Judge Lind denied Lt. Col. Terry Lakin discovery. She excluded all evidence about Obama's eligibility because revealing the documents might prove 'embarrassing' to Obama".
(It would prove much more than 'embarrassing' to "the fruit of selma" aka obama. If the one piece of evidence that could be presented in a court of law was examined to legally determine if it was valid it would reveal the DNC and the 110th congress validated a HOAX candidate for president.) Story Reports
Lt. Col. Terry Lakin challenged his military orders on the basis that Barack Obama has not documented his eligibility to be president under the Constitution's requirements.
The only document that has been released by obama is of NO LEGAL VALUE until it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and they rule the BC to be probative.
The unvalidated document, a certification of live birth posted on the web as a jpeg, is an amended colb that has been used by state DNC's and the national DNC to validate obama as qualified to be president.
STATE DNC's and the national DNC have committed FRAUD and should be investigated and convicted of FRAUD.
All the states relied on the local and national DNC to certify and verify obama as qualifed to be on the DNC ballot.
State prosecuters should call grand juries to indict state DNC officials that certified obama on the 2008 state ballots.
These democratic operatives have committed treason because they have certified the HOAX person calling himself obama.
Federal prosecuters should convene a grand jury to indict nancy pelosi and other DNC members for the FRAUD that has been committed.
LTC Lakin represents all Americans who know obama is a HOAX IMPOSTER president that has NEVER been validated as a US citizen.
If obama was a US citizen he would produce documentation of his American birth that could be verfied by Americans.
If obama was not a HOAX he would not have used millions of dollars to hide his true identity in state and federal courts.
Obama knows his oline colb is not worth the paper it is written on until it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and they rule the BC to be probative.
The first time a judge or grand jury requires his online colb to be presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person the IMPOSTER knows Probative evidence "seeks the truth" and will require him to provide EVIDNCE of his American citizenship.
(Yes it would be much more than 'embarrasing' to obama. The probative evidence, the certification of live birth, would require the court to rule if it was valid. The only way it could be verified as valid would be to seek the original and amended documents.
Obama can't afford for this to ever happen because if it did he would be seen as an imposter who posted a jpeg on the web that had no legal value that was never verified by the state and national DNC nor the 110th congress!) Story Reports
Obama failed to qualify on Jan 20, 2008 and is a FRAUD president.
"The fruit of selma" failed to qualify because the document that the states and national DNC relied upone to valided him as a US citizen is of NO LEGAL VALUE!
The 110th congress that validated the electorial votes can also be investigated for the crime of TREASON. Each and every member that kept silent or voted to admit the electorial votes is GUILITY of FRAUD because the members of congress DID NOT VALIDATE OBAMA'S US CITIZENSHIP.
Vice president cheney is especially guilty of TREASON because he failed to ask for any objections to the electorial votes as required.
The DNC never requested any of obama's records to validate his amended online colb which is of NO LEGAL VALUE until it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and they rule the BC to be probative.
This is why LTC is NOT GUILTY and should be given a medal for trying to expose the HOAX who calls himself obama that has no legal documentation that validates his Ameirican citizenship.
GOD bless you LTC Lakin for representing me and other Americans who know the truth that obama is a FRAUD.
(1) VP Dick Cheney did not follow 3 U.S.C. § 15 and failed to call for objections to be registered and resolved when the electorial votes were counted by the 110th congress.
(2) State and national DNC officals did not verify obama's US citizenship in the 2008 presidential election and relied only on the online colb released by obama that is of NO LEGAL VALUE until it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and they rule the BC to be probative .
(3) Obama was administered the second oath of office in SECRET with no audio or video recording of the oath.
Lt. Col Terry Lakin, whose only ‘crime’ is that he asked that his orders be verified as legal.
Standing with Lt. Col. Terry Lakin drkatesview
Judge Denise Lind, presiding over the Court Martial, denied LTC Lakin an opportunity for discovery and told him literally to ‘get another defense’. This decision is in my view reversible error as the Judge offered no legal reason why Obama’s records could not be retrieved except that they would be ‘embarassing’. Based on what knowledge, and what law, Col. Lind?
FT. MEADE, Md. – A sentence of dismissal and forfeiture of benefits as well as six months in confinement was announced this afternoon Dec 16, 2010 at the court martial for Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, the Army doctor who challenged his military orders on the basis that Barack Obama has not documented his eligibility to be president under the Constitution's requirements.
Lakin sought for months to find out whether Obama is a natural-born citizen, the constitutional requirement for an American to serve as president. Both military and civilian authorities were unwilling to answer the question.
(The natural born citizen question is of secondary importance to the primary non existing evidence of obama's US citizenship via his online "certification of live birth" which is of no legal value until it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and they rule the BC to be probative. Therefore the NON EXISTING EVIDENCE of obama's American citizenship is what congress and the DNC relied upon to certify obama as qualifed to be president.
In other words a worthless picture of a worthless piece of paper was used to defraud America in 2008.) Story Reports
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. This is the phrase that defines the "fruit of selma" aka barack obama.
Obama Records. Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing
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