Certificate of live birth states mcain was born in Colon Panama. It doesn't say he was born in a naval hospital at coco solo navel station as mccain claims.

John McCain: Citizen of Panama At BirthLeo Donofrio
The birth records from the Panama Department of Health do not contain the name of John Sidney McCain, III. Those records (in book form) are retained by the National Archives.
The omission cannot be dismissed as a simple, bureaucratic "snafu" for several reasons. The U.S. Naval Hospital at Coco Solo, Panama, could not have been the "birthplace" of JS McCain III, who was purportedly born in 1936. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s "Executive Order 8981 - Navy Hospital Area, Coco Solo, Canal Zone," was signed December 17, 1941. It authorized the creation of the base hospital boundaries entitled, "Boundary Map of Navy Hospital Area, Coco Solo, Canal Zone."
The land surveys for the hospital construction had been completed in May, 1941, nearly five years after the birth of JS McCain III. The base had no hospital in 1936, so McCain could not have been born on U.S. sovereign territory, even if the base was leased.
Mccain is also a FRAUD
According to the birth certificate and COLB of John McCain, McCain was born in Colon Hospital, city of Colon, Panama. While the BC states at the top that it is from the “Canal Zone”, the document also states that McCain was born in Colon Hospital, city of Colon. The city of Colon and the hospital were not in the Canal Zone.
Regardless, even if we analyze the issue by assuming McCain was born in the Canal Zone, Panama law states that McCain was a citizen of Panama at birth
Articles 8 and 9 of the Constitution of Panama state that all persons born in the “national territory” of Panama are citizens of Panama. Panama has always recognized the canal zone as Panama territory and has always considered those born in the Canal zone or at the Coco Solo base to be citizens of Panama. So McCain was definitely a citizen of Panama at birth.
According to Article 13 of the Panama Constitution, a person born in Panama does not lose his citizenship unless he explicitly or tacitly renounces it. McCain has never, as far as I know, acknowledged his Panama citizenship so I doubt that he has ever explicitly renounced the same.
The Panama Constitution unequivocally made John McCain a citizen of Panama at birth. If one is going to argue that Obama is not eligible to be President because he was British at birth – even if born in Hawaii – then we certainly must also argue that McCain, who was Panamanian at birth and who was born in national territory of Panama – is not eligible to be President either.
due to McCain having been born abroad, he is certainly not going to come forward and attempt to have Obama removed from office. In fact, McCain has supported Obama’s eligibility.
John McCain: Citizen of Panama At Birth
Obama is a FRAUD and Mccain is a FRAUD. America's rolled the dice but could not win with two LOSERS on the ballot in 2008.
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