HYSTERIA Global Warming MITHS/FACTS also known as "Climate Change" It is our opinion that the Sun is the main direct and indirect driver of climate change.
Friends of science accurate data
IDIOTS and their IDIOT solutions to "crisis" problems that don't exist. The radical left wing democrate extremists want you to believe there is a global warming crisis so they can appear to solve the FAKE computer generated numbers crisis. The global warming "crisis" is only in a flawed computer program or programs that have generated FAKE predictions of future climate change. Garbage in equals garbage out. The garbage out is the FRAUD that "green house" gases cause global warming caused by man. So they tell you we must all pay the price for our co2 emissions including what we exhale as we breathe. It is a TAX FRAUD SCHEME to tax all America for big government programs. The "greenies" want the US to operate on windmills and solar panels/minature autos etc. The LIE of global warming is propagated daily as propaganda for the purpose of saving "mother earth" from the carbon infestations that inhabit the earth such as humans. The FRAUD of "global warming" is the snake oil being sold by the "one" or number one snake oil salesman obama, who by the way can't remember his sales pitch without a teleprompter. Obama is USELESS as is his snakeoil, "cap and trade". He is a socialist/communist one world order puppet who looks and talks like howdy doody.
Cap and Trade Energy =
Zap and Fade Economy
Representatives Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Ed Markey (D-MA) have proposed a “cap and trade” bill to purportedly help fight global warming. Though the proposed legislation will have little impact on world temperatures, it is a massive energy tax in disguise that promises job losses, income cuts, and a sharp left-turn towards big government.
President Barack Obama described the plan best when he said “[u]nder my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” And skyrocket they will. In total, a typical family of four will see its energy costs rise by over $22,800 from 2012-2035.
But it gets worse. When energy costs increase, the costs of all goods and services increase. Businesses have to pay a higher overhead, and they pass that on to consumers. Manufacturers, an energy-intensive industry, will have to pay more to produce their products, so the price of their products will rise to reflect the higher costs of production. The $22,800 does not include this higher cost of living, nor does it include the higher expenditure for such things as more energy efficient cars and appliances or the disutility of driving smaller, less safe vehicles or the discomfort of using less heating and cooling.
Because almost every industry and American uses some form of fossil fuel-based energy, the impact of an energy tax of this level will be disastrous to the American economy. For example, The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis has found that by 2035 the Waxman-Markey bill will have the following economic impact:
* Reduce aggregate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by $9.6 trillion
* Destroy up to 2.5 million jobs in some years
* Raise electric rates 90%, gasoline prices by 74%, and natural gas prices by 55% after adjusting for inflation
* Raise a typical family’s average annual energy bill by $1,500
With unemployment at 8.9%, now is not the time to subject our economy and American families to such a burdensome tax. The impact of Waxman-Markey on the next generation of families is thousands of dollars per year in higher energy costs, over $116,600 of additional federal debt (above and beyond the unconscionable increases already scheduled), a weaker economy, and more unemployment. And all for a change in world temperature that might not be noticeable.
Nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. There are no benefits for the American people in the Waxman-Markey energy tax bill. Whenever defenders of the free market point out how much an energy tax will cost the economy, the enviro-left always tries to change the subject to “the cost of inaction.” But here is the dirty little secret about Waxman-Markey: it does nothing to prevent global warming/climate change whatever you want to call it. And that is before House Democrats gutted the bill.
Climatologist Chip Knappenberger crunched the numbers and found:
A full implementation and adherence to the long-run emissions restrictions provisions described by the Waxman-Markey Climate Bill would result only in setting back the projected rise in global temperatures by a few years—a scientifically meaningless prospect.
And what about the gutted version that Waxman is now trying to force through committee? Even less. Knappenberger again:
By the year 2050, the “clean” version reduces projected global temperatures by 0.044ºC (or ~3% less than the rise without the legislation), the “dirty” version gets you about half of that, or 0.022ºC (~1.5% less), and the “dirtier” version saves half of that again, or 0.011ºC (<1% less). By century’s end, you don’t do much better–the temperature reduction amounts to, respectively, 0.112ºC (0.20ºF), 0.046ºC (0.08ºF), and 0.013ºC (0.02ºF).
The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis has not scored the economic cost of either “dirty” or “dirtier” versions of the Waxman-Markey legislation. But they did score the “clean” version and found it would reduce aggregate gross domestic product (GDP) by $7.4 trillion by 2035 and destroy 844,000 jobs annually. On what planet is that worth 0.044ºC lower global temperatures?
The best fit linear temperature trend calculated from the University of Alabama in Huntsville satellite data analysis shows a decline of 0.31 Celsius over the last 29 years. The analysis is for the southern polar region for -60 to -85 degrees latitude. Meanwhile, the CO2 concentrations increased by about 15%.
So CO2 has increased maybe but over the last 29 years the temperature has DECREASED 0.31 for the southern polar region -60 60 -85 degrees latitude.
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