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Sunday, March 28, 2010

The FRAUD and LIAR obama appoints craig becker to the National Labor Relations Board

The FRAUD and LIAR obama appoints craig becker to the National Labor Relations Board while Congress is in recess.

The FRAUD obama said:

"The United States Senate has the responsibility to approve or disapprove of my nominees. But if, in the interest of scoring political points, Republicans in the Senate refuse to exercise that responsibility, I must act in the interest of the American people and exercise my authority to fill these positions on an interim basis," he said in a written statement.

This is again a total lie.

All 41 Senate Republicans wrote Obama this week urging him not to use a recess appointment for Becker, a former top lawyer with Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO, whose nomination was rejected by the Senate last month, 52-43.

Becker's nomination was rejected by the senate 52 to 43. The republicans don't have the majority in the senate. It was republicans and democrates that rejected becker's nomination.

Obama is ruling against the will of the people. Becker's appointment is not in the interest of the American people it only in obama's interest to get another communist/socialist in the government.

"This recess appointment disregards the Senate's bipartisan rejection of Craig Becker's nomination to the NLRB," Chamber Vice President Randel Johnson said in a written statement.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also wrote Obama on behalf of 20 business groups that opposed Becker's nomination and decried the recess appointment.

"Overriding the will of the Senate and providing this special interest payback contradicts the president's claim to change the tone in Washington," he said. "The business community should be on red alert for radical changes that could significantly impair the ability of America's job creators to compete."

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