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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Americans Must "Engage" IRS Aliens

Barack Obama is an illegal alien

William Shatner said he is “appalled” by the Internal Revenue Services’s spoof of “Star Trek” — the television show that made him famous for his portrayal of Captain James Kirk. “So I watched that IRS video. I am appalled at the utter waste of U.S. tax dollars,” Shatner tweeted Tuesday Morning.
(This is what the IRS uses to train agents to pick your pocket. "Back in Russia, I dreamed someday I'd be rich and famous," says one crew member in the parody.
"Me too," agrees another. "That's why I became a public servant." And the two fist bump. "The 2011 series was used to train 1,900 taxpayer assistance employees in approximately 400 locations across the United States. IRS aliens are what Americans deal with. The alien gestopo will learn things about you from twitter as they claim in the video. The federal government under the suni muslim barack husein obama is an alien organization Americans must engange. ie Merriam-Webster Definition of ENGAGE 6a : to enter into contest or battle with .)
Story Reports

Taxpayer money finances IRS "Star Trek" parody

Shatner ‘appalled’ by IRS ‘Trek’ spoof


Barack Obama is an illegal alien

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