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Friday, April 25, 2014

Who is jessie jackson?

Jackson was born out of wedlock but his natural mother later married and gave him his adoptive father's name. As a young girl his mother, Helen Burns, became pregnant by her married next-door neighbor, Noah Robinson.

Jackson's athletic ability won him a scholarship to the University of Illinois. Poor academic progress and a desire to play quarterback made him transfer to an all-black college (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State College) where he became a prominent quarterback and an active civil rights leader.

(Poor academic progress at at "white" college.)

After graduation, Jackson worked briefly for North Carolina Governor Terry Sanford and then went to Chicago Theological Seminary. Jackson was more drawn to political activism than the ministry and he left to work for Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

(Jessie learned the chicago way then joined mlk.)

In 1966 King, who took a personal interest in Jackson's career, appointed him to organize Operation Breadbasket (the economic arm of SCLC) in Chicago. Jackson displayed imaginative and dynamic leadership persuading many Chicago firms to improve their job opportunities for blacks. In 1967 he became National Director of Operation Breadbasket.

(Operation breadbasket turned into operation extortion for jackson in later years.)

Jackson was with King when he was assassinated in 1968. Some controversy surrounds the moments just after King was wounded. Jackson claimed on national television that he was the last person to talk to King and that he had held the dying leader in his arms, getting blood all over his shirt. The other men present unanimously agreed that this was not true, that Jackson had been in the parking lot facing King when he was shot and had neither climbed the steps to the balcony afterward nor gone to the hospital with King. Whatever the truth of the matter, Jackson's appearance on national television the next day with his bloodied turtleneck jersey vaulted him into national prominence.

(Jessie lied about being holding mlk and being the last person to talk with mlk.)

Although Jackson saw himself as King's organizational heir, there was opposition to him inside the SCLC and Ralph Abernathy was appointed to succeed King. Organizational tensions heightened as Jackson increasingly developed his own approach to black politics. In 1971, Jackson was suspended from the SCLC after its leaders claimed that he was using the organization to further his own personal agenda.

(The sclc didn't want jackson to run their operation so jessie was suspended from the sclc.)

His personal charisma and the high-profile organization (which was frequently criticized for administrative incompetence) made Jackson a major black leader and gave him a national reputation. He gained national exposure from high-profile international trips

(Jackson promoted himself for his own purpose himself.)

Jackson traveled from city to city delivering his message of personal responsibility and self-worth to students: "You're not a man because you can kill somebody. You are not a man because you can make a baby … You're a man only if you can raise a baby, protect a baby and provide for a baby."

Critics often accuse Jackson of simply being a cheerleader of causes, a person who favors style over substance. Many felt that he was devoted own self-aggrandizement.

(Jackson is and was devoted to himself.)

Jackson's connection with the Black Muslim leader and outspoken anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, as well as the candidate's reference to New York City as "Hymietown," outraged Jews.


In official documents filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by The ENQUIRER, Karin Stanford claims the 70-year-old famed civil rights leader owes $11,694.50 for their daughter Ashley, now 12.

Stanford was a top aide with Jackson’s Rainbow PUSHCoalition, and The ENQUIRER ex­posed their long-term extramarital affair in a bombshell world exclu­sive in January 2001.

After admitting paternity, the former Democratic presidential hopeful paid court-ordered support and regularly visited Ashley at Stanford’s Cali­fornia home for the past decade.

But according to the court documents, Jackson – who’s remained married to wife Jackie – failed to pay support from De­cember 2010 until August 2011, including minimal monthly fees of $400.

(Jackson says one thing and does another. Jackson will not even support his child without a court order.)

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