huck·ster One who uses aggressive, showy, and sometimes devious methods to promote or sell a product. To promote or attempt to sell (a commercial product, for example) in an overaggressive or showy manner.
Devious is the key word here. This guy has a potential,"it depends on what is, is type" of twisting in a devious way the facts while trying to act in a moral way. It would have been ok to run the ad on romney's flip flop's but to explain he is not going to be negative by running the ad and then displaying it for all to see at is news conference is very devious. Even the reporters laughed out loud when he explained his point! I don't believe this guy can be trusted nor do I believe he is honest. It seems most of the republican candidates are not worth voting for because they are not real conservatives just liberal or moderates repackaged as are most of the democraps candiates. I don't see any of them that I would vote for. What a mess of crap the voter has to walk through. This time around at the election not only must the voter hold his nose and vote but also bend over and grab their ankles. It seems to be all media hype with no real candidates. No real choice so here comes another ross perot to give the election to someone like ms hillery. It doesn't look good.
Huckabee pulls negative ad, vows to go positive
By Sam Youngman | Posted: 12/31/07 2:58 PM [ET]
December 31, 2007
DES MOINES – Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) told reporters Monday that he was pulling a negative ad designed to target his chief rival in Iowa, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R).
Then he showed the ad to a room packed wall to wall with reporters.
When asked if it is hypocritical to make an announcement about not running negative ads, and then show a negative advertisement to dozens of members of the national and local media, Huckabee said he had to show the ad to prove its existence.
“I want to show you that we were fully prepared,” Huckabee said.
The former governor said the ad, which hits Romney on the issues of taxes and abortion, was set to start running in Iowa Monday at noon.
He said he made the decision earlier in the morning that he does not want to run a negative campaign. As a result, he said he will not run any ads going after Romney or other Republican rivals.
Perhaps because voters in other states do not respond as adversely to negative campaigning, Huckabee refused to rule out running similar ads in other states. For now, he said he wants to see how Iowans react to his strategy.
Huckabee said the ad cost about $30,000 to make, and the original purpose of the press conference was to introduce the spot to the media.
But the former governor said he had a change of heart shortly before the media assembled. Easels outlining the attacks on Romney were still standing in the room, and Huckabee stood in front of a banner that read “Enough is Enough.”
“It’s never too late to do the right thing,” he said.
In the ad, Huckabee says that Romney’s healthcare plan in Massachusetts allowed for $50 co-pays for abortions.
At the end of the ad, Huckabee again makes the point that Romney’s attacks on him have been “desperate and dishonest.”
“If a man’s dishonest to obtain a job, he’ll be dishonest on the job,” Huckabee says in the ad.
Huckabee acknowledged that his decision not to run counter ads to Romney’s is “a huge gamble,” and he conceded that Romney’s ads targeting him had hurt him.
But, he said, “if you gain the whole world and lose your soul, what does it profit you?”
The Romney campaign responded by again going after Huckabee’s record as governor, and in one email, the campaign described Huckabee’s ploy to announce he is not running the ad then following that up by showing it to reporters as a “meltdown.”
“We’re proud that Governor Romney has run a campaign about the issues that are important to voters,” Romney spokesman Kevin Madden said in a statement. “Governor Romney has worked hard to talk about the vision and experience he has when it comes to keeping taxes low, cutting wasteful spending and securing our borders. He’s worked hard to make his case to voters about leading a Republican Party that will strengthen the American family.”
Madden continued: “Mike Huckabee’s troubling record of higher taxes and spending binges is clearly not holding up well under scrutiny. Mike Huckabee has turned from nice to very hot-tempered and volatile now that his record has been examined by voters.
“It’s Mike Huckabee's record. It’s definitely a tough record for him to defend, but it’s still a record that belongs to Mike Huckabee.”
Huckabee is quoting gospel but acting in a manner that questions his motives and honesty! He says that Romneys ads are not truthful, yet they accurately display his record. This means huckabee is lying. He says his is not going to run negative ads yet he displays one at a news conference. Again this is a bold lie. He is actually doing and saying the opposite of what he says his is doing. This is just what ms hillary and other democrates do. As soon as they open their mouth they change their position or lie about what they just said. How crazy is this!
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