Leo Aka Neo
The film, "The Stimulus Matrix", describes the near future in which reality as perceived by humans is actually the "Obama Stimulus Matrix": a simulated reality created by the sentient liberal political machines in order to pacify and subdue the human population, while their bodies' heat and electrical activity are used as an tax source. Upon learning this, citizen lawyer "Leo" is drawn into a rebellion against the thug political Chicago machine, involving other people reading his blog "naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com" who have been freed from the "dream world" and into reality. The film contains many references to the cyberpunk and hacker subcultures; philosophical and religious ideas; and homages to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Hong Kong action cinema, Spaghetti Westerns, dystopian fiction, and Japanese animation.
The future is now. Reality as preceived by many is actually the "State Run Media" matrix. The "stimulus" or "matrix" is a simulated reality created by the sentient machine of ie, liberal politicians and the state run mass media, in order to pacify and subdue the American population, while their bodies heat and electrical activity are used as a tax base for future matrix or "stimulus" expansion. Upon learning this, citizen lawyer, "Leo" was drawn into a rebellion against the liberal machines, involving other people who have read "Leo's" blog and have been freed from the "dream world" into the reality of what a natural born citizen is and what obama is not.
Citizen lawyer Leo D. Donofrio leads a secret life as a poker player under the alias "Leo", and wishes to learn the answer to the question, "What is the Stimulus Matrix?" Cryptic messages appearing on his computer monitor and encounters with three sinister agents lead him to a group led by the mysterious underground hacker and blogger Mr X, a man who offers him the chance to learn the truth about the Stimulus Matrix: swallow a red pill and learn the truth or swallow a blue pill and return to the world as he knows it. Leo accepts by swallowing the offered red pill, and subsequently finds himself on a concert stage, his body connected by wires and tubes to a vast mechanical tower covered with identical pods. The connections are severed, and he is rescued by Mr X and taken aboard his yacht, the Nebuchadnezzar. Leo's neglected physical body is restored, and Mr X explains the situation.
Mr X informs Leo that the year is not 1999, but estimated to be closer to 2009, and that humanity is fighting a war against the thug liberal machine created in the early 21st century. The sky is not covered with greenhouse gases created by the humans in an attempt to cut off the machines' supply of solar power. Global warming is a myth created by the liberal machine to tap into the vast tax base of unsuspecting Americans. The liberal machines responded by using human beings as their tax source in conjunction with the "state Run Media" later taxing countless people in ways not imagined and harvesting their bioelectrical energy and body heat to produce a vast new tax base to fund obama socialism.
The world which Leo has inhabited since birth is the Obama Stimulus Matrix, an illusory simulated stimulus reality construct of the world as it was in 2009 developed by the thug liberal machine to keep the human population docile in their captivity and insure continued election by liberal socialists. Mr X and his crew are a group of free humans who blog and "unplug" others from the Stimulus Matrix and recruit them to their resistance against the machines. The "crew" produces various blogs and posts within the Matrix explaining that barack obama is not a natural born citizen but is a fraud. They are able to use their understanding of its nature to bend the laws of propaganda within the stimulus simulation, giving them superhuman abilities. Mr X believes that Leo is "the One", a man prophesied to end the fruad presidency of barack obama through his limitless control over the Matrix using bloggers to defeat liberal lies.
Leo is trained to become a leader of the blog group. A socket in the back of Neo's skull, formerly used to connect him to the Stimulus Matrix, allows knowledge to be uploaded directly into his mind. In this way, he learns numerous legal disciplines, and demonstrates his legal skills by sparring with Mr X in a virtual reality "construct" environment similar to the Stimulus Matrix, impressing the blog crew with his speed and knowlege. Further training introduces Leo to the key dangers in the Stimulus Matrix itself. Injuries suffered there are reflected in the real world; if he is killed in the Matrix, his physical body will also die. He is warned of the presence of IRS Agents, fast and powerful liberal sentient computer programs with the ability to take over the virtual body of anyone still directly connected to the Stimulus Matrix, whose purpose is to seek out and eliminate any threats to the stimulus simulation. Mr X is confident that once Leo fully understands his own abilities as "the One", barack obama will be no match for him.
The blog group enters the Stimulus Matrix and takes Leo to meet the Oracle, aka Sarah Palin, the woman who has predicted the eventual emergence of the One. She tells Leo that he has "the gift" of manipulating the Stimulus Matrix, but that he is waiting for something, possibly his next life. From her comments, Leo deduces that he is not the One. She adds that Mr X believes in Leo so blindly that he will sacrifice his life to save him.
Returning to the blog which serves as a safe "exit" from the Matrix, the group is ambushed by Agents and SWAT teams. Agent Smith corners Leo but Mr X pins him down and gives everyone the order to get out. Mr X allows himself to be captured so that Leo and the others can escape. They later learn that they were betrayed by a crew-member who preferred his old life of ignorance over the real world's hardships and therefore made a deal with the IRS Agents to give them Mr X in exchange for a permanent return to the Stimulus Matrix. The crew-member is defeated but not before his betrayal leads to the deaths of all crew-members except Leo, TerryK, Birther, and Mr X, who is imprisoned in a government building within the Stimulus Matrix. The IRS Agents attempt to gain information from him regarding access codes to the mainframe of blogspot.com, the unplugged humans’ subterranean refuge in the real world. Leo and TerryK return to the Stimulus Matrix and storm the building to rescue their leader. Leo becomes more confident and familiar with manipulating the Stimulus Matrix, ultimately dodging legal bullets fired at him by an IRS Agent. Mr X and TerryK use a subway station telephone to exit the Stimulus Matrix, but before Leo can leave, he is ambushed by Agent Smith. He stands his ground and eventually defeats Smith, but flees when the Agent possesses another government body.
As Leo runs through the city toward another blog exit, he is pursued by the IRS Agents while "Liberal Sentinel" machines converge on the blogspot.com position in the real world. Leo reaches an exit, but he is ambushed by Agent Smith and his blog is compromised. In the real world, TerryK whispers to Leo that she was told by the oracle that she would fall in love with "the One", implying that this is Leo. She refuses to accept his death and kisses him. Leo's heart beats again, and within the Stimulus Matrix, Leo revives; the IRS Agents shoot at him, but he writes in his blog and stops their fraud in mid-air. Leo is able to perceive the Stimulus Matrix as the streaming lines of earth green code it really is. Agent Smith makes a final attempt to kill him, but his blog comments are effortlessly blocked, and Leo destroys him. The other two IRS Agents flee, and Leo returns to the real world in time for blogspot.com's fact weapon to destroy the Liberal Sentinels that had already breached the conservative blog movement.
A short epilogue shows Leo back in the Matrix, writing blog comments promising that he will demonstrate to the people imprisoned in the Stimulus Matrix that "anything is possible". He hangs up the phone and deletes his blog naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com. Will Leo free the people from the Stimulus Matrix? Only if he can restore his deleted wordpress blog and inform the people they are living in a simulated reality called the "stimulus matrix" created by obama.
Citizen Quo has kept some of the code that is able to bend the laws of propaganda and he will use it to publish the code, "Quo Warranto", that can free people imprisoned in the obama stimulus matrix. This blog is a "red pill" that will free you from the stimulus matrix. It is a "safe exit" from the stimulus matrix of obama. When the "phone rings" answer it if you want to exit the stimulus matrix which is a simulated reality.
Leo or Neo was right. Quo Warranto can be used as a program to crash the simulated stimulus matrix obama has constructed with the help of his thugs from Chicago. Leo has "the gift" of manipulating the Matrix, but he is waiting for something, possibly his next life to file a Quo Warranto on behalf of himself or someone else.
Leo remember most people in the stimulus matrix don't know they are in a vitural reality stimulus construct. A fake politically correct environment used to manipulate unsuspecting US citizens into believing everything is ok so they will rely on the federal government for everything including healthcare.
Leo don't let the raven tell you "nevermore". Don't give up on America.
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