250,000 homes are now being targeted every month by the Census Bureau with a survey demanding answers to over 70 privacy invading questions
250,000 homes are now being targeted every month by the Census Bureau and its corporate lackeys to comply, under threat of prosecution, with a survey demanding answers to over 70 privacy invading questions.
Questions, that as Congressman Ron Paul and others have pointed out, are none of the government's business.
This new program will cost taxpayers well over $150,000,000 a year and is envisioned by Census Bureau personnel as a permanent fixture to the new American police state. It was developed and implemented by unelected career bureaucrats at the Department of Commerce in close consultation with other government interests including but not limited to the Department of Justice, Health and Human Services and Homeland Security.
In addition, the Census Bureau relies heavily on strong support from corporate interests to collect, scan, archive, and conduct follow-up work related to surveys unwittingly filled out by individuals under the false pretense that their responses will be kept 'strictly confidential'.
Indeed, the Census Bureau and its contracted help will all tell you that your responses are protected by statute and any unauthorized disclosure is punishable by severe fines and prison time. What they don't tell you is that the number of 'authorized' disclosures is expansive and corporations and individuals working with the Census Bureau have unfettered access to your personal information while under contract with the Bureau.
You also won't find a list of individuals or organizations that have been prosecuted or sanctioned by the federal government for disclosing your personal information. After all, when the chief executive officer of the country can thumb his nose at the Constitution and federal statutes with impunity in order to spy on American citizens, it's no great leap of logic to realize so-called census privacy protections are in reality non-existent.
(The "fruit of selma" aka barry soetoro aka barack obama wants you and me to answer some 70 privacy invading questions.
The Census Bureau emphasizes that all questions must be answered. The ACS envelope arrives with a warning that a response is required by law. The form threatens a $100 fine for every question that goes unanswered, and a $500 fine for every question answered untruthfully.
In the end, however, the Census Bureau has no authority to enforce the laws that require the ACS be answered.
I want 'the fruit of selma" aka barack obama to answer JUST ONE QUESTION.
Why do your continue to hide your true identity behind a worthless piece of paper you have presented to the world as your "certification of live birth"?
The only document that has been released by obama is of NO LEGAL VALUE until it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and they rule the BC to be probative.
Congress can ask the above question to "the fruit of selma" aka barack obama.
If any court of law rules that the document presented by obama as his proof of US citizenship is provided as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and they rule the BC to be probative, obama knows the jig will be up and he will be exposed as a FRAUD.)Story Reports
While big business no doubt benefits from having as much information about citizens as possible, many citizens are unwilling to give away their right to privacy. Hence, many are refusing to return the ACS. This automatically results in an additional ACS form being sent, followed by a series of phone calls. In 21% of the cases, an unannounced, personal visit from a Census Bureau representative follows in a final attempt to get the ACS completed. Often more than one visit takes place.
In the end, however, the Census Bureau has no authority to enforce the laws that require the ACS be answered. The Census Bureau can press formal charges for non-compliance, but this is somewhat impractical given the number of ACS forms that are not returned, or returned incomplete. A lawsuit would likely draw media attention and a public outcry that would very probably bring an end to the ACS, or end mandatory compliance. As of early 2007, no legal action has been taken against anyone for refusing to answer the ACS.
Federal agencies are using the Census Bureau as their front for mandating responses to questions that individual agencies or departments aren't authorized to mandate from the general public on their own.
What authority does the Department of Commerce and the U.S. Census Bureau think they have to force sovereign individuals to lay bare their private lives to any federal bureaucrat or their contracted help with a clipboard and a badge (they haven't been issued guns...yet). What I found was more disturbing in some ways than the invasive questions on the survey itself.
It turns out the federal government considers all of us to be either defective, dependent or delinquent and Congress has specifically authorized the Department of Commerce to classify us accordingly. Don't believe me? Check out 13 U.S.C. 101:
13 USC 101
13 USC 101 - Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes; crime:
(a) The Secretary may collect decennially statistics relating—
(1) to the defective, dependent, and delinquent classes; and
(2) to crime, including judicial statistics pertaining thereto.
(b) The statistics authorized by subsection (a) of this section shall include information upon the following questions, namely: age, sex, color, nativity, parentage, literacy by race, color, nativity, and parentage, and such other questions relating to such subjects as the Secretary deems proper.
(c) In addition to the decennial collections authorized by subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the Secretary may compile and publish annually statistics relating to crime and to the defective, dependent, and delinquent classes.
(I consider "the fruit of selma" to be defective, dependent and deliquent. In addition I consider obama to be classified as "the fruit of selma". This "fruit" is spoiled and worthless.) Story Reports
When the Census Bureau field rep. comes knocking on your door in order to invade your families privacy, you may want to gently remind him of the principles associated with private property ownership and point him in the direction of the shortest path OFF your property. -Terry
The U.S. Census Bureau's
American Community Survey Interrogation
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