The website cited above has been suspended by barackobama.com. The screenshot is the original page, but the embedded links will no longer work. Anything under the ‘Organizing for America’ banner that is distributed en masse is accountable to those who run the President’s perpetual campaign. Obama's shadow follows in the form of barackobama.com
Obama's Dosmestic Terrorist Team Plants "roadside" lies on barackobama.com
This was not an ill-advised comment on a blog, but rather an organizing activity that used hateful language to describe the opposition. The President and his political advisors should immediately denounce this language and continue to remove it from their website. And they should immediately discontinue the use of the ‘Organizing for America’ website to remove any suspicion that the President shares these views.
Many Americans took off work and sacrificed family time this past August to attend congressional town halls, where they voiced opposition to a government-run overhaul of their personal health care choices. They hand painted signs, grabbed their children and drove to their local church or school gymnasium for valuable lessons in community organizing and democracy. While they lived the Rockwellian version of American discourse, they were called names, labeled as ‘too organized’ or “un-American”, and likened to mobs, Nazis and Fascists. And now President Obama’s team has designated September 11 as the day to liken conservatives to Al Qaeda terrorists.
President Obama’s campaign organization “Organizing for America” sent out a notice to its “grassroots” supporters. It asked them to wage a coordinated phone campaign for health care by calling their U.S. Senators on September 11 – also known as Patriot Day in honor of the thousands of Americans killed by Al Qaeda terrorists eight years ago. It goes on: “All 50 States are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.” Please read that again.
This type of irresponsible rhetoric can make dissent against the President seem dangerous. Down the road, the President could paint his detractors as nothing more than right-wing zealots bent on destroying his vision for the nation. Remember, these ‘zealots’ are not smuggling weapons, they’re smuggling poster board and markers. They’re not flying planes into buildings; they’re flying to see their parents for Thanksgiving.
Story Reports Comments Below
In the United States, acts of domestic terrorism are generally considered to be uncommon.
According to a memo produced by the FBI's Terrorist Research and Analytical Center in 1994, domestic terrorism was defined as "the unlawful use of force or violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
Obama uses unlawful "zars" and legislation against persons to intimidate or coerce the government and civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives. Obama and fellow members of congress propose,draft and make "laws" that subvert the US Constitution by "making laws" that ignore the US Constitution. Therefore Obama and all who disregard the US Constitution are domestic terrorists in the form of TRAITORS. Any law or executive order intended to subvert the US Constitution could be considered a domestic terrorist threat. Obama states that American are "domestic terrorists" when in fact Obama is a domestic terrorist and threatens Americans everyday with his domestic terrorist agenda to destroy the US Constitution through subversion as president.
Homeland "security" labels ordinary Americans as "domestic terrorists"
Are You a Domestic Terrorist? Quiz
-- Do you oppose abortion?
-- Are you against illegal immigration?
-- Did you vote for Ron Paul last year?
-- Do you believe in conspiracy theories?
-- Still have a "Harry Browne for President" sticker on your car?
-- Are you a veteran of the armed forces?
-- Were you upset by Barack Obama's election to the presidency?
If you responded affirmatively to any--or all--of these questions, then you might be considered a domestic terrorist by the Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement agencies.
The report employs the word “rightwing” 50 times, and in nearly every instance (47 times) it is in the context of “rightwing extremism,” “rightwing extremist,” “rightwing terrorist,” or “rightwing terrorist and extremist.” Tellingly, the report doesn’t bother to define any of these politically charged terms, a major dereliction of due diligence in such an important matter. It is similarly shoddy in using terms favored by left-wing extremists to describe their opponents on the right, such as “antigovernment,” “hate-oriented,” “paranoid,” “dangerous,” and “violent.”
The closest the DHS report comes to offering a definition is this troubling description:
Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
Most Americans or individuals are dedicated to a single issue. This means the "US Government" considers American Citizens as "domestic terrorists".
Our own government considers US citizens "domestic terrorist" if they believe in a single issue. This is not insane. This is the obama administration using the force of the US government to SUBVERT THE US CONSTITUTION and FORCE RADICAL "legislation" desguised as "health care or climate change" on the domestic population. It is a conduit to seizing complete control of the US Government and becomming a dictator.
What is a domestic terrorist? Now we know. Who is the domestic terrorist in chief? Obama. Who is a LIAR? Obama. Who spoke the truth? Joe Wilson.
House Bill 3200 power grab
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