“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. “
~Abraham Lincoln
What Does Black Gold And NASA Have In Common?
Black gold or oil, $2.6 billion in tax incentives to oil and gas companies will be killed in obama budget. These tax incentives produce jobs and incourage the exploration for oil. Obama's purpose is to destroy the US economy so this is just another area of the economy obama can kill.
Most of that will hit local Houston companies, hitting a range of the business from drilling costs to well depletion, even repealing an oil and gas research program in favor of new energy research.
Not only does obama help destroy local business but he is hell bent on drivng the national economy into the ground through "green jobs" that are a farce.
Locally I hear ads for solar power. I decided to check out the large company. To produce 4 kwh power through solar it would cost me $26,000 with government rebates. Because my house is not facing south the solar power would not produce 4 kwh peak. The cost of solar power is not what obama would have you believe. America needs oil/gas and nuclear power.
Windmills and solar power are not cost effective. Obama knows this. Obama wants to push these so called alternative sources of power and promote the hoax that they are the answer to the "blobal warming HOAX.
In the mean time obama is destroying the US economy and promotes a HOAX.
This is what communists do. Spread the wealth around. Obama is trying to kill the oil and gas industry and spread the wealth around to his communist buddies in the radical communist environmental movement.
When obama was elected he was like "black gold" to some people. Today the value of obama "black gold" has fallen to ZERO.
Obama's budget proposal will contain no funding for the Constellation program, which was to send astronauts to the moon by 2020. Instead, NASA will be focused on terrestrial science, such as monitoring global warming.
This is why "black gold" is worthless. This is what obama was quoted as saying during his campaign to become the first elected HOAX president.
"I grew up on Star Trek," Obama said. "I believe in the final frontier."
But obama said he does not agree with the way the space program is now being run and thinks funding should be trimmed until the mission is clearer.
"NASA has lost focus and is no longer associated with inspiration," he said. "I don't think our kids are watching the space shuttle launches. It used to be a remarkable thing. It doesn't even pass for news anymore."
(Notice how obama is running down a real government agency that has produced real results. Obama hasn't produced anything but empty words from his teleprompter. This quote could have been about himself. Obama is not remarkable as a person except being a remarkable failure as president. He produces only outlines of ideas that are blueprints for failure. Everyday his empty propaganda doesn't pass for news anymore. The state run liberal media parrots obama's telepromter notes and many people believe the lies.) Story Reports
Obama is reportedly going to flatline NASA's budget when he releases his annual spending plan on Monday, effectively grounding the agency's Constellation program, which oversees human spaceflight.
The program needs about $3 billion in additional funding annually for the next five years to keep the International Space Station supplied and to create a new generation of spacecraft, according to a commission the president appointed last year.
Instead NASA will outsource space flight to other governments -- such as the Russians -- and private companies.
(Remember obama is a communist so why wouldn't he help his fellow communists?)
"It's going to be a huge negative impact on the economy, particularly aerospace," said Bret Silcox, associate director with the National Space Society, a leading space advocacy group.
The lack of funding is likely to hurt most in Florida, where three space shuttles would be retired, resulting in the loss of anywhere from 2,000 to 7,000 jobs, Silcox told FoxNews.com.
2 to 7,000 jobs are going to be axed. This is obama's way to "stimulate" the economy.
(NASA needs just 3 billion to continue their production of a great idea. Obama's budget is 3 trillion. This is in your face evidence obama is a successful failure. He is successful in destroying local jobs and driving the US economy into the ground through excessive spending. Instead of funding NASA, a government agency that actually produces something, he cuts NASA's budget and directs NASA to research the global warming HOAX. A prefect way to help spread the wealth around doing useless community organizing of statistics that are meaningless. Global warming is a HOAX that obama wants to use to regulate and tax Americans using the EPA.) Story Reports
Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, a member of the Science and Technology Committee whose district includes many NASA employees, said the proposal to cancel the Constellation program has broader implications than the planned return to the moon.
"Eliminating this vision for America's manned space program will put us even further behind in our plans to replace the Space Shuttle at a time when other nations are already challenging our preeminence in space," he said.
"Killing the Constellation program now would waste billions of dollars we have already invested and leave American astronauts dependent on the Russian space program for transportation to and from the International Space Station," he said.
(Obama knows how to waste money, he is a success in this area also. Obama is a wasteland of zero production and lost jobs are the result. Obama not only does not produce jobs he eliminates jobs. His sole purpose is the desturction of the US economy to spread the wealth around as he has said he will do. This is what communists do, spread the wealth around and create an economy controlled by the communist state. Obama is a liar who believes his own lies.) Story Reports
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