The state run media isn't reporting all the facts about barry. It seems barry has a drinking problem. Doctors tell Barack Obama to quit smoking and cut down on the booze.
The doctors also recommended "moderation of alcohol intake".
When a person is told to moderate his alcohol consumption, that tells me he's drinking too much. And I'm not the only one who interpreted the word "moderation" in that way.
How many beers a day would Obama need to be drinking before his doctor would recommend "moderation of alcohol intake"?
Interesting question.
Now, some could argue that moderation also could mean that he should increase his alcohol intake in order to get the optimal health benefits, but I highly doubt it. It's clear President Obama enjoys adult beverages from all pictures of him in various settings with some kind of adult beverage in his hand, whether it's a beer or a glass of wine at White House dinners and parties, which according to reports he has quite often.
We don't exactly know much President Obama is drinking, but the Mayo Clinic, a hospital system that President Obama praised for its ability to provide outstanding medical care while keeping health care costs down, says this about moderate drinking:
You've likely heard to drink in moderation, but what does that mean? And why is moderation important?
Moderate alcohol use seems to offer some health benefits, particularly for the heart. But too much alcohol raises the stakes, putting you at risk of adverse health consequences.
Whether you drink is up to you and your doctor. But here are some points on alcohol consumption to consider.
Benefits of moderation
Moderate drinking is defined as two drinks a day if you're a male 65 and younger, or one drink a day if you're a female or a male 66 and older. A drink is defined as 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled spirits.
So if the president's doctors recommended "moderation of alcohol intake" that signals he is drinking more than the maximum recommended two drinks a day, which in the long run can be detrimental instead of beneficial to his health. Now does that mean he's a drunk? Who knows.
One thing for sure he is "drunk" on power.
The inept way he speaks without a teleprompter is a telltale sign something is wrong.
Makes one question how much barry is drinking. He is drinking too much but how much?
Slow down barry, you can't drink away your troubles. Don't use the bottle to induce self esteem. Be a man. Grow up.
Walk like a man. Talk like a man. Get off the booze.
Doctors tell Barack Obama to quit smoking and cut down on the booze
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