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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

George H.W. Bush infused every federal department with the UN sustainable development principles, and they've been followed by all presidents since

Linkages between the UN, IUCN, WWF, WRI and federal agencies and environmental groups, from Dr. Coffman, “The Greening of America”

Sustainable Development has continued to evolve as that of protecting the world’s resources while its true agenda is to control the world’s resources.

Green Global Dictatorship: Regional Governance, UN Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, and the Wildlands Project

The “Greening of America” Notice more bicycle paths and lanes lately in your hometown? It puts a stealth face on the real intentions of your local government which is the implemtation of UN agenda 21 and the removal of your property rights and freedom.

Regional Governance is the method whereby would-be rulers intend to control every aspect of our lives. Without the full implementation of Regional Governance, their plan for world dominance cannot succeed…. (Governance, as opposed to Government, means “control by rules, restrictions, and regulations.”). In order to subvert the sovereignty of the United States and the individual states guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, a parallel and entirely unconstitutional governance structure, termed “Regional Government,” has been covertly established over the past half century

Agenda 21, the U.N.-sponsored environmental initiative was revealed at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992. Agenda 21 has three main goals: "1. Abolition of private property. 2. Education for global citizenship. 3. Control over human action."

Sen. Christopher Dodd is trying to leave us all another "gift" before he "retires". Dodd and his gay friend frank are also most responsible for the current economic mess America is in.

"The Livable Communities Act" is a name choosen for subversive legislation. It paints a nice face on a law that gives the UN ultimate control of your property and life.

The new law would create a new federal bureaucracy, the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, armed with some $4 billion in federal grants, to pressure local communities into a more "green" development agenda.

It can be traced back to the U.N., which at an Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 adopted Agenda 21, outlining the goal of having government control over people.

The program would have grants to underwrite local community planning efforts that direct actions toward a "sustainable development."

The term "sustainable development" is a term used by the UN. It means UN control of your property and life through subversive tactics.

The "greenies' that run around promoting a "clean green" bicycle UN environment are knowingly or unknowingly implementing local UN control of America.

Every American must know how the un is creating a shadow government to subvert US sovereignty through follwing the UN international maintenace property code and UN agenda 21.

Check Here to see if your city has sold out to the UN Many US cities have subverted your freedom.

Every American must know how the un is creating a shadow government to subvert US sovereignty through "sustainable development" in UN agenda 21. The environmental bible of world government.

ICLEI, now known as Local Governments for Sustainability is in the process of purging their website of United Nations references despite an abundant history of association. There are now over 600 cities and counties within the United States that have contracts with ICLEI.

Do you understand the UN is controlling your local government and not you when your city or county government officals allow the UN to dictate local maintenace property codes?

The Global Safety Cult and the Abolition of Private Property

The dodd "legislation" is promoted as an effort to fight traffic congestion, strip malls and ugly urban sprawl, and it would "encourage" local communities to create high-density population centers linked by mass transit networks.

Its called 'smart growth by the UN.' The UN and the stealth legislation rammed through congress paints a picture through terms that are deceptive. "smart growth" means UN control of your property and life.

It literally means they draw a circle around the community and say nothing will be developed outside of this wall. Land inside the wall goes up in price as shortages develop. You end up with highrises, with people living on the top floors, stores on bottom floors and offices in the middle. Humans wind up living in the sky. They never touch the ground or leave the building.

The Democrats are doing everything they can before they lose power in the next election. They're working on a plethora of environmental bills.

What makes the Dodd bill unique is they've mostly done this through executive orders or grant programs, but now this is the first time they've put together a federal bill to put this stuff in place.

There are numerous unpublicized consequences of the Livable Communities Act and similar "sustainable development" legislation. It's a "socialist trap.

The Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities would end up overseeing development in every community. They say it's voluntary, but it really isn't. The $4 billion in grants will be used by radical green groups, who helped write it, to force your city council to comply. If your city says no to the pressure to take the grant money, the radical greens will tell your citizens that their city officials are losing them millions of dollars that is owed to the community. Then, when the council caves into the pressure and takes the money, it will force compliance. That is not voluntary, it is blackmail.

Homeowners would end up paying exorbitant costs and losing control over their own homes. To get the money a community must meet environmental standards. That requires houses to be equipped with new roofs, new windows, and efficient appliances. They did this last year in Oakland. It costs an estimated $35,000 to make a house comply with the environmental regulations. They say homeowners can't sell their houses if they don't meet these standards.

It's the application of new technological breakthroughs to control people.

The legislation traces back to Agenda 21, the U.N.-sponsored environmental initiative revealed at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992.

Agenda 21 has three main goals: "1. Abolition of private property. 2. Education for global citizenship. 3. Control over human action."

Agenda 21 originated in the U.N. 178 nations have signed onto it, including the U.S. in 1992. It's not a treaty, it's a soft law agreement, so it doesn't require treaty ratification.

George H.W. Bush infused every federal department with sustainable development principles, and they've been followed by all three presidents since.

As globalism transitions from global to local (localism) we the people must be ever vigilant, well informed, and prepared to meet the globalists at the grassroots level, then become Vocal Local!

(Be aware of the fact that your local government working with the local environmental waco "greenies" are subverting your freedom and the US Constitution using UN agenda 21 and its goals for a one world government!!!) Story Reports

Every American must know how the UN is creating a shadow government to subvert US sovereignty

The Global Safety Cult and the Abolition of Private Property

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