. LaFaver, what is going on in Jefferson City? What kind of illegal and unconstitutional crap is playing out down there? Did you know about this practice? How widespread is the practice of compiling data on Missouri gunowners in our state of Missouri? How long has this been going on? Mr. LaFaver, who benefits from this practice of spying on Missouri taxpayers, constituents, and VOTERS? Finally, what are you going to do about it?

Mr. LaFaver, please look into this TRAVESTY in our state and report to us the following:

1. what is going on?
2. what is the extent of this spying behavior?
3. does anyone in Missouri government disapprove of this spying?
4. who in Missouri government approves of this spying?
5. what is being done to stop spying on our citizens?
6. how much information was given to Morpho Trust U.S.A.
7. what is being paid for this information and who is collecting the payoff?
8. where is the money?

Please take action to punish those involved in this travesty of trust and to retrieve all information leaked on Missouri Citizens. Also please compile a list of names who were reported to Morpho and the feds, and inform the victims so that they can be aware that their trust has been abused and that their PRIVACY has been violated by the State of Missouri.

Sincerely yours,

Steve Graessle
8030 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64114


What is an IdentoGO Center?

IdentoGO Centers are locations where MorphoTrust and its partners offer electronic fingerprinting services in support of the many contracts we have with state and federal agencies, as well as many commercial businesses. Additionally, we’ve identified many new service offerings for our centers to provide added value and increased convenience to our customers.

What does my company need to become an IdentoGO Center?

Our customers include state and federal law enforcement agencies, teachers, youth sports workers and volunteers, child care workers, adoptive and foster parents, elder care and nursing home employees, insurance agents, real estate brokers, mortgage brokers, healthcare workers, security guards, airline and airport employees, concealed firearm permits, casino employees, and many others. For this reason, fingerprinting centers must maintain adequate staffing and all employees with access to fingerprint program information and equipment must pass a security assessment that includes credit, criminal, and drug screenings.


Federal Agency Solutions MorphoTrust USA can help.

Federal Agency Solutions

As demand for services expands and budgets continue to shrink, federal agencies are being asked to do more with less. Pre-employment standards are increasingly rigorous, requiring you to deploy comprehensive, interoperable systems for managing background checks, enrollment and credentialing of government personnel. Passports and visas must meet the highest security standards, beginning with quality enrollment document authentication procedures, and resulting in physical credentials that have the most advanced anti-fraud and anti-counterfeiting features available. Agencies also need to provide faster and more efficient customer service, so that citizens who are entitled to government services and benefits receive them in a manner that is expedient and convenient.

MorphoTrust USA can help.

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(Morpho Trust USA can't be trusted just as the federal government cannot. Morpho trust collects personal data on you and sends it to the federal government!!

Its not just concealed weapons permits, its state and federal law enforcement agencies, teachers, youth sports workers and volunteers, child care workers, adoptive and foster parents, elder care and nursing home employees, insurance agents, real estate brokers, mortgage brokers, healthcare workers, security guards, airline and airport employees, concealed firearm permits, casino employees, and many others.

Its a lie to say federal agencies are being asked to do more with less. Their budgets increase every year by law.

It would seem the federal government already has a NATIONAL GUN REGISTRY via morpho trus usa and you and I are paying for morpho to tell the feds everything about our personal business!!!)
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