These two Puppet Masters manipulate the FRAUD obama though his teleprompter. He speaks what they wish. He moves as they move. He thinks as they think. David Axelrod makes the "dummy" obama come to life as "mr president"
The Obama campaign's chief strategist,David Axelrod, is a master of "Astroturfing" and has a second firm that shapes public opinion America this is the Puppet Master who speaks though obama. This is THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN! That moves the mouth of the FRAUD obama.
Obama: "I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking" Obama is saying the town hall protests are manufacuted anger created by the "folks" who created the "mess" the economy is in. Obama is blaming Americans for the "manufacured financial mess" the republicans and democrates created in congress. He is saying he wants Americans to SHUT UP and not "do a lot of talking" about him, the FRAUD, he who has created and maintained the "mess" we are currently in. Americans should scream, yell, spit at this fool called obama and tell him to go to hell! I won't shut up about the FRAUD obama! Why are you bringing a punching back twice as hard. It will not work. Obamacare is a death sentence to all must use it as the dictator commands. Obama and congress doesn't and won't use his own deathcare program and the sick Bas---d obama knows it. Obama is a liar. He is "dr death".
Trying to excite the crowd last night at a fundraiser for Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds in Tysons Corner, VA. Barry H. Obama made un-presidential remarks to which the crowd went crazy and no doubt had a collective Obamagasm. Blaming President Bush for the weak economy, Obama tried to make it appear that it was Bush and the Republican that spent us into this recession. While we had a hand in that, the bulk of the blame goes to the Democrats that have controlled congress and the spending since 2007. Obama said, ‘I don’t want the folks who created the mess do a lot of talking.’
At the end of his speech Barry said, ”So you can’t go out there and charge up the credit card, go on an all kinds of things shopping spree that didn’t grow the economy, hand over the bill to us, and then say, why haven’t you paid it off yet. (Applause.) I got that bill from you. (Laughter.) So we’ve got some work to do. I don’t mind, by the way, being responsible; I expect to be held responsible for these issues because I’m the President. (Applause.) But I don’t want the folks who created the mess — I don’t want the folks who created the mess do a lot of talking. I want them just to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. (Applause.) I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking. (Applause.)
What has obama done but go out ther and charge up the government credit card, and go on all kinds of things shopping spress that did't grow the economy, hand over the bill to us, and then say, why haven't you paid it off yet? (Obama accuses Americans of doing EXACTLY what he has done. This is a technic obama uses over and over. Accuse others of exactly what you yourself have done to spin the real story of what is real) Obama is a con man. A chicago thug. A FRAUD and LIAR. I know who and what you are. I won't shut up or as you say to stop talking or do a lot of talking. Your spin of the mess you have helped to create and continue to manufacture will not hide the truth from America. We know you are a FRAUD in a "brooks Brother Suit" an empty suit.
Gibbs Blasts "Brooks Brothers Brigade" Disruption Of Dems' Town Hall Events
By Eric Kleefeld - August 4, 2009, 11:49AM
The White House is now taking a hard line against the Tea-Party organized disruptions of Democrats' town hall meetings, the Washington Times reports, with press secretary Robert Gibbs referring to it this morning as "the Brook Brothers Brigade in Florida in 2000," "Astro Turf" and "manufactured anger."
The first two questions in the following transcript are from a separate reporter, with all successive questions from the Washington Times:
Q: Are you concerned at what appears to be well-orchestrated protesting of health care reform at town halls as derailing your message?
GIBBS: NO, I get asked every day about the myriad of things that could be derailing our message. I would point out that I don't know what all those guys were doing, what were they called, the Brooks Brothers Brigade in Florida in 2000, appear to have rented a similar bus and are appearing together at town hall meetings throughout the country
Q: They seem to be pretty widespread.
GIBBS: I seem to see some commonality in who pops up in some of these things.
Q: Like individuals?
GIBBS: Yeah.
Q: Really?
GIBBS: Yeah.
Q: Can you discuss names or ....
GIBBS: I don't have names but I think you can see quite a bit of similarity between who shows up where. (The white house does have some names and is asking Americans to snitch on other Americans from the whitehouse web site. Gibbs is a LIAR)
Q: Robert, if these town halls are even being influenced by, whatever, a cabal or individuals, how problematic is that for you guys to try to your message out? Even if the premise that it is unfair is correct, it's still going to shape the way these town halls are viewed throughout the country.
GIBBS: Well, you know, look, I hope people will take a jaundiced eye to what is clearly the Astro Turf nature of so-called grassroots lobbying ...
Q: The grassroots what?
GIBBS: The Astro Turf nature of grassroots lobbying, which is largely the term for, you know, this is manufactured anger.
(The astro turf is where gibbs is standing and the manufacured "crisis" is what gibbs wants you to believe was created by lobbyists who "paid" people to show up at town halls and yell protests. The "paid" people at town halls are acorn and union people who work for obama.) Gibbs is just a lobbyist paid by the FRAUD obama to perpetuate the mith obama wants to "save" health care and in doing so repair and save the economy from collapse. In reality gibbs is paving the way for a faster collapse of the US dollar via obamacare and other "legislation" that the FRAUD obama is trying to RAM down the throat of Americans. I say its time to "throwup" on obama and his fellow socialists. Create a stink America. Expose the FRAUD obama before he takes complete control! Overwhelm the BO stink that has permeated the "state run media" and congress.
(Obama is divisive and inciting violence.) Deputy chief of staff Jim Messina told senators; “If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard,” Messina said, according to an official who attended the meeting. Obama says ordinary Americans are low level terrorists if they appose abortion or want to control the borders. I say obama is similar to a terrorist in that he is a left wing radical inciting violence by saying, "punch back twice as hard". America I say punch back harder than obama says. When the whitehouse threatens Americans with a punch it is time to realize we must defend ourselves against the real enemy, who is a FRAUD and directs congress to "punch" Americans if they dare to speak out about the plan of obamacare and complete domination of America through stealth "legislation" that has not been even printed nor read completely by anyone in congress. Hell even the STUPID FRAUD himself obama said he had not read nor seen the bill!
White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard' Stand up and fight back America. Stand up and fight the THUG obama and his groups of thugs. DO A LOT OF TALKING ABOUT THE FRAUD OBAMA AND HIS RADICAL TAKEOVER OF AMERICA THOUGH THE "STATE RUN MEDIA"!
“They are just helping us understand the fringe that is trying to mess up our meetings,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
Reid considers real Americans to be " the fringe. The real fringe are the group of democrats in congress who want complete control of America and the American people.
The Secret Side of David Axelrod
The Obama controller.
The Secret Side of David Axelrod
The Obama campaign's chief strategist is a master of "Astroturfing" and has a second firm that shapes public opinion for corporations. David Axelrod , chief strategist of Senator Barack Obama's Presidential bid. We have him to thank for the "mess" that was created! Though the empty suit obama.
David Axelrod has long been known for his political magic. Through his AKP&D Message & Media consultancy, the campaign veteran has advised a succession of Democratic candidates since 1985, and he's now chief strategist for Senator Barack Obama's bid for President. But on the down low, Axelrod moonlights in the private sector.
From the same address in Chicago's River North neighborhood, Axelrod operates a second business, ASK Public Strategies, that discreetly plots strategy and advertising campaigns for corporate clients to tilt public opinion their way. He and his partners consider virtually everything about ASK to be top secret, from its client roster and revenue to even the number of its employees. But customers and public records confirm that it has quarterbacked campaigns for the Chicago Children's Museum, ComEd, Cablevision, and AT&T.
ASK's predilection for operating in the shadows shows up in its work. On behalf of ComEd and Comcast, the firm helped set up front organizations that were listed as sponsors of public-issue ads. Industry insiders call such practices "Astroturfing," a reference to manufacturing grassroots support. Alderman Brendan Reilly of the 42nd Ward, who has been battling the Children's Museum's relocation plans, describes ASK as "the gold standard in Astroturf organizing. This is an emerging industry, and ASK has made a name for itself in shaping public opinion and manufacturing public support."
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