Small-game snares can be made from the interior strands of parachute cord, braided strands of sinew, or fishing line. Snares stout enough to secure game as large as deer need to be made of rawhide or parachute cord.
Ground Snare
Position the snare at head height and tie off the end to a tree, a stake in the ground, or a log that the animal can only drag a short distance as the noose tightens. Make snares from cord, fishing line, or wire if available.
Six Primitive Traps For Catching Food In The Woods Click on this link to see the other 5 snares and the entire article.
(This is another post in my quest to educate myself and others about surviving. The future looks like its going back to the 1930's and worse. Obama is doing everything he can to destroy the economy while telling you he is doing everything he can to create jobs and "stimulate" the economy.
The writing is on the wall. Today people depend on the local grocery store for food. Most don't depend on themselves but depend on the government. Back in the 1930's depression it was different more people had farms and knew how to survive. The people in the cities had to stand in long lines for food..any food.
Anybody can trap wild game. I think it does take patience and some practice.
My next blog will be on how to make a rabbit gum.
Oh you never heard of that? Its for catching rabbits to eat.) Story Reports
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