thugocracy: n. Rule of a country or state by a group of thugs.
POLITIAL CORRECTNESS is to genuflect to the much less intelligent and to wallow with them in the puddle of PC correctness of the Obama administration and democratic congress. Barack Obama - Master PR Pitchman
The leadership and core of the liberal progressives know what they're doing. The scary part are the hypnotized followers.
Some blacks, but not all, adore Obama and will defend anything he says or does. If they are confronted with facts that can't refute some will resort to personal insults. Today a black man said I was a redneck. I ask if it was because of my views about obama. He said no I just think you are a redneck for other reasons. I said to him, "you are a bigot". Later I thought about what he had said and realized his best effort to defend obama was calling me a redneck so I told him I didn't think we should talk about politics any more because he had to result to insults to refute the truth about obama. This is a correct way to head off racist insults that he had resorted to. I do believe if I had used a racial insult like he did I would be guilty of racism as he is. Some african American's personal esteem seems to be tied directly to Obama. I had a black preacher tell me, "Whites think we are stupid and now because Obama has been elected president this shows we are not and are equal" (This is not exact but close quote.) Several talk about past experiences with racism and how most whites are racist. To me this is racism because saying most whites are racist is exactly the definition of racism...(When you label everyone in a group with the same label and not consider them on individual merits). Some blacks are radical racists and will tell me when I explain Obama is not a natural born citizen that I hate and ask why do I hate. They use the word hate or insults when any objection is raised about Obama with whom they indentity so closely mainly because he is a black person. This is what many black people hang their hat on, the fact that they think Obama is a black person. Actually he is more arab than black only 21%. Many african Americans are taking their marching orders from other quarters such as churches that teach whites that open their mouth against Obama are automatically racist rednecks etc. (I ask, why do YOU hate and teach hate?) They say give the man a chance. This means to me shutup and don't say anything negative about Obama, even if it is possibly true or is true. Normally rational, albeit left-leaning people (a contradiction, I know). Yeah, they're for big government, soft on illegal immigration, love entitlements...but BASICALLY reachable as humans.
Their lives and emotions are totally devoted to Obama. They are deeply, physically and emotionally in love with him. To them anyone who doesn't agree that obama should be president are considered rednecks or someone who just can't understand obama in thier minds is real. To me obama is a fraud and empty suit. Fraud because he was a dual citizen at birth and is NOT a natural born US citizen. An empty suit because he is not qualified to be president when compared to others who are much more qualified and experienced. Paid corporate PR including the biased news media and the Federal reserve controlled by private bankers have ensured obama's election.
If you say anything that isn't about how much we all love him, some get hysterical, dismissive, smug, result to insults, angry...they're love sick and cannot be reached. They are passing this adoration on to their children.
This is a cult. Once in power, there could be a backlash against conservatives (and especially white conservatives)the likes of which has not been seen since the Nazis had that little soiree called Kristallnacht. Everything from random street violence to legislation ensuring conservatism will not rise again.
Conservatives need be very concerned that an Obama presidency will mean criminial prosecutions for their beliefs. Obama is a facist for the politcally correct world government movement.
Obama is the pc president. If the truth was spoken or told as it should be more people would know that he is just a thug and will be inept, (Displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason; foolish: an inept remark.Bungling or clumsy; incompetent) as a president. There is no hope or change with Obama. Only pc and socialism. People who are in positions of authority who are not qualified allways fail at there job, if the person who was put in authority because of pc correctness, affirmative action, intimnadation, or pr compaign.
Barack Hussein Obama is a message machine, packaged and sanitized for public consumption by Barack Obama well-paid political marketers and PR counselors, fueled by huge donations. The key phrase to note is , NOT QUALIFIED. Just because you get the job doesn't mean you are qualified for the job! Its almost like the pr compaign was affirmative action to place Obama in a postion of authority. If Obama is qualifed he will be able to govern with success. People say give him a chance. Thats saying lets see what he can do. We have seen what he can do. I am not impressed with his voting present the majority of the time when he was a state senator and I am not impressed he was only in the US Senate 2 years before running for president. Also being a community organizer is not a qualification for president. I see very little qualifications for Obama to be president or succeed as president for these reasons. He will succeed in trying to change the US Constitution and socialize America. American has elected a THUG.
Here is a copied comment from a student in college. It reveals how political correctness ie the race card etc is the norm in colleges and is becomming the norm in US society.
Posted by: Lede Agenda at October 12, 2008 4:18 PM
It's hard to be a conservative academician. Even if not morally degenerate enough to embrace liberalism in any event, it is adaptive for one to eventually become mindlessly liberal in an academic setting.
Supression of free speech has become extremely repressive for the average instructor. There are a myriad of pitfalls: Women and minority students especially are on a hair trigger looking for bias. Your sense of humour must be checked for neutrality in all things. Your donations to United Way and certain University sponsored programs are tracked. You are careful to subordinate any sign of authority when communicating directly with a student about poor performance (and its best done in the presence of other faculty). You are at all times, a "good citizen." Although some pathogenic Ayers-like putrescence get caught infecting students with their liberal edicts, more generally it is an understood courtesy to avoid all discussion of politics (in fact, politics is on a par with smoking in terms of social acceptance). Watch your grading curves that they are not too low on average bc the students will and do complain, and you will be called to the carpet for your rigour. Above all, at least until fully tenured, don't insult anything, anyone or any profession - there could be hidden consequences.
To survive in academics, you either intentionally or subconsciously goosestep to the political rhythm or out the door you go. I think that this in some small part may explain why otherwise intelligent individuals inevitably genuflect to the much less intelligent, to finally wallow with them in an overall puddle of PC filth.
This is what America will be doing after Jan 20,2009 Obama's administration and the democratic congress will make sure Americans goosestep to his socialist agenda or out the door we will go. The above comment by a college student explains it perfectly. "Intelligent individuals will, genuflect, 1."To bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or ground, as in worship", 2. "To be servilely respectful or deferential; grovel" (POLITIAL CORRECTNESS), to the much less intelligent, to finally wallow with them in an overall puddle of PC filth.
"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.” Actually, Obama supporters are doing a lot more than getting into people’s faces. They seem determined to shut people up.
Today’s liberals seem to be taking their marching orders from other quarters. Specifically, from the college and university campuses where administrators, armed with speech codes, have for years been disciplining and subjecting to sensitivity training any students who dare to utter thoughts that liberals find offensive. The campuses that used to pride themselves as zones of free expression are now the least free part of our society.
Obama supporters who found the campuses congenial and Obama himself, who has chosen to live all his adult life in university communities, seem to find it entirely natural to suppress speech that they don't like and seem utterly oblivious to claims that this violates the letter and spirit of the First Amendment. In this campaign, we have seen the coming of the Obama thugocracy, suppressing free speech, and we may see its flourishing in the four or eight years ahead.
Floating to the top of the Cess Pool of Chicago politics is Barack Hussein Obama. Floating Obama to the top was David Axelrod the Obama campaign's chief strategist a master of "Astroturfing" who has a second firm that shapes public opinion for corporations.
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