Lame Cherry
Obama Demon Eyes
Barack Obama eyes change from that vacant stare of a off dusky black, to a most hideous pool of complete blackness where the pupils disappear and all one sees is this huge black pair of eyes in which life disappears.
That is the photo on the right and compare it to the Fearless Fly photo which is his typical vacuous expression, and the far left expression which is linked to the Republican Congressman yelling out "YOU LIE", to which Obama has a hateful expression of shooting daggers from his eyes in return.
The photo on the right is the look obama gets around US Soldiers. This photo is from the West Point speech and there is a stunning clip from the State of the Union with Obama having his hand raised as he mounted the podium which ABC played in slow motion that just stunned a woman watching the speech by the creepy Obama .
THAT is the blow fly eye obama look. This is not the evil eye which Matt Drudge featured when Obama is showing condescending superiority for the sheep of his lot.
What this is, reminds me of a satanic eye. For if you peer into that cold, hatred, anti God emotion which that creature is, you find the look in Obama's eyes, who made a wishful pact for luck with hanuman the effeminate monkey demon of India which he carries a charm around with other necromance and earth based charms Obama rubs on for luck.
Demoniac people he gathers around hisself from Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Michelle Obama, pedophile Frank Marshall Davis and his current amoral ilk of Val-erie Jarrett to Rahm Emanuel. The look which Barack Obama manifests around the seats of American power and protection is one of death, and it is one he bathes in quite comfortably.
This is the look which Rush Limbaugh was speaking of by instinct he desired to have fail.
This force all of the Americans knew was fraud. It is a seducing spirit which felt good which a deluded American public and world audience were drawn to.
It is though the heart of Obama when his camouflage aura comes down and the real darkness in his sociopathic soul peeps out and flows back in to cuddle with the fused 10 year old Obama is due to his abandonment.
As the old saying goes, "Pictures do not lie". This is the real Obama hiding under Obama. The one with eyes of rapine in Mrs. Sarkozy, eyes of evil for Rush Limbaugh and eyes of death for American Soldiers.
The American "majority" elected a possessed psychotic in reflection of all the deceived obama supporters inhabiting America. The consensus of deceived obama supporters has led us all to the current demonic obama de·ba·cle. Story Reports

Its the same crazed, frenzy, deranged, demonic crescendo hitler used to enthrall the simple minded into a trance. Once in the trance obama embeded the themes of change and hope relying on the state run media to focus on his status as a 'black man" who needed to be given a chance, because America needed to atone for past injustices to blacks.
Obama's true goal is and was the destruction of the US economy via the Saul Alinsky, Cloward & Privin method of destroying the system from within. Retroactive retributions by regulations, unfunded mandates, obamacare and massive new taxes designed to make the system collapse. The obama Saul Alinsky, Cloward & Privin method of destroying the middle class and the economy. Story Reports
PALM BEACH, Fla. – With Halloween less than two weeks away, radio giant Rush Limbaugh took a brief moment today to say President Obama looks "demonic" in some wire-service photographs posted online at the Drudge Report.
"These pictures, they look demonic. And I don't say this lightly," Limbaugh said as he opened his program.
"It is strange that these pictures would be released ... it's very, very, very strange."
"An American president has never had facial expressions like this," Limbaugh said. "At least we've never seen photos of an American president with facial expressions like this."
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