The fake tears and the staged 'iron my shirt drive' by the media propelled her to a 3% win. This is why the cat has the sly look on her face.
All she has to do is stage more mass media moments like today, for example: Jan 11, 08 Clinton spent more than an hour in the predominantly Hispanic and black neighborhood where a man yelled through a hole in the wall, My wife is illegal and Ms clinton said, "No woman is Illegal". She knows how to stage and play the mass media. Its all seems just to convenient. The public is so gullible.
The Democratic National Convention [Machine controlled convention] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superdelegates
The Democratic National Convention, where the Democratic presidential ticket is formally agreed upon, has 792[2] superdelegates. Superdelegates to the Democratic Convention include all Democratic members of the United States Congress, various additional elected officials, as well as members of the Democratic National Committee.
A candidate needs a simple majority of the combined delegate and superdelegate votes to secure the nomination. Democratic delegates from state caucuses and primaries number 3,248. This means that the total number of votes is 4,040. The total number of delegate votes needed to win the nomination is 2,025.[2] Superdelegates account for approximately one fifth (19.6%) of all votes at the convention. Delegates chosen in the Democratic caucuses and primaries account for approximately four fifths (80.4%) of the Democratic convention delegates.
The Democratic Party is often criticized during election cycles for conducting primary elections in a non-democratic fashion, since superdelegates are appointed by the party and not obligated to support the candidate chosen by the voters. There have been repeated calls to eliminate the superdelegates from the primaries to more accurately reflect the popular vote and lessen the party's control over the nomination process.
Isn't this amazing. 20% of the delegates a demagogue needs to be nominated are just the good ole boys in washington dc.
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