The man/child barry soetoro ponders and pouts after the Nov 2010 election. The IMPOSTER says he got a shellacking. No the FRAUD got his ass kicked.
Story Reports
Time for the investigations to start, so many illegal actions have been committed by the last corrupt congress and this president that they can't possibly bury and hide it all. Like Rush said, "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead".
What should the number one investigation be?
How did obama get on the ballot when he defined the term "natural born citizen" as being a child born to TWO American citizens at the time of birth.
Sen Res S511 2008 declares obama is a FRAUD because at his "birth" one of his parents was a Kenyan citizen! Obama is an illegal "president" and obama himself has admitted this fact in the S 511 resolution he cosponsored!
Text of S. Res. 511 [110th]: A resolution recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen
The US Constitution declares a president must be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! Obama is not.
Obama is an IMPOSTER!
BY Ohiogal
The quicker they subpeona, the better. Let's get this whole ball of wax out and melt it down. I'm tired of the posturing, the hiding, the duplicity. We just turned the tables on this corrupt Congress, and by default the Administration, so let's finish the job now that we have someone to speak for us. We need to truly clean out the swamp, something ex-speaker Pelosi vowed to do but never really did because it was political suicide. We have nothing to lose now but to examine it all, put light to the problems, and FIX THEM. Doing anything less than that is tatamount to denying the American people who voted to restore the balance of power, their reward. I'm not advocating a witch hunt, but for pity's sake, DEAL with the issues and expose them for what they are, so we can move past them!
GOP likely to urge Obama officials not to shred documents
GOP likely to urge Obama officials not to shred documents
By Jordy Yager and Bob Cusack
Republicans are likely to urge the Obama administration not to shred documents as they transition to the House majority.
Before the election, GOP officials on Capitol Hill privately discussed the issue but refrained from publicly tackling it, not wanting to assume what would happen on Election Day. Now that Republicans will control the House, the shredding matter will move front and center.
Republicans are expected to try to ensure that all records — on a range of issues — are kept intact.
(There is already a record intact...S 511 2008. How about starting with that record of obama FRAUD!!) Story Reports
Obama became a FRAUD the day he entered the presidential primaries because he had previously cosponsored and signed a resolution, S. RES. 511, 2008, stating a natural born citizen must be born of two US citizens at birth.
Obama says, "I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead"
Obama says, "I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead"
In Senate resolution 511 2008 obama agreed that Mccain was a natural born citizen.
Why did obama agree Mccain was a natural born citizen in S Res 511?
In S Res 511 it defines the phrase natural born citizen for Mccain.
"Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens"
"Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen'"
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 The Obama Birth Controversy by Todd Leventhal chief of the Misinformation Team for the U.S. Department of State Is Propaganda or The BO House Of Lies
Text of S. Res. 511 [110th]: A resolution recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen In this resolution obama defines the term natural born citizen and commits FRAUD the day he entered the presidential race. Obama is an unlawful president!
Lets hope the republicans don't turn out to be a bunch of woosies that compromise through bipartisanship and forget why the hell they were elected in the first place! Story Reports
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