Its seems there is "No Controlling Authority"
In my State SC the election commission not the Secretary Of State certifies the nominee
I sent a letter to my SC Secretary of State asking him how he had certified Barack Hussein Obama and he referred me to the state election commission. The SC State election commission sent me copy of "Offical Certification Of Nomination" from the DNC.
I quickly knew my State and probably every US State is relying only on the document the DNC has sent out that certifies Barack Hussein Obama was nominated at the convention for President of the US
In other words the whole country is relying on the DNC certification of nomination only!
This "Official Certification of Nomination" only states Obama was nominated in Denver Colorado Aug 2008. It doesn't say ANYTHING about his natural born citizenship!
How slick is this every Seretary Of State relies on the "official Certification Of Nomination' only!
I believe the same is true for the RNC.
SO there is a BIG loop hole here don't you think?
Nothing about qualifications under the US constitution is questioned by any State and no offical mention of qualifications from the DNC other that Barack Hussein Obama was nominated.
Sort of don't ask don't tell.
The States don't ask and the DNC doesn't tell.
If you don't believe me just ask your Secratary of State or State election Commission
Its a good ole boy club between the States the DNC and RNC.
This is the Key to the Election and Obama Knows it
by The One on Fri 31 Oct 2008 08:42 PM EDT
Its seems there is "No Controlling Authority"
Because he is a constitutional lawyer obama knows the only real controlling authority is ultimately the American People!
If WE THE PEOPLE will rise up and question what Barack Hussein Obama's qualifications for President are the "controlling authority" can question if he is a legitimate candidate for president if he is qualified under the US Constitution to be President because of natural born citizenship in the US, and has certified and proven this fact by producting a vault copy of his original Hawaiian birth certificate as required by the controlling authority, the American People.
We must contact congress and demand before Jan 6, 2009 when the electorial votes are counted that our employees question and object to Barack Hussein Obama's natural born citizenship.
WE THE PEOPLE can and do have this Constitutional right and obligation. If Obama is an illegal alien and his qualification are not questioned by Congress it will be like the American People have let him "cross the border" illegally an used a fake birth certificate to obtain the job of President of the US!
An Official Certification of Nomination, is no qualification for President This is only a statement by a political party about Obama's nomination for President!
Contact Your Senator And Congressman To Submit an Objection To The Qualification of Barack Hussein Obama To Be President before January 6, 2009 when Congress meets to count the electoral votes in a joint session. Ask Congress to confirm or deny if Obama is a natural born citizen of the US as required by the constitution. Demand Congress examine Barack Hussein Obama's original birth certificate from Hawaii. Yes America you do have standing to do this.
Contact Congress Here!
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