Would you look at those crazed,twisted, (wrenching: A sudden tug at one's emotions; a surge of compassion, sorrow, or anguish. 4.a. A break or parting that causes emotional distress.) eyes of a witch. Clinton made no mention of her defeat, and showed no sign of surrender in an appearance in Youngstown, Ohio. A common trait of women who suddenly have no memory of something they want to ignore. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned especially Mrs Hillary Rodamn Clinton. Clinton stirs her sorded stew and ponders her fate. Will she be offered the vice from obama?
Clinton made no mention of her defeat, and showed no sign of surrender in an appearance in Youngstown, Ohio Feb 20, 08.
"Both Senator Obama and I would make history," the New York senator said. "But only one of us is ready on day one to be commander in chief, ready to manage our economy, and ready to defeat the Republicans. Only one of us has spent 35 years being a doer, a fighter and a champion for those who need a voice."
In a clear sign of their relative standing in the race, most cable television networks abruptly cut away from coverage of Clinton's rally when Obama began to speak in Texas.
Yes I agree she would make history if elected but so what? If she was the first woman elected as president that's all she could claim, she is an empty shell just a obama is. Ready on day one: That really says a lot of nothing. Just being ready doesn't mean anything except your ready, it sounds good but where is the evidence? She can't manage an economy, what evidence is there she could? What does she mean 35 years being a doer,fighter and champion? There is only evidence she worked for a law firm that did some work "for the children" and this was only 2 years or less.
Yes lets all abruptly cut away from Ms cliton and (husain obama: Husain is a common Middle Eastern name especially among Muslims, because of the popularity of Hussein bin Ali, the grandson of Muhammad and the' third Imam.) Empty suit or empty dress, take your pick both have no credibility or experience of any note, not enough to float any boat. Both of these ships will sink with all of us onboard. I don't want either of these BOZO'S at my helm! Just all Puff and Fluff. Its time for A REAL CHANGE lets have some substance to this pablum: (Trite, insipid, or simplistic writing, speech, or conceptualization:) which is the hallmark of the clinton and obama facade.
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