In this Dec. 22, 2003, file photo, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., right, answers a question as Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, left, listens during a news conference in Chicago. Blagojevich is legendary in Illinois political circles for not picking up or returning phone calls, even from important figures like senior senator, Dick Durbin. But there was always one call Blagojevich regularly took, say his aides, and that was from Emanuel. (You should ask why? Because Emanuel Obama's aid is a very important THUG from the chicago cess pool of thugs)
Obama had to answer feds' questions about Blago but he again proves he is a con man from the cess pool of Chicago.
President-elect Barack Obama, his top adviser Valerie Jarrett and his chief of staff appointee, Rahm Emanuel, were interviewed last week by federal authorities probing allegations that Gov. Blagojevich put Obama's vacant U.S. Senate seat up for sale.
What a JOKE. The FBI forced Emanuel to listen to himself and then he gets his story straight. Up until this time Emanuel was not going to tell the facts about his conversations with Blagovich. This is what a thug does. Obama is a THUG.
Emanuel was interviewed by federal officials who replayed a wiretapped conversation for him. He then was able to give Craig more details about what he said, and those details were included in the final report, the transition official said. Transition officials discussed the final version with Obama on Monday as he vacationed in Hawaii. (What this means is they just talked about what spin Obama could put on his thug activities)
Obama's lawyer in a memo puts the best spin on the Obama connection to the Chicago cess pool he can:
In a memo to Obama, incoming White House counsel Greg Craig wrote that the internal investigation shows "no indication of inappropriate discussions" by Obama or his advisers about the Senate vacancy. But the report, when meshed with allegations in Blagojevich's criminal complaint, portrays Jarrett as being far more involved in seeking to be appointed to the Senate than has been previously known. She removed herself from consideration after a conversation with a union official who had spoken with Blagojevich.
So Obama's lawyer says "no indication inappropriate discussions" Obama's lawyer thinks Obama and staff did no wrong in trying to "sell" his senate seat. There is every indication but more than indication it is a fact that his "obama's advisors" tried to barter or sell Obama's senate seat. The FBI affidavit said Blagojevich had been told by an adviser "the President-elect can get ROD BLAGOJEVICH's wife on paid corporate boards in exchange for naming the President-elect's pick to the Senate."
Obama wanted Valerie Jarrett appointed to his senate seat in exchange for a deal with Blagovich. Obama, and his top aids, were only willing to give Blagovich something after two years. Obama wanted his wife's employer,Valerie Jarrett, to get his senate seat but Bagovich was only willing to settle for his wife to get a high paying job at a firm in Washington. Blagovich got mad and started cussing which is on the FBI tapes.
Its very clear that Obama was willing to "Sell" his senate seat in exchange for Blagovich installing Valerie Jarret in his vacated seat. Blagovich was willing to do it but only on Blagovich's terms. Obama's lawyer uses the word "no indication" which means one could say later that the FACT was staring you in the face but it was overlooked. His lawyer will in effect lie for Obama and his staff and tell America anything but the truth. We have a cess pool con man Barack Hussein Obama who would sell his own dead mother if he could to get want he wants. Reminds me of a crack head. A thug has been elected to the "Black House" and it is a dark day in America. A thugocracy has taken over.
Blagojevich also sought a high paying job for his wife, according to the FBI. "Is there a play here, with these guys, with her" to work for a firm in Washington or New York, he reportedly said.
The FBI affidavit said Blagojevich had been told by an adviser "the President-elect can get ROD BLAGOJEVICH's wife on paid corporate boards in exchange for naming the President-elect's pick to the Senate."
Told by two other advisers he has to "suck it up" for two years, the FBI says it heard Blagojevich complain he has to give this "motherf***er [the President-elect] his Senator. F*** him. For nothing? F*** him."
The Governor is heard saying he will pick another candidate "before I just give f***ing [Senate Candidate l] a f***ing Senate seat and I don't get anything."
One has to take the entire scenario into context.
Blagojevich is asking for a lobbyist job for his wife in quid pro quo as part of selling the Senate seat.
One must now realize this is not potential candidates for the job trying to bribe him, but Blagojevich by his adviser is informing him, the adviser is being told this by Barack Obama and his staff.
The "what" Blagojevich is being told is that Barack Obama will in exchange for naming Valerie Jarrett, who is Obama's minion cronie pick, that Obama will then pay off in 2 years when all suspicion that the seat has been sold of getting a job for Mrs. Blagojevich.
What is telling in this is how shrewd Barack Obama is in operating. He agrees willingly to sell his Senate seat in a job and cash deal, but wants to make certain the public perception is that he has not sold the seat, which is quite illegal as what the Governor is attempting to do.
Blagojevich as one can read is furious over this and by his reaction indicates he doesn't trust Obama's word no more than a gay gigolo on a street corner that he doesn't have aids.
In that is the working of Patrick Fitzgerald in moving up the ladder of crimes. He convicted Tony Rezko and used those convictions to have what appears open ended surveillance on Gov. Blagojevich.
A federal court just does not hand out open end wire taps without there being more on the books. Patrick Fitzgerald has other information on Gov. Blagojevich and other Chicago citizens. This Obama seat for sale was simply the most damning evidence he had and he swept in in this major press event to arrest a sitting governor and chief of staff of a state all for the ladder purpose of moving up the ranks.
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich wanted President-elect Barack Obama "to put something together…something big" in exchange for going along with Obama's choice to fill his vacant U.S. Senate seat, according to a FBI affidavit unsealed following the governor's stunning arrest.
Gov. Blagojevich is charged with wire and mail fraud, and soliciting bribes.
"I've got this thing and it's f***ing golden, and, uh, uh, I'm just not giving it up for f***in' nothing. I'm not gonna do it. And I can always use it. I can parachute me there," Blagojevich said in a phone call secretly recorded by the FBI on Nov. 5, the day after the election, according to the affidavit.
What you need to see here is Barack Obama wanted to put something togeather to bribe Gov Blagojevich to appoint his senate pick!
Blagojevich Crimminal Complaint Illinois PDF
Reference 101 b.Blagojevich crimminal Complaint Illinois: ROD BLAGOJEVICH asked what he can get from the President-elect for the Senate seat. ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that Governor General Counsel believes the President-elect can get ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife on paid corporate boards in exchange for naming the President-elect’s pick to the Senate.
{Obama, who was accompanied by lawyer Robert Bauer in the interview, had no contact with the governor or his aides, the report states.} What this means is Obama is just saying he had no personal direct contact with Blagovich but he did through his aids. His aids work for him and do what he directs them to do. OBAMA IS A LIAR!! Remember this is just a lawyer telling us in legal terms what he did or didn't do. His statments are worded by his lawyer to give the impression Obama committed no crime. Of course his lawyer can't tell the truth but must defend his client Obama another lawyer who is a liar.
After Jan 20,2009 Obama will have immunity from all of this. If he is going down as the thug fraud he is it must be before this date.
You can believe after Jan 20,2009 Obama will fire all the US Attorneys and put in his thugs to help distroy America.
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