Why doesn't obama give the Hawaii DOH his consent to disclose his birth documentation?
Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it's against state law to release private documents, his office said today.
State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can't disclose an individual's birth documentation without a person's consent, Abercrombie spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said.
(Isn't it crazy to think Gov Abercrombie didn't know it was against Hawaii state law to release obama's "private documents"?
Is Gov Abercrombie so incompetent he didn't know he needed to get obama's permission to release the in question "private documents".
The press release by Gov Abercrombie would have you believe there are "private documents" related to obama's US citizenship.
I think all this talk from abercrombie was a PR stunt to plant the idea in people's minds that there are "private documents" in Hawaii that pertain to obama's US citizenship.
Hawaii's health director said in 2008 and 2009 that she had seen and verified Obama's original vital records.
She didn't say she had seen an original long form certificate of birth from an Hawaiian hospital.
Gov abercrombie read a letter that stated obama was born in an Hawaiian hospital but he nor the white house would confirm the letter was from obama.
Gov abercrombie read a FAKE fund raising letter.
Hawaii's health director said she had seen Obama's original vital records, which could be nothing more than an index record notation.
An index record only means there was a request to issue a birth certificate.
Obama's "private documents" seem to only be an index record notation.
An index record notation could have been generated when obama requested a short form "certification of live birth" from the state of Hawaii.
The bottom line is gov abercrombie has produced no evidence obama is a US citizen.
Obama is silent about releasing any "private documents" that could verify he is a US citizen.
Why doesn't obama give the Hawaii DOH his consent to disclose his birth documentation?
I believe the answer is the only "private documents" obama could disclose to document his US citizenship would only be an index record notation.
Obama truly is a NO RECORD and a FRAUD.
Obama has never claimed any of the 5 different forms of the colb online as his.
Obama as far as I know has never claimed to be a US citizen.
Obama has never offered to prove his US citizenship.
Why doesn't obama give the Hawaii DOH his consent to disclose his birth documentation?
This is what Americans should be asking obama in addition to where's the birth certificate.) Story Reports
Any online document that can't be verified is worthless.
Obama's online colb is worthless because it can't be verified as actual proof he was born in Hawaii and is a US citizen.
It contains NO hospital name that can be verified.
It contains NO doctor's name that can be verified.
It contains No signatures that can be verified.
Obama has never claimed the worthless online document that people say is proof he is a US citizen.
Don't you think that is proof he is not a US citizen?
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