This is strange because it took the government so long to find this guy right under the nose of the government. This story smells. If it was this guy where is the evidence? Will it die with him or will the government publish it and explain what he did knowing there is now no defense because he is dead. This is to convenient. All of a sudden this was published and he is accused. Accused is the word not convicted as this news report would have us believe. This it seems to me could have been applied to anyone connected with making government anthrax. I think this is just a coverup, don't you?
Though friends and family claim that Bruce E. Ivins was innocent and the victim of FBI harassment, he also had been accused recently of having “a history dating to his graduate days of homicidal threats, actions, plans, threats & actions towards therapist.”
Perhaps I’ve just watched too many episodes of “The X-Files,” “Prison Break” and similar programs, but If the accusation about long-time violent tendencies is true, one might wonder why Ivins was allowed to work in Army biodefense labs–WITH ANTHRAX, for EIGHTEEN FREAKING YEARS! One would hope it was merely oversight or stupidity and not related in any way to all the help Ivins allegedly gave the Bush administration in its efforts to curb civil liberties in America and start a war in Iraq.
It is strange no weapons of mass destruction and now no anthrax as caused by iraq.
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