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Thursday, July 2, 2009

IS Obama A Pedophile Protector

Obama supports perverts and wants them to have "civil rights", why?

I think he is a closet you know what. President Obama, supported strongly during his campaign by homosexual advocates, has indicated that he would like to see the legislation become law. The legislation is, "The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009," or "The Pedophile Protection Act."

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, lobbying for a new "hate crimes" law during a hearing before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, fumbled a number of explanations and failed to cite cases that in the last five years have been "improperly prosecuted". "Holder attempted to justify passage of the Matthew Shephard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Instead, he worked against it. Holder emphatically said most Americans are not given equal protection with homosexuals (and homosexual pedophiles) by the hate bill. Holder also presented no evidence that states are failing to prosecute hate crimes and need big government to get involved!
"This is a desperately serious matter. With a politicized judiciary, who knows where it will go?" he continued.

Keep in mind this is an attempt to prosecute people who disagree with homosexuality/pedophiles and speak out against these perverts. It is also an attempt to limit free speech. Ask yourself why obama is pushing this bill. Then ask yourself is obama a closet homosexual? I believe anyone who wants "gay rights" for homosexuals/pedophiles must be of the same "cloth". Obama wants federal law to protect perverts. Only a pervert would want a pervert protected. Of course this law would not protect perverts but prosecute anyone who speaks out againts perverts, including obama. The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 would provide special protections to homosexuals, designating them as a "protected class." However, it could leave Christian ministers open to prosecution should their teachings be linked to any subsequent offense, by anyone, against a homosexual person. It earned its nickname when Rep. Steve King suggested an amendment during its trek through the U.S. House that would specify pedophiles could not use the law to protect their activities. Majority Democrats flatly refused.

"This could create a chilling effect on religious speech, connecting innocent expression of religious belief to acts of violence against individuals afforded special protections," he wrote. "The criminalization of religious speech, such as speech against the practice of homosexuality, has already been seen in other countries with similar hate crimes legislation in place."

"Some people are going to be put in jail for things that they say," he said. "Hate crime legislation. That's where they determine what's in your mind when you commit a crime. That's when they decide what you were thinking … If you were thinking unapproved thoughts, that would make the crime you committed even worse."

Obama said, "I urge members on both sides of the aisle to act on this important civil rights issue by passing this legislation to protect all of our citizens from violent acts of intolerance." THIS IS ANOTHER OBAMA LIE. The "lifestyle" as the homosexuals call it is what obama wants protected as a civil right. In other words obama is saying he wants queers/sodomites to have the "civil right" of preversion. Only a pervert would want other perverts to have the federal government protect their preverted "lifestyle". This is why I believe obama is a homosexual or pervert. Obama is a multifaceted FRAUD. If you support homosexuals/pedophiles to the point you want them protected by federal law to practice preversion it obvious you like what they do and condone it. Obama just doesn't tolerate preversion he promotes it under the guise of "civil rights" when in fact he is promoting a sick preversion. Obama is as I said a closet pervert and/or homosexual who promotes preversion and condones it as "normal". Some would say this is "hate speech" but there is no such strange bird. Some would say this is hateful speech but keep in mind I have only stated obama's true position about wanting to support homosexuals/pedophiles by protecting them. I have speculated about obama's true nature through conjecture as I am only an observer of "obama's lifestyle" of supporting homosexuals/pedophiles. What else am I to conclude, that he just wants to help sodomoites/pedophiles because he believes in freedom of speech? Only an IDIOT would believe obama is anything other that who he supports and admires. Obama is a FRAUD! We have a "closet" president. A FRAUD. This is freedom of speech. Obama wants to take this right away and make it a crime to make an observation or speak the truth. Obama was very slow to speak out against the fake iran dictator killing and beating people in iran for speaking out againt their fraud government. Why? Obama knows freedom of speech is powerful as is the second amendment which he is also attacking. Obama must hide behind the fake media presentations he presents as speeches. His speeches are just radical propaganda to trick and confuse the American public. He knows he must act fast and ram as much deception though congress as possible before he is exposed as a total FRAUD! Hurry obama the public is slowly catching on to your deception.

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