Keep in mind william charles ayers was obama's employer and held his first fundraiser for political office in his house. A terrorist hires obama and raises funds for him. These funds helped to elect the FRAUD and domestic terrorist obama. Now the domestic terrorist obama is using the power of the federal government against the will of the American people. Obama and his fellow terrorist friends from chicago have an agenda. It is to destroy America.
Obama Is A Traitor An Enemy Of America
The enemy is "president" obama. A FRAUD who was elected through deception of the DNC.
The domestic enemies have dictated to Americans via obamacare.
Now obama is going to disarm America.
"The United States will pledge not to use nuclear weapons against most non-nuclear countries -- no matter what they use against us -- but will keep "all options" on the table for nations like North Korea and Iran, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday."
Gates said, "countries that don't have nuclear capabilities that are following the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Gates said they need not fear the United States' still-vast nuclear stockpile."
"The United States pledges not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against (those countries)," Gates said -- even in the case of a biological or chemical attack.
"I'm going to preserve all the tools that are necessary in order to make sure that the people are safe and secure," Obama told the Times.
(This is a bold face lie. Obama is disarming America. He is telling all terrorists even in the case of a biological or chemical attack the US will not use its nuclear weapons. A biological or chemical attack on America could kill millions yet obama is telling terrorists they have nothing to fear when it comes to nuclear weapons to deter the killing of possibly millions of Americans. How does this make American's feel safe and secure? It makes me feel like the "president " of the US is a terrorist dictator. The tool he is talking about using is the iron fist of the government against opposition to his radical dictatorship.) Story Reports
Gates on Tuesday also announced major changes in the positioning of nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). (Gates is a traitor also.)
"Our ICBMs are all targeted right now on the oceans, so that if, God forbid ... for the first time in 60 years there were an accidental launch, or a problem ... it would put a missile right into the middle of the ocean, rather than targeted on any country", Gates said.
(Does this make you sick like me? If the ICBM's were needed to defend Americans because of a russian or other country's missle attack obama has made sure America CANNOT RESPOND because he has decreed our military must point our missles toward the oceans and not potential enemies. Obama is exposing America to a first strike destruction of America.) Story Reports
Prior to this review, all ICBM's were pointed at potential targets, most of them in Eastern Europe. Obama's message is that the U.S. will abandon that Cold War mentality and holster its guns, rather than keep them pointed at a possible threat.
(You and I know obama would rip your gun from your side if he could and command you to point it at the ground if a potential murder or thief was about to blow you away. This is insane. Who else are you aware of thats insane. None other than satan.) Story Reports
Obama declared war on America! If you can't see this fact you to are the enemy also. The enemy that would destroy America through an elected dictatorship. I hope America can overcome the enemy within, obama and his fellow radicals. If obama allows his comrades to use biological or chemical weapons at specific targets he can then kill people who oppose him by letting his terrorist buddies do his dirty work. To obama it would be a cleansing or purging like hitler or stalin.
When I look at obama I see a manikin who mimics a human. I see a shell of a being that has no humanity toward people who oppose him in any way. I see a modern day manifestation of corruption and destruction. I see evil on display, barack hussein obama.
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