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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Barack Hussein Obama — the man whose name means “crooked” – is juking toward Mecca

Barack Hussein Obama — the man whose name means “crooked” – is juking toward Mecca

Barack Hussein Obama — the man whose name means “crooked” – is juking toward Mecca

Tom Kovach

Although he started with considerable speed, like a sprinter from a starting block, and although some of us have been warning about it since before he even got the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 2008, it is only in recent weeks that the majority of Americans are willing to believe the now-more-than-obvious: Barack Hussein Obama — the man whose name means “crooked” – is juking toward Mecca. He has been from the beginning. And, he has been working from the beginning to take our country with him.

Just like any other seriously devout Muslim practicing taq’qiya, Obama has attempted, when possible, to mask his agenda as something else. Despite the jokes about his dependence upon teleprompters, even his most fervent critics agree that Obama is quite skilled in the use of coded speech.

Listen to internet radio with Andrea Shea King on Blog Talk Radio

Iran's president believes Allah has chosen him to prepare the world for the coming of an Islamic 'savior' called the Mahdi. Iran's president believes the islamic 'saviour' mahdi is barack hussein obama!

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