As with every assassination and assassination attempt, there is an official story, and an unofficial story. This is the unofficial story.
The Bushy Knoll
On Monday, March 30, 1982, at about 2:00 p.m., Ronald Reagan left the Washington Hilton after giving a speech to the AFL-CIO.
Flanked by Secret Service agents, he was walking to his limousine when John Hinckley, Jr. surged forward, .22 pistol in hand, and opened fire. A bullet richocheted off the limousine and took Reagan down, but he lived. That's the official story.
One must wonder, then, why correspondent Judy Woodruff (now a CNN anchor), reporting for NBC News Special Reports immediately after the assassination attempt, insisted that at least one shot came from an overhang over Reagan's limousine.
Woodruff later reported that the shot came from a Secret Service agent who was stationed on the overhang, which researcher John Judge dubbed "the Bushy Knoll."
A Secret Service agent -- or someone disguised as an agent -- fired a shot? Seems too crazy to believe, right?
Then consider this: from the position that Hinckley was standing when he opened fire, he would have had to shoot through a car door to hit Reagan where he did. Hence, the "ricochet." Anyone remember Arlen Specter's "Magic Bullet Theory," which purported to explain the Kennedy assassination?
Both concepts, needless to say, rely on a gigantic amount of random chance and coincidence. And when a president is shot, random chance and coincidence become all-too-convenient excuses for what really happened.
If a sniper were positioned on the "Bushy Knoll," he would have had a clear shot at Reagan along the exact angle at which the bullet entered his body. So which makes more sense? That a lone nut like Hinckley, who fashioned every aspect of his life after his hero, Travis Bickle from Martin Scorcese's film Taxi Driver, got off not just a lucky shot, but a lucky ricochet?
Or that an accomplice, disguised as a Secret Service agent, with an unobstructed field of fire, landed the bullet that almost put George Bush in the Oval Office a few years early?
Hinckley's Evil Twin: Another Doppelganger
Every lone nut has a doppleganger. That's a law of nature, when it comes to assassination conspiracies. Hinckley's double was named Edward Richardson, who just happened to be a dead ringer for Hinckley himself.
Richardson traced Hinckley's path from Connecticut to Colorado, writing demented love letters to actress Jodie Foster, just like Hinckley. A week after Hinckley's infamous attack, Richardson was arrested in New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal with a .32 caliber revolver, after threatening the lives of both Reagan and Foster.
So both men were obsessed with the same actress from the same film. Both of them were intent on re-creating Travis Bickle's crazed assassination scheme from the movie Taxi Driver. They even looked a lot alike. What are the chances of two separate mentally unstable individuals, with so many exotic similarities, reaching critical mass at the same time?
Again, the whole scenario is a tremendous coincidence that makes the most outlandish conspiracy theory seem reasonable in comparison.
Yet the FBI, ever vigilant in the pursuit of a cover-up, issued a 3,000-page memo which supposedly proves that the "Reagan assassination plot" was a total fabrication.
Then there were the so-called "conspiracy papers" which were taken from Hinckley's cell at Butner Federal Penitentiary in North Carolina. The handwritten notes were confiscated by the guards against the protests of Hinckley's lawyer, who insisted that because the notes had been in one of the law firm's envelopes, they were protected by attorney-client privilege.
According to Hinckley's mother, the lawyer was afraid that the government would raise the "specter of a conspiracy" in court, which would be damaging to Hinckley's case.
It certainly might have been damaging to someone.
Spook in the White House
It is logical that if you want to find out who paid the trigger man in an assassination, you should look first at who benefited from the murder. In this case, you look at who would have benefited if Reagan had died.
All eyes on George Bush.
Here is the man who, as Director of the CIA, fronted the agency's public relations campaign during those strained years of the House Select Committee on Assassinations' investigation into the murders of JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. Bush's efforts at wooing Congress saved the CIA from a lot of penance over its unspeakable sins.
(It should also be noted that the members of the Bush and Hinckley families are old friends, both families having made big money in the Texas oil boom. In fact, Bush's son, Neil, was supposed to have dinner with Scott Hinckley, John Hinckley's brother, the evening that John went on his shooting rampage.)
But Bush's involvement in the CIA goes back a lot farther than that. While attending Yale University, Bush was initiated into an occult secret society/old boy's network called the Order of Skull and Bones. Part of his initiation was lying naked in a coffin and reciting the names of all his lovers.
As unsettling a mental image as this is, one must realize that the Order of Skull and Bones is stacked with America's ruling class, many of them having ties to the CIA and the intelligence community at large.
On November 23, 1963, J. Edgar Hoover wrote a memo regarding the briefing of a "Mr. George Bush" on the reaction of anti-Castro Cubans to the Kennedy assassination. The New York Times, which originally broke the story, reported a week later that -- whoops! -- the memo referred to a different George Bush altogether, and the whole thing could be written off to a silly mistaken identity.
Apparently, The New York Times didn't interview George William Bush, the man the CIA claims Hoover's memo was referring to. George William Bush says that in 1963, he was just a researcher who was never briefed by the FBI on anything, let alone a memo regarding anti-Castro Cubans reactions to the Kennedy assassination.
This points to another big coincidence. In 1961, Bush was Chief Executive Officer of Zapata Oil Company. He lived in Houston with his wife, Barbara. Also in 1961, there was a little unpleasantness in Cuba that we know as the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The operation's secret code name was Zapata. And two of the disguised U.S. Navy ships used to land troops during the invasion were christened Houston and Barbara.
By the way, George speaks fluent Spanish.
(The point is the government can and does control the "state run media". The propaganda is geared to control the US population. I guess you could say this is a form of "mind control" but not the same mind control jared loughner was talking about.
jared loughner:
“As soon as the teacher started going over the syllabus, he had this outburst out of nowhere, didn’t even raise his hand, and started asking the teacher some sort of weird questions about whether he believed in mind control.”
The CIA has used "mind control" experiments. Etc etc.
A sinister shrine reveals a chilling occult dimension in the mind of the deranged gunman accused of shooting a member of Congress and 19 others.
Hidden within a camouflage tent behind Jared Lee Loughner’s home sits an alarming altar with a skull sitting atop a pot filled with shriveled oranges.
A row of ceremonial candles and a bag of potting soil lay nearby, photos reveal.
Experts on Sunday said the elements are featured in the ceremonies of a number of occult groups.
Did jared loughner have his own form of "mind control?" or was he the victim of the CIA or other government agency form of "mind control?"
He listened to heavy metal music. This was part of his mind control.
There is NO evidence talk radio influenced him to murder people or that he even listend to talk radio. No evidence conservative speech influenced his actions. There is evidence the left wing radicals are trying to use this pot head to silence conservative Americans.
We report, you decide.
Was there an accomplice?
From reading about the strange story of Hinckley it is easy to see how it could happen again.) Story Reports
Left-wing Assassin, Jared Loughner, had an “Occult Alter” in his backyard
This entire jared loughner story smells. It smells like something is wrong. It smells like it was manufactured. It smells like a manufactured "crisis".
Its just to weird that the sheriff blames talk radio. Its just to much of a coincidence.
Bush's oil company was ZAPATA Off Shore Co. (which he named after a communist Mexican revolutionary who would invade towns and murder every man, woman and child. Bush also named an earlier oil company after Zapata, a questionable choice for a hero). The code name for the Bay of Pigs invasion was Operation ZAPATA! A former high-ranking Pentagon official, Col. Fletcher Prouty, was the man who secured two Navy ships for the operation. He has told of seeing the two ships repainted to non-Navy colors for the invasion. The ships were given the new names HOUSTON and BARBARA!
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