Notice how every youth "praises" obama by saying, because of obama over and over. The youth also recite obama lies about his obamacare health plan. This "plan" in reality is but a stepping stone to seize power as hitler did. Watching this video gives me chills.
Rick Warren Urges Followers To Emulate Hitler Youth. Rick Warren is one of many conduits obama uses to deceive the masses. This also sends chills through me. I know what these false teachers are doing. Deceiving and being decived.
"Serve America Act" (Obama/Hitler Youth Corps)
"Serve America Act" (Obama/Hitler Youth Corps)H R 1388 The Obama team is sending campaign volunteers to your neighborhoods to get residents to sign a "Pledge of Allegiance" to Obama's plans. This is similar to what hitler did.
What is disturbing about this bill is that is creates a "quasi" military civilian force. The bill provides that "Section 151 (42 U.S.C. 12611) is amended to read as follows:
‘‘SEC. 151. PURPOSE.
‘‘It is the purpose of this subtitle to authorize the operation of, and support for, residential and other service programs that combine the best practices of civilian service with the best aspects of military service, including leadership and team building, to meet national and community needs. The needs to be met under such programs include those needs related to—
‘‘(1) natural and other disasters;
‘‘(2) infrastructure improvement;
‘‘(3) environmental stewardship and conservation;
‘‘(4) energy conservation; and
‘‘(5) urban and rural development.’’
Obama like hitler starts creating his "youth corps" to not serve America but to serve obama in his quest to seize control of the USA.
The effective date of the bill is Oct. 1, 2009 and some $5.7 Billion of your money will be used to fund it initially for the first 5 years.
In the House, the bill was known as H.R. 1388 - the Orwellian-named "Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education" Act ("G.I.V.E." Act), but, the name was changed in the Senate to the "Sen. Ted Kennedy Serve America Act." As a compromise, the Senate stripped the "mandatory" provisions from the House version of this Bill, but, the "mandatory" provisions have already surfaced in a stand-alone bill, H.R. 1444, sponsored by "Baghdad Jim" McDermott (D-WA), to create a commission to study whether to make such "volunteer" service "Mandatory."
Sec. 1101.(16)of the bill provides that a purpose is to "increase public and private investment in nonprofit community organizations that are effectively addressing national and local challenges and encourage such organizations to replicate and expand successful initiatives." Hmmm... "non-profit community organizations effectively addressing local challenges..." - can you say ACORN, anyone?
The bill further provides that anyone participating in the program cannot teach religious instruction even while on weekends. The bill declares the following activities to be prohibited: "Sec. 1310... (7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of proselytization, consistent with section 132." On its face, this prohibition would extend to anyone participating in the program who might teach a Sunday School class, for example. "Engaging in any form of proselytization" is prohibited which means that a "volunteer" may not discuss God or Christ with anyone else for fear of being accused of "any form of proselytization."
What is further disturbing about this bill is that is creates a "quasi" military civilian force. The bill provides that "Section 151 (42 U.S.C. 12611) is amended to read as follows:
‘‘SEC. 151. PURPOSE.
‘‘It is the purpose of this subtitle to authorize the operation of, and support for, residential and other service programs that combine the best practices of civilian service with the best aspects of military service, including leadership and team building, to meet national and community needs. The needs to be met under such programs include those needs related to—
‘‘(1) natural and other disasters;
‘‘(2) infrastructure improvement;
‘‘(3) environmental stewardship and conservation;
‘‘(4) energy conservation; and
‘‘(5) urban and rural development.’’
The details are not worked out in this bill, but, rather regulations are left to be further developed to define the roles more clearly. The devil is in the details, for which regulations will be drafted by the chief administrator of this program. Remember, Obama previously stated he wanted a Civilian Service Corps with power equal to that of the military. By the time he is done with this bill, and the as-yet-unwritten regulations, that is the program that he will impose. Remember, too, that written regulations are not necessarily enforced - for example, ACORN is supposedly a non-partisan 501(c)(3) organization that does not endorse any candidate. Hah! This Youth Corps will become Obama's Youth Brigade. One of the purposes of the bill is to bring "disadvantaged youth" into this Youth Corps providing them with jobs. The Obama Youth Corps is coming to a neighborhood near you.
Another aspect of this bill is to "provide data collection for 'Civic Health Assessment." The question is, "Why would such a quasi military group collect such data?" Sec. 1608 of the bill provides, inter alia:
"SPONSORED DATA COLLECTION. —In identifying the civic
health indicators for the Civic Health Assessment, and
obtaining data for the Assessment, the partnership may sponsor
the collection of data for the Assessment or for the various
civic health indicators being considered for inclusion in the
Assessment, including indicators related to—
‘‘(A) volunteering and community service;
‘‘(B) voting and other forms of political and civic
‘‘(C) charitable giving;
‘‘(D) connecting to civic groups and faith-based
‘‘(E) interest in employment, and careers, in public
service in the nonprofit sector or government;
‘‘(F) understanding and obtaining knowledge of United
States history and government; and
‘‘(G) social enterprise and innovation.
the Bureau of the Census and the Commissioner of Labor
Statistics shall collect annually, to the extent practicable, data
to inform the Civic Health Assessment, and shall report data
from such collection to the partnership. In determining the
data to be collected, the Director and the Commissioner shall
examine privacy issues, response rates, and other relevant
‘‘(3) SOURCES OF DATA.—To obtain data for the Civic Health
Assessment, the partnership shall consider—
‘‘(A) data collected through public and private sources...". From what "private sources" would these "volunteers" be collecting data??
What is clear is that this bill is not merely an expansion in numbers volunteers of Americorps, but, rather, it is a sweeping broadening of a civilian para-military/community organizing force that Adolf Hitler could admire. And Obama accomplished this based upon only a smile, the smile of a false messiah. As you are reading this, the Obama team is sending campaign volunteers to your neighborhoods to get residents to sign a "Pledge of Allegiance" to Obama's plans, taking names and addresses of those who won't make the pledge. In that regard, Obama has told those Democrats who have wavered on supporting his budget that he is "keeping score" - Good ol' Chicago-style politics has come to the White House!
(This is an obama youth bill that will mirror obama. Hitler had a similar program as he worked to take complete control. Obama is a modern day hitler because he requires adoration of the youth in the form of a miliary/youth corps trained in his image to do his bidding. Obama will groom youth to obey him as the supreme ruler without question. Later i'm sure there will be an obama type of ss etc. Obama is a FRAUD and a hidden danger to all. He is a snake in the grass as was hitler.)
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