White House Lie: Claims President Obama Didn’t Know Pay Czar Would be Cutting Pay!
There is no one in the balloon or in control of the white house. This is what Obama wants you to believe. The zars are in control. Obama is telling America he is just a figurehead! The White House Claims Obama had no idea! The "balloon boy" Is Not In The Balloon! Its all fake and spin to deceive America.
White House Lie: Claims President Obama Didn’t Know Pay Czar Would be Cutting Pay! 10/22/9
Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg, -- Chief of Staff to diseased/deceased Senator TED KENNEDY and Lawyer who got rich off the 9-11 victims payoffs, plans to slash pay at 7 huge firms that took government bailouts…by as much as 90%! Now, the White House Claims Obama had no idea! “One official told Fox News that Feinberg from the start had the independent authority to work with companies and make such a call. Obama was never required to sign off before final decisions were made.”
Obama hired this man to slash corporate exec salaries. There’s no way he can claim now that he did not know this was going to happen! Slashing executive pay at companies that took taxpayer funded bailouts seems to make us feel good, however we have to remember that we are in new uncharted territory here. Government dictating pay does not happen in a capitalist society. It does not happen in free market capitalism. It is not permitted in the United States Constitution! No where does it give the President the authority to have czars or to limit the pay businesses offer.
This kind of thing only happens with fascist dictators and socialist or marxist governments. This is what happens when the media fails to properly vett a Presidential candidate. This is what happens when Conservative American voices are not heard or believed.
The majority of voting Americans chose Barack Hussein Obama (mmmm, mmmm, mmmm) as the nation’s first socialist president. His plans, his actions, his unconstitutional abuses of power must be stopped.
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