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Friday, September 7, 2012

Obama Administration Admits You Can’t Keep Your Health Plan

(The obamacare death panel exists to kill off older Americans. It is real and will start to work in 2013. Also in 2013 obamacare has a built in "death panel" that will cause Americans to lose their group insurance coverage. Obama is making sure you either can't afford health insurance or can't get the medical care you need under obamacare through his death panel! Obamacare Death Panel) Story Reports

(Obama's death panel ie, ObamaCare Mandate Committee, requires insurance companies to provide total coverage with no deductable and services that don't get a passing grade from obama, obama government regulation will in effect mandate the death of millions of Americans.) Story Reports

Obamacare Death Panel Information YES IT IS REAL!

Obamacare puts employers with grandfathered plans in a box. If they make changes to their plans to control increasing costs, they will lose their grandfathered status. Alternatively, if they keep grandfathered status by not making changes, their plans will eventually become unaffordable, forcing them to give them up.

Either way, their employees will eventually lose their current coverage.

As more Americans lose their existing insurance, their new plan will be subjected to Obamacare’s overreaching regulations, mandates, and violations of religious liberty.

The federal registerfinal rules on grandfathered plans, which states that the “mid-range estimate is that 66 percent of small employer plans and 45 percent of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfather status by the end of 2013.” They also include high-end estimates that 80 percent of small employer plans and 64 percent for large employer plans will lose grandfathered status.

As more Americans lose their existing insurance, their new plan will be subjected to Obamacare’s overreaching regulations, mandates, and violations of religious liberty.


Obama Administration Admits You Can’t Keep Your Health Plan

Clint Eastwood

Obama Is ‘Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On The American People’

In an interview with a local California newspaper, Clint Eastwood said his Republican National Convention speech achieved exactly what he wanted it to. He then proceeded to label President Barack Obama a “hoax.”

“President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” Eastwood told The Pine Cone. “Romney and Ryan would do a much better job running the country, and that’s what everybody needs to know. I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.”

Obama Is ‘Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On The American People’

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