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Monday, December 20, 2010

The History of Political Correctness

The History of Political Correctness

The origins of Political Correctness can be found in the early part of the 20th Century.

This video produced by the Free Congress Foundation explains that political correctness is a product of Marxist ideology, and that it's been in the making for more than eighty years. It's 22 minutes but well worth your time.

Origins of "Political Correctness"

(Communist "political correctness" dictates that one never questions the origin of obama's non validated "certification of live birth".

If one does question "the fruit of selma's" US citizenship one is labeled a racist or radical.

Political correctness demands that just because obama claims to be a "black man" one must automatically be a racist if one questions the "fruit of selma's" US citizenship.

Communists like obama do not want any questions asked about their background.

I am immune to political correctness as THE HOAX DETECTOR.

I do not have the "political correctness" disease therefore I am able to discern the simple truth that obama cannot prove he is a US citizen.) Story Reports aka the Hoax Detector

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