Private Attorney General discloses DOJ and DHS corruption to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA
The existence of valid credentials for Eric H. Holder, Jr. assumes facts not in evidence.
Eric Holder Jr is not and cannot be a duly authorized Attorney General of the United States, nor can he as such delegate any authority to any subordinates within DOJ.
Counterfeit OPM Standard Form 61 APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS are circulating widely among recently hired Federal "employees"; see 5 U.S.C. sections 2903, 2906 and 3331:
The "bootleg" form is a counterfeit because it lacks the OMB control number that is absolutely required by the Paperwork Reduction Act ("PRA"); it also lacks the paragraph at the bottom which cites 5 U.S.C. 2903 supra defining the persons who are authorized to administer Standard Form 61 ("SF-61"); in such cases, the Public Protection Clause of that PRA is rather explicit:
(b) The protection provided by this section may be raised in the form of a
complete defense, bar, or otherwise at any time
during the agency administrative process or judicial action applicable thereto.
(3) The SF-61 APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS for Eric H. Holder, Jr. are also fatally defective, for the same reasons:
The existence of valid credentials for Eric H. Holder, Jr.assumes facts not in evidence and, therefore, he is not and cannot be a duly authorized Attorney General of the United States, nor can he as such delegate any authority to any subordinates within DOJ.
Private Attorney General discloses DOJ and DHS corruption to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA
(Eric holder can't validate his credentials as attorney general. Obama can't validate his US citizenship. The supreme court validates unconstitutional law. The current congress, especially the senate does nothing to stop the fraud and corruption.
So what is the answer?
Vote a majority of republicans in the senate. Vote Romney in and hope he is not also a fraud. Pray that the new congress will vote to repeal obamacare. Pray that the new congress will appoint conservative supreme court nominees if given the chance.
I live in SC. The recent primary here was a sham. Almost all new candidates were taken off the ballot in every SC county because of a technicality in the filing process.
The filing process was followed by the new candidates but was found to be invalid leaving ONLY incumbents in many cases on the ballot to vote for.
South Carolina is also facing massive political corruption to in effect stuff the ballot box in novenber.
The incumbents in SC allowed this to happen to defraud the people of SC just like the supreme court has committed a fraud on the American people.
I again urge people to fly your flag upside down July 4th 2012 as a sign of distress.) Story Reports
Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10
As amended by P.L. 344, 94th Congress
Approved July 7, 1976
§ 176. Respect for flag: No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.
(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
As a result of the many traitors and enemies we as a free people have, both foreign and domestic, as a result of the many unconstitutional acts, legislation and atrocities passed and/or committed against US citizens and their life, liberty and property I am displaying my US flag upside down on July 4th 2012.
America is in dire distress and extreme danger to life property and LIBERTY because of the recent FRAUD supreme court ruling on obamacare.
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