Beverly Hall Got Awards For Her Teachers/Principals Cheating On Tests For The Last 10 Years.
Culminating a 10-month investigation, the report found widespread cheating in Atlanta schools and says Hall ignored a culture of cheating, cover-ups and obstruction that blossomed during her 12-year tenure.
There is real evidence in the report that Hall and her staff ignored or discredited bona fide complaints of cheating, especially when the allegations were about high-scoring schools that were winning accolades. The report shows a willful effort within APS to maintain the pretense that Hall was a miracle-worker.
The 800-page report names 178 educators, including 38 principals, as participants in cheating, including erasing and correcting mistakes on students’ answer sheets. It concentrates on, but was not limited to, state tests given in 2009.
More than 80 Atlanta Public School employees confessed. The investigators said they confirmed cheating in 44 of 56 schools they examined.
Culminating a 10-month investigation, the report found widespread cheating in Atlanta schools and says Hall ignored a culture of cheating, cover-ups and obstruction that blossomed during her 12-year tenure.
Incidentally, Ms. Hall was honored as the national superintendent of the year last year, and she's involved here in the cheating scandal. Liberals always elevate their failures.
Atlanta is being rocked by an education scandal so widespread that it almost defies imagination.
Restructuring American schools for global government via the UN The Dumming Down Of Public Schools
Dr. Beverly L. Hall is the 2006 recipient of the Richard R. Green Award.
Under the leadership of Dr. Hall, the district’s 15th appointed superintendent in 1999, APS is transforming into a “world-class” school system using nationally proven reform models, facility upgrades and business operations redesign. Since she became superintendent, APS has significantly closed the achievement gap with the State of Georgia, lowered the dropout rate significantly, greatly reduced the number of teacher vacancies.
She also is a member of the Teaching Commission, which develops specific policy recommendations to deal with the teaching crisis in America.
The award is given to an urban educator exemplifying the superior leadership principles for which he was renowned:
• Outstanding support and service to urban school
• Development of a special service or program in
support of urban school needs
• Ongoing significant contributions to urban
education through advocacy or programs
• Inspiration and motivation of others to contribute
to the success of urban school students
• Positive influence on program development,
staff or human development, community
support and student achievement.
(Beverly hall gets a wall full of awards for making sure Atlanta teachers and principals cheat on evaluation tests for the last ten years. Rush is RIGHT! Liberals always elevate their failures.
Diversity, Multiculturalism in the Classroom, ICE memos open another door to illegal alien amnesty-by-fiat etc. as all work to destroy the Sovereignty of the US and individual freedom. Obama is another GLOWING example of a LIBERAL failure!) Story Reports
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