Monday, October 2, 2017
Friday, September 29, 2017
Nuke attack on US prediction map
If there is a nuke attack on the US it can be predicted but it will be as accurate as a 14 day forecast or global warming forecast 50 years into the future. In other words they don't know how any nuke attack will affect the US because the nukes could hit anywhere.
We all should pray that it will never happen.
They will confuse it with the kinds of fallout clouds they are used to reading about, the "take shelter for 2 weeks" kind.
— Alex Wellerstein (@wellerstein) September 28, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
Politically Correct Cancer Spreads To Baseball
A-s-Bruce-Maxwell-first-MLB-player-to-kneel-for-national anthem.
The A's catcher Bruce maxwell caught the PC correct cancer and is spreading it.
This form of PC cancer bashes President Trump by kneeling for the national anthem and then explaining to everyone its ok to disrespect the flag if you want to bash President Trump or any other reason.
He says he loves this country and has no disrespect for the flag.
What bruce maxwwell does and says are 2 different things.
He trys to explain himself by using the f word.
“Yeah, f— this guy! Our president speaks of inequality of man because players are protesting the anthem! F— this man!
PC correctness allows for stupidity when explaining yourself! :)
Bruce is an example of many people who use their celebrity to infect others with the cancer of political correctness.
The cure for the PC virus is a good dose of Rush Limbaugh
President Trump calls out people who use their status to be politically correct by disrespecting the US flag and country.
Football ratings have taken a dive since kipperneck took a knee and so will baseball ratings if this continues.
People want to watch sports without being exposed to a politically correct form of cancer.
President Trump is making America great again by pointing out the lie of political correctness.
The liberal news media has produced a white guilt phobia that they use to control you through political correctness.
Examples are "take a knee" football and baseball.
Political correctness is not rational and is a phobia minipulated by the liberal news media to cause civil unrest. Liberal news media use other manufactured phobias to control people also. Don't be controlled by various phobias of the liberal news media. Don't believe their FAKE news reports. Be an independant thinker not a person controlled by liberal news media.
President Trump is making America great again and the liberal news media continues to produce FAKE news, twisted news.
Members of congress, football or baseball players take the FAKE news and promote their own agenda and try to make President Trump something that he is not.
FAKE news is just twisted or made up news usually about President Trump.
I agree with President Trump. NFL players who disrespect the flag and our country should be fired asap.
I am sure less and less people will be watching football and baseball. Ratings will continue to fall. People do not want to watch PC football. People don't want to watch PC baseball. They just want to watch the game.
When you have so much FAKE news and the enemy within, (employees in the government loyal to obama/DNC in the FBI, CIA etc.) you get a continuous barrage of FAKE NEWS that confuses the public. (Over 100 realtime online calculators.)
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Hurricane Irma Radar, Storm Track, Predicted Risk
Irma’s proximity to the warm Gulf of Mexico as it moves northward along the west coast of Florida may help it maintain hurricane intensity by the time it reaches northern Florida on Monday. Tallahassee and Jacksonville are likely to get battered by damaging winds and flooding rainfall during this time.
“Irma could track far enough west of Florida that the center remains over the Gulf of Mexico and away from the coast,” AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Tom Kines said.
If Irma tracks farther west, then it will interact with warmer water for a longer period of time, which could lead to even further intensification. Strengthening could increase impacts along the western coast of Florida and the severity of impacts across the Florida Panhandle.
However, this scenario would also lead to less impacts along the eastern coast of Florida, from Jacksonville to Miami.
Isolated tornadoes will threaten areas on the northeast side of the storm, which will put much of Florida at risk for further damage should a tornado strike.
“Any land within 185 miles of the Irma’s center could see damage and any place within 50 to 60 miles of the center could experience catastrophic damage,”.
Irma had sustained 185-mph winds for 37 hours (Not Exact But Close Enough)
Be prepared, may God protect us.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Moon's Unique Orbit Points To A Creator
The Moon’s Unique Orbit
(Article Credit
The moon has another unique feature that is often overlooked but just as important—its orbit around the sun. To appreciate its specialness requires some explanation.
Generally speaking, smaller satellites move in an elliptical orbit around their planets, a sort of stretched-out circle. However, all the major satellites, including the moon, have nearly circular orbits around their planets. As each satellite orbits the planet, it is also rotating around its own axis. Most satellites, including our moon, orbit their planets in the same direction that the planets rotate on their axes (with one exception among the major satellites, Neptune’s Triton).Here’s what is interesting. Most major satellites orbit on a plane that matches the planet’s rotation along its equator. (Again, Triton is an exception.) Many minor satellites orbit this way too, though some have extreme elliptical orbits with odd paths around their planet—some like Triton even revolve backward with respect to their planet’s rotation. The moon doesn’t fit any of these categories.
However, the moon orbits on a plane that nearly matches the plane of the earth’s revolution around the sun (see illustration below). No other satellite orbits in the same plane that its planet revolves around the sun. Not one out of 175.
Most satellites in our solar system, such as Neptune’s Triton and Jupiter’s Ganymede, orbit on a plane that matches their planet’s rotation along its equator. The moon isn’t like this. It orbits in nearly the same plane that the earth revolves around the sun.
That’s very different from the earth’s rotation. This would be impossible if the moon evolved from the same spinning cloud as the earth. So secular astronomers assume an outside body struck the earth at a sharp angle, and the moon formed from the debris of this collision.
The Bible explains, in contrast, that the Creator placed the moon in this orbit for a special purpose. It serves a lifegiving role in maintaining the earth’s tilt, which provides seasons and keeps temperatures balanced. No other planet has a moon like this.
This fact has a profound effect on the earth, suggesting design. The earth needs to maintain its tilt in order to have the changing seasons and keep temperatures fairly balanced around the globe. But other bodies in the solar system exert a small gravitational pull that slowly tends to tweak the earth’s axial tilt. Left unchecked, the earth’s tilt would gradually change.At one extreme, this change in the earth’s tilt would result in no seasons. On the other extreme, seasonal changes would be much more drastic than they are today, with much of the earth shifting from the boiling tropics in one season to the Antarctic’s frigid, sunless winters. Obviously, this would have disastrous consequences for living things.
But this does not happen because of the moon’s unique large size compared to earth and its unique orbit in the same plane that the earth orbits the sun. These two factors combine to allow the moon to stabilize the earth’s tilt to within two degrees. Both factors must be in play for this stabilizing force to work. This is the only planet where this is possible, and since life appears unique to earth, this is the only planet where it matters.
The moon is exactly the correct size and distance from the sun to make a solar eclipse possible
Solar eclipse
As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse is a type of eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun. This can happen only at new moon when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth in an alignment referred to as syzygy. In a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. In partial and annular eclipses, only part of the Sun is obscured.
The Uniqueness of the Moon
The moon has a number of distinctive characteristics. It is both 400 times smaller and 400 times closer to Earth than the sun is. This means that the moon and sun have about the same apparent size in our sky on average.
This makes total solar eclipses possible. Earth is the only known planet that can experience eclipses where its moon so precisely covers the sun. This has made possible the discovery of the solar chromosphere. The chromosphere can only be seen by eye during a total solar eclipse.
The moon is exactly the correct size and distance from the sun to make a solar eclipse possible.
This didn't happen by accident over millions of years.
This was a precise design by God.
Precise design can be seen all around us.
Psalm 19:1-3 King James Version (KJV)
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
(Those who believe in the "religion" of evolution or teach evolution cannot explain what happened during the gap of millions or billions of years in their theories.
They leave that part up to your imagination to figure out what they cannot explain.
Millions and billions of years is a catch all term to explain evolution.
If those who teach evolution theories can't explain what went on behind the curtain of the millions or billions of years and leave it up to your imagination to figure out, how can evolutionists expect you to explain their empty useless theories!)
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Hawaii democratic party would not certify obama in 2008
WND's Bob Unruh Discusses Democrats Certification Of Nomination For Ineligible Obama
Bob Unruh
Democratic Party or state elections officials certifying Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 election could be charged with election fraud.
Former U.S. Justice Department attorney Larry Klayman who founded the government watchdog Judicial Watch explains in a letter that election officials can not be certain of Obama’s eligibility, and the law doesn’t allow them to make assumptions.
The letter to Robert Bauer, general counsel to the Democratic National Committee, points to evidence of Obama’s ineligibility that would make letters from the DNC to states regarding his candidacy problematic.
“There is therefore no longer any state or national official in the Democratic Party who can escape legal responsibility for ignoring the proof herein provided, and a plea of ignorance of the facts will no longer be possible, especially under the informed legal counsel provided by you (and your state counterparts), Mr. Bauer,” Klayman wrote.
“At the same time that you are receiving this legal analysis, each DNC Executive Committee member – as well as each state Democratic Party chair, secretary of state, and state attorney general – is receiving a certified letter advising them of the legal jeopardy in which they place themselves should they proceed – in light of the facts herein presented – to certify to state or national election officials that Barack Hussein Obama is the constitutionally and legally qualified Democratic candidate for president of the United States.”
Such verifications, if created, would be “perjurious,” Klayman said.
The evidence Klayman cites in the letter includes Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett’s highly publicized request of the state of Hawaii to verify that the likely Democratic nominee is a “natural-born citizen.”
Bennett eventually closed his inquiry without obtaining any pertinent documentation.
Bennett formally inquired of Hawaii for verification of Obama’s birth records, and when he received a statement from state officials announced his inquiry was closed.
“As to whether the president was born in Hawaii, personally I believe he was,” he said. “I actually think he was fibbing about being born in Kenya when he was trying to get into college.”
But Bennett said all clearly was not above board.
“I think he has spent $1.5 to $2 million through attorneys to have all the college records and all that stuff sealed,” Bennett said. “So if you’re spending money to seal something, that’s probably where the hanky panky was going on.”
Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio continues to investigate Obama’s eligibility after determining that the image of a birth document posted online by the White House is fraudulent.
Hawaii State Registrar Alvin Onaka “failed” to provide verification to Bennett of Obama’s birth information.
He did, however, verify that “the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for Mr. Obama that you attached with your request matches the original record in our files.”
Mr. Onaka undeniably failed to verify that the image posted at “is a true and accurate representation of the original record.”
But Klayman explained state law requires Onaka to furnish “in lieu of the issuance of a certified copy, a verification of the existence of a certificate and any other information that the applicant provides to be verified.”
Klayman said the law leaves Onaka with no option and “the only legal reason for Onaka to not verify those facts is if he can’t legally do so. Since he verified that those claims are on the record in the DOH files, the record itself must not have ‘probative value.’
“The only legal reason for not verifying that the posted long-form ‘is a true and accurate representation of the original record in [the DOH] files’ is if it is not. There is no other plausible explanation,” Klayman said.
Klayman said the only Hawaii statute allowing birth certificates “to be non-legally binding” is the law regarding “late” or “altered” certificates, which states: “The probative value of a ‘late’ or ‘altered’ certificate shall be determined by the judicial or administrative body or official before whom the certificate is offered as evidence.”
“Unless and until Mr. Obama’s original birth record, on file with the Department of Health in Hawaii, is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative body or official, it cannot legally be considered to have probative value. In other words … it cannot stand alone without further corroboration, as required by an ‘administrative body or official,” Klayman wrote.
Klayman’s conclusion is that “no one can state with any legal certainty that candidate Obama is even old enough to be president, much less that he meets the exclusively high bar of ‘natural-born citizen’ status, required by Article II, Section I, Clause 5.”
He noted at this point, “No one can legally swear that Mr. Obama is constitutionally eligible to be president; and because the DNC bylaws require the Democratic presidential candidate to be constitutionally eligible, there is also, therefore, no party official who can legally swear that Mr. Obama is the ‘legally qualified candidate’ of the Democratic Party, under its own bylaws.”
For a party official to declare Obama eligible “would be to perjure him or herself,” he wrote.
Klayman told Bauer that in 2008 the Hawaii Democratic Party “removed the standard language heretofore employed certifying the ‘constitutional eligibility’ of candidates Obama and Biden.”
“In other words, the state party most keenly aware of Mr. Obama’s existing records would not (and did not) certify their constitutional eligibility,” he said. However, at the same time, “then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, did certify their constitutional eligibility [to present] to election officials in Hawaii, while removing that same standard language [when it was] presented in at least some (if not all) of the remaining states.”
Klayman, whose high-profile legal career has included lawsuits against OPEC, Cuban interests, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez, told WND the letter puts Democrats on notice that certifying Obama’s eligibility without having the actual knowledge opens them up to liability for making false statements.
2008 documents
Canada Free Press first exposed the Democratic National Committee used two separate forms to affirm Obama’s constitutional eligibility to be president and then said Democrats failed to certify their candidate’s eligibility in 49 of the 50 states.
WND reported early in Obama’s term on the Democrats’ certification of Obama’s eligibility for the 2008 election.
A commentator at Canada Free Press first exposed the Democratic National Committee used two separate forms to affirm Obama’s constitutional eligibility to be president and then said Democrats failed to certify their candidate’s eligibility in 49 of the 50 states.
“In most states,” Williams wrote, “it appears that the DNC never certified constitutional eligibility for Barack Hussein Obama, despite their many claims of proper vetting and certification, all of which we now know to be false.”
Williams posted copies of two documents apparently prepared by Democrats to certify Obama as their nominee for president, one that contains language affirming his constitutional eligibility and filed in Hawaii (where state law requires the specific language) and another omitting the language and filed in the remaining 49 states.
The first includes a verification that Obama and Joe Biden, then candidate for vice president, “are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution.”
The second form obtained by Williams appears identical, but in this one, the verification of eligibility under the requirements of the U.S. Constitution is gone.
The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don't Lie The Evidence: Click Here to see the two different documents affirming obama's Constitutional eligibility. The one sent to Hawaii in 2008 is different than the other 49 states.
(In 2008 I posted the same information that the DNC sent two different certifications to the states. Only one had the Constitutional certification and that was sent to Hawaii because it was required by Hawaiian law. The other 49 DNC certifications were sent to the other 49 states with no Constitutional certification included.
Obama has been and continues to be an FRAUD president that cannot validate his US citizenship. Its that simple.) Story Reports
Obama Records
The DNC did not request any records of obama's identity from Hawaii in 2008. They only relied on the obama campaign short form "certification of live birth" posted on the web. This form under Hawaiian law could have been generated a year later to a parent who had a child born out of the US!!!
The DNC did not request any records of obama's identity from Hawaii in 2008. They only relied on the obama campaign short form "certification of live birth" posted on the web.
DNC and HDP Did Not Request Obama Records
HDOH Confirms DNC & HDP Leadership Did Not Request Obama’s Records
From: Nellie
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:03 AM
To: Okubo, Janice S.
Subject: UIPA Request – HDP, DNC, Abercrombie UIPA’s
Pursuant to UIPA I request an electronic copy of any and all UIPA requests from Joseph Sandler, Brian Schatz, William H. Gilardy, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, Neil Abercrombie, Daniel Inouye, Senator Akaka, Marsha Joyner, or anyone representing the Hawaii Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee.
Thank you.
________________________________________—– Original Message —–
From: Okubo, Janice S.
To: Nellie
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 4:17 PM
Subject: RE: UIPA Request – HDP, DNC, Abercrombie UIPA’s
Aloha Ms. (redacted),
In order for the department to respond to your request, we require some additional information.
Please provide a specific timeframe for the records you are requesting.
Are the records you are requesting specific to a certain area or part of the department?
What was the subject of the UIPA requests you are referring to?
Please provide names for the people referred to as “anyone”.
We will do our best to provide you with the records you are requesting once we receive the information needed.
Janice Okubo
Hawaii State Department of Health
From: Nellie
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 7:52 AM
To: Okubo, Janice S.
Subject: Re: UIPA Request – HDP, DNC, Abercrombie UIPA’s
I request copies of UIPA requests dating from January of 2008 until now regarding President Obama’s vital records or Hawaii law or administrative rules, requested by Joseph Sandler, Brian Schatz, William H. Gilardy, Nancy Pelosi, Alice Travis Germond, Howard Dean, Neil Abercrombie, Daniel Inouye, Senator Akaka, Marsha Joyner, or Andy Martin.
Thank you.
—– Original Message —–
From: hdohinfo
To: Nellie
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 4:46 PM
Subject: UIPA Request – HDP, DNC, Abercrombie UIPA’s
Aloha Ms. (redacted),
The department has no records responsive to your request.
Hawaii Department of Health
Public Information Office staff
Send mail to:
State Department of Health
Office of Health Status Monitoring
Issuance/Vital Statistics Section/UIPA Request
Honolulu, HI 97801
Listen to internet radio with HoaxDetector on Blog Talk Radio
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Kim Jong-Un Gets Trump's Message - A Butt Kick

Jonathan Cheng WSJ
SEOUL—North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has decided not to launch a threatened missile attack on Guam, Pyongyang’s state media reported on Tuesday, but warned that he could change his mind “if the Yankees persist in their extremely dangerous reckless actions.”
The report, published early Tuesday, could help dial back tensions that had spiraled last week following an exchange of threats between North Korea and U.S. President Donald Trump.
Mr. Trump warned Pyongyang last week that the U.S. military was “locked and loaded” and could engulf the North in “fire and fury,” while North Korea, through its state media, had threatened to fire four missiles in a bid to surround the U.S. territory of Guam in “enveloping fire.”
North Korean state media said in its report Tuesday that Mr. Kim had made his decision not to fire on Guam after visiting a military command post and examining a military plan presented to him by his senior officers.
Mr. Kim added that the planned launch could still be carried out at any moment, and said that such a strike would be a “most delightful historic moment” that would “wring the windpipes of the Yankees and point daggers at their necks.”
In Guam, authorities welcomed the apparent lifting of the missile threat from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
“We are happy that the rhetoric has calmed down, that he won’t be pursuing his threats to fire missiles at Guam,” said Lt. Gov. Ray Tenorio. “The comments allay some of the concerns and the fears.”
The U.S. military on Guam would maintain a high level of readiness to respond to any threat, said Greg Kuntz, deputy public affairs officer for Joint Region Marianas.
Guam is home to two major U.S. military bases. The island is situated roughly 3,800 miles west of Hawaii and 2,100 miles south-southeast of Pyongyang.
President Trump tweeted last Sunday that he spoke with South Korean President Moon Jae-In amid mounting tensions with North Korea -- and Trump was “very happy and impressed” with the United Nations Security Council's 15-0 vote to hit Kim Jong Un's regime with tough new sanctions.
The sanctions against the communist nation include a ban on coal and other exports worth over $1 billion -- a huge bite in its total exports, valued at $3 billion last year.
U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley called the resolution “the single largest economic sanctions package ever leveled against the North Korean regime” and "the most stringent set of sanctions on any country in a generation.”
Editor Note
Why did kim jong-un back down on nuking the US?
Because President Trump got the useless united nations to vote for sanctions against north korea that included russia and china.
President Trump also did NOT back down to the nut job kim jong-un.
He spoke to him in language un could understand and told he he would be dead meat if he continued to threaten the US.
Next President Trump kicked china in the butt by letting china know he was going to really do something about the trade imbalance with them.
And guess what, tuesday morning all the news changed because china had told north korea it was not going to buy its oil or coal any more.
Kim jong-un got the message and started talking different.
Full credit goes to President Trump and his administration. The butt kicking lesson worked!
A review:
(1) Trump kicks china in the butt to do something about north korea.
(2) China kicks north korea in the butt by telling them to back off on the nukes and also telling them they were not going to buy oil and coal from north korea any more.
(3) Kim jon-un gets the message after a china butt kick and starts talking different about nukes and the US.
Monday, August 14, 2017
North Korea Diesel Submarines

NEW satellite images of North Korea bases appear to show the volatile state is overhauling its missile sub fleet as tension rises during the nuclear stand-off between Kim Jong-un and the US.
Kim Jong-un has been repeatedly threatening to nuke America and it’s feared his next launches will be seaborne.
Long-range ballistic missiles (ISBMs), and their submarine-housed counterparts (SLBMs), are rockets which can carry nuclear bombs and would be capable of striking the west coast of the US including cities such as Los Angeles and Seattle.
However, North Korea is not believed to have developed the technical capacity to mount a nuclear warhead on an SLBM.
The range of north korea's sub launched missle is 600 miles.
The subs are diesel powered, so could be detected and destroyed as soon as the sub left the port.
Korea (DPRK) used plutonium for conducting its first nuclear test on 9 October 2006.
Editor note
Kim jong-un's subs are a threat to Guam and the US.
The good news is the US can detect their movement very easily and destroy the diesel powered sub quickly.
I am sure the US and other countries are watching kim jong-un's every move and especially his old slow diesel subs with nuclear missiles.
Guam is 2,128 miles from north korea.
I am also sure the US can detect a kim jong-un's submarine if it is about to launch a missile.
If un's subs get with in 600 miles of Guam or America the US will take it out and then the story would be something like:
"North korea sub lost at sea or north korea sub has sunk to bottom of sea."
The most likely story is NO story. The US would take the sub out before it could launch any missles and never admit it had done so.
The sub story would be quite different than it would be for the US to contain kim jong-un missiles on land.
On land un would never see what hit his nuke missiles and infrastructure.
The US could send low flying under the radar cruise missiles or stealth bombers etc.
Un would retaliate by trying to launch nukes that were not destroyed.
There is a possibility of some being launched that would need to be destroyed.
It would only take one sent to South Korea to cause the US to then possibly nuke kim jong-un back to the stone age.
Most likely it would be done with neutron bomb. (Only my speculation.)
A neutron bomb, officially defined as a type of enhanced radiation weapon (ERW), is a low yield thermonuclear weapon designed to maximize lethal neutron radiation in the immediate vicinity of the blast while minimizing the physical power of the blast itself.
ERWs were first operationally deployed for anti-ballistic missiles (ABM). In this role the burst of neutrons would cause nearby warheads to undergo partial fission, preventing them from exploding properly. For this to work, the ABM would have to explode within a few hundred feet of its target.
If kim jong-un wants to commit suicide and take his country along with him he can do it at any time.
I am sure the US and South Korea are ready if he does.
Also obama and his thugs have given kim jong-un the green light to put a nuke in a container on a ship or dock somewhere close to or in the US.
This would be a "back door" way for un to set one off in the US.
Is the US prepared for this? I doubt it. Only a facade of preparedness. Remember there are many container ships in US ports and near the coast. Containers are also on rails and trucks, everywhere.
Bottom line is if a war starts with north korea there are a few loose ends that could be disastrous if they are not contained.

Man man watches and waits for the correct time to commit suicide.
The US will then take him out but at what cost? How much collateral damge to US citizens??
Its similar to a swat team neutralizing a nut case with a gun holding hostages.
Kim jon-un is holding us as hostages and the US military is the "swat team" that will be sent to destroy the threat. Will the military be successful and free the "hostages" unharmed? Only God knows.
So pray that President Trump will make the correct decision and the US military will be successful if kim jong-un decides to end his life and the lives of others who are innocent.
You can also be sure that if kim jong-un sets it off the people in the US will panic. That could set the US government off and then maybe partial martial law in certain areas because of shortages of food and water cause by panic.
I suggest you be prepared with some of the following:
Survival tips
Augason Farms Emergency Food Supply 30-Day Pail – 1 Person
Online only
Price includes shipping Sams's Club
Basic Food Pail
- Enough food for 1 person, 30 days
- 307 total servings of food
- 54,660 total calories
- 1,822 average calories per day per person
DASANI Water Cost varies. Recently I purchase several 24 16.9 fl oz bottle cases for only $3.69 each. Purchased at Ingles.
(Don't buy at walmart they want $43.48 for 24 16.9 fl oz bottle case.) A total rip off!
Shelf life 12 months
Purifide by reverse osmosis
No fluoride
No sodium (only a negligable amount of salt for taste)
Magnesium sulfate
Potassium chloride
Additional added minerals for taste
Story Reports Comments
Friday, August 11, 2017
Keep the force ready and don't get the herd spooked.
The herd is kim jong-un and his generals.
General Thurman worried that the war of words was fueling tensions and adding to the risk of miscalculation.
“We are playing right into Kim Jong-un’s hands,” General Thurman said. “That is what he wants. He wants to be on the world scene.”
“I really would want to tamp down this rhetoric, maintain armistice conditions, keep the force ready and,” he said, “not get the herd spooked.”
New York Times 8/20/2017
Wrestling With North Korea, Trump Finds Perilous Options
WASHINGTON — North Korea’s threat on Thursday to test-fire ballistic missiles soon near the American territory of Guam deepened the challenge confronting the Trump administration: how to defang Pyongyang’s missile programs without risking all-out war.
President Trump has made clear that his goal is to deny North Korea the capability to field a long-range nuclear-tipped missile that could strike the United States.
Even a limited strike against a North Korean missile on its launching pad or the shooting down of a missile in midair would pose risks that the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, might retaliate, setting off a spiral of escalation that could plunge the Korean Peninsula into war.
“In the event of a first strike against Kim, even a non-nuclear option, it is highly likely that Kim would retaliate at least conventionally against South Korea,” said James Stavridis, a retired four-star admiral who is now dean of Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. “This almost certainly would create an upward spiral of violence which would be extremely difficult to manage or to mitigate.”
A major consideration would be whether and when to evacuate American and other allied civilians, which is no small feat as Seoul, a city of about 10 million, is within range of North Korea’s rockets and artillery and the North Korean military is also armed with chemical and biological weapons.
“With all this talk, what I worry about is a serious miscalculation,” said James D. Thurman, a retired Army general who served as the top United States commander in South Korea from 2011 to 2013. “Before we start talking about all these military options, we have to decide what are we going to do with the U.S. citizens over there.”
He estimated that at least a quarter-million Americans would have to be moved.
If the United States was prepared to go beyond a limited strike, it could conduct a surprise attack on North Korea’s missile garrison and weapon storage areas, using American aircraft stationed in Guam, in Japan and on aircraft carriers as well as strategic bombers that would be refueled in flight.
American officials, however, do not have high confidence that the military could find and destroy North Korea’s entire arsenal of long-range missiles and nuclear warheads. It would be up to American missile defenses to knock out any that survived and that North Korea might use to attack the United States or its allies.
The United States could try a similar approach: attacking North Korea’s missiles while warning Mr. Kim that his government would be the next target if he dared to strike back. But few analysts are confident he would be restrained.
Those urging firmer action assert that a military buildup in and around South Korea could give economic sanctions and diplomacy more time to work while providing American negotiators with more leverage.
Mr. Graham asserted that diplomatic efforts would fail unless the United States made clear that North Korea’s deployment of an intercontinental missile would cross a “red line” and that military options were available if the talks faltered.
Editors Note:
The herd is kim jong-un and his generals.
James D. Thurman, a retired Army general who served as the top United States commander in South Korea from 2011 to 2013 is worried about stampeding the kim jon-un herd.
I think he is a rational thinker.
Diplomatic efforts have not worked in th US favor, clinton and obama made sure of that.
Kim jon-un is now in a position to talk turkey to the US and the world.
If kim jong-un lauches a missle toward Guam or the US this will stampede the US herd possibly.
It could push President Trump to do what is is charged to do which is defend the US.
Guam is a US territory with US bases and will be protected just like the US.
The potential fire storm I see is kim jon-un making a real bad move with his military and shooting a missile toward Guam.
Even if it was a test I think President Trump would be compelled to move against kim jong-un.
Lets all pray that President Trump makes the right decisions.
In the 1961 cuban missle crisis all the US generals wanted to nuke cuba which would have resulted in ww3 and the mutual destruction of the US and Russia.
The US generals gave Kennedy stupid bad advice.
Kennedy did not take their advice and because of this the cuban crisis did not result in the destruction of the US and Russia etc.
I am sure President Trump is getting much advice and can only hope its better advice than was given by the generals in 1961.
This is again why I say to pray for President Trump.
At least one general has some good advice this time, General James D. Thurman.
President Trump should take his advice.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
God is in control
People are worried about north Korea and their nukes.
People are worried about what Trump will do.
Some people forget God is in control. He knows what is best for us.
There is no need to worry about anything.
We just need to trust in the Lord and ask that his will be done.
Don't trust in what man does.
At this time pray for our country and President Trump.
Read the Bible also. http//
People are worried about what Trump will do.
Some people forget God is in control. He knows what is best for us.
There is no need to worry about anything.
We just need to trust in the Lord and ask that his will be done.
Don't trust in what man does.
At this time pray for our country and President Trump.
Read the Bible also. http//
What is a Sanctuary City?
The sanctuary jurisdictions are listed below. These cities, counties, and states have laws, ordinances, regulations, resolutions, policies, or other practices that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from ICE — either by refusing to or prohibiting agencies from complying with ICE detainers, imposing unreasonable conditions on detainer acceptance, denying ICE access to interview incarcerated aliens, or otherwise impeding communication or information exchanges between their personnel and federal immigration officers.
A detainer is the primary tool used by ICE to gain custody of criminal aliens for deportation. It is a notice to another law enforcement agency that ICE intends to assume custody of an alien and includes information on the alien's previous criminal history, immigration violations, and potential threat to public safety or security.
The Department of Justice announced July 26,2017 that sanctuary jurisdictions will lose access to certain federal law enforcement grants in 2017 if they prohibit officials from communicating with ICE, if they block ICE from interviewing jail inmates, and if they fail to notify ICE of the pending release of criminal aliens ICE is seeking to deport. These particular grants, known as the Byrne Justice Assistance Grants, are the largest source of federal criminal justice funds for state, local and tribal authorities.
Editor Note:
The Center for Immigration Studies a new interactive map identifying the cities, towns and counties that have so far protected at least 17,000 criminal illegals instead of handing them over to federal authorities. Of those, 11,800 have prior criminal records.
Why would anyone with good sense want illegal aliens who have prior criminal records to become their neighbour?
The answer is anyone with good sense would not want an illegal alien with a prior criminal record or not to be their neighbour.
The national media has induced people into thinking the word illegal is meaningless. To those who want illegal aliens as their neighbours it is meaningless.
To those who know what the meaning of the word illegal, it means someone who has done something illegal.
People in california want illegals as neighbours, oregon and washington state also.
These are places to be avoided for your own safety. If you live in these states and are not an illegal alien I suggest you move elsewhere real quick.
(1) For your own safety (Your government and police force will ignore your illegal alien neighbour.)
(2) Your taxes, fees etc etc will increase to fund illegals in your state.

Editor note
Story Reports Comments
illegal aliens,
prior criminal record,
sanctuary city
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Rogue Federal Employees Causing Trouble For Trump
Definition of Rogue:
A dishonest or worthless person.
Federal employees step up defiance of Trump
Devin Henry
Government employees are growing increasingly willing to criticize or defy the White House and President Trump’s top appointees.
A handful of current and former career staffers in the Interior Department and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have openly shredded their superiors within the last several weeks, continuing a trend that has developed throughout the government over the course of Trump’s tenure in the Oval Office.
The growing opposition in the executive branch comes as the White House’s legislative agenda has stalled in Congress and Trump turns to his Cabinet agencies to change course in several policy areas. It also is emanating from career staffers or political holdovers whose resistance to Trump has, at times, been rooted in deep opposition to the president’s agenda.
Trump’s allies have often cast the president as the victim of the “deep state,” an entrenched, liberal bureaucracy bent on damaging his agenda through leaks and resistance.
They argue the deep state extends from agencies such as the EPA, where employees could be angered with Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate deal, to career service intelligence agency staff who leak damaging information about the president.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich on Friday even accused special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director now investigating Russia’s involvement in last year’s election, as representing the “deep state at its worse.”
Conservatives are unsurprised by the opposition from federal employees.
Editor Note:
President Trump should fire all of those he can who are damaging his agenda.
These political holdovers and others need to be sent a message.
Daily government leaks must be stopped including leaks from robert mueller and his thugs who themselves should be investigated and or removed ASAP!
Story Reports Comments
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Iphone EMF Detector App
Get a Free IPhone EMF Detector
Detect the electromagnetic fields near you, known as EMF. It's not necessary an expensive electronic equipment. Your device is already a sensor to detect EMFs.
Track when a high magnetic field has been measured while you take the mobile with yourself. A warning beep will be activated to warn you and prevent health problems.
Use "Electromagnetic detector" as a scanner or as a EMF detector to detect high risk wireless zones. Check if your bed is EMF free! Appliances, microwaves and sockets could be now radiating you.
Convert your iPhone into a EMF Meter (electromagnetic field tester) or as a teslameter. By using the internal compass hardware. You can view the raw data of the magnetic fields that are all around you on a digital display.
Over a thousand research studies have linked EMFs to important biological effects.
EMFs have been associated with symptoms such as nausea, headache, fatigue, anxiety, mental confusion, memory loss, sleep disturbance, itchy or burning skin sensations, and skin rashes.
The electromagnetic radiation come from broken or lose wires behind the wall, or electrical socket, appliances and other electrical devices in the home. Finding pipes or other metallic objects under ground or behind walls. Detecting the presence of ghost. Clocks and radios near the bed may also contribute. Exposures to EMFs from cordless phones, cell phones, wireless computer equipment, Wi-Fi, etc.
Scientist, Teachers, Students, Engineers, all use EMF Meter's for detecting magnetic fields of all types.
-You can track when a high magnetic field has been measured and when, so the current time is stored.
-Warning beep near focus radiation.
-Detect the strength of Magnetic force fields on all three axis’s (x,y,z).
-Magnetic force is calculated in microteslas ( µT )
-Record your readings with a time & date stamp of each event.
Electromagnetic Detector:EMF Scanner For IPhone
Editors Note:
The app developer says:
This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true electromagnetic and EMF detector functionality.
Even if the disclaimer is true this app does indicate EMF force fields.
I think it is a very useful FREE tool to indicate EMF spots in your home that are to be avoided if possible.
I used it in several places and sure enough when I put it near a power receptacle, floor lamp, smart meter, surge protector, window air conditioner, tv computer etc etc the app indicated the EMF went up as I put my IPhone closer to the object. The floor lamp had the most EMF because the electrical wires run up through it.
This app logs your reading so you can quickly compare various readings.
I recommend this app and suggest you get it for FREE in the itunes app store.
Electromagnetic Detector:EMF Scanner For IPhone
Story Reports Comments
Critical Problem With Smart Meters
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Critical Problem with 'Smart' Meters
Critical Problem with 'Smart' Meters: The Switching-Mode Power Supply
Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Opt-Out
Ironically, now that PG&E is offering to disable the wireless RF function (for a hefty price) in their smart meters, we find that there’s an another extremely critical problem with the meters.
Just when you thought you had mastered all the esoteric acronyms, and all the problems with ‘smart’ meters, here’s one more: Switching-Mode Power Supply or SMPS. This new element in the ‘smart’ meter controversy deserves immediate full official and public attention.
In an on-going investigation into why so-called ‘smart’ meters being installed by PG&E against rising public opposition are causing so many people to be sick, and so many problems with other electric and electronic equipment, we have been fortunate to obtain the advice of electrical engineers.
On examination of typical meters, including ABB, GE, and Landis Gyr, they report that, in addition to its RF transmitter, each wireless digital meter also has a component called the ‘switching-mode power supply’ (SMPS) – switching power supply for short. Its function is to ‘step down’ the 240v alternating current (AC) coming in from the utility pole power lines to the 2 to 10 volts of direct current (DC) required to run the meter’s digital electronics which record the electricity usage data.
The SMPS function emits sharp spikes of millisecond bursts constantly, 24/7. The SMPS on the OWS 514 NIC model, for instance, which is the smart meter model widely installed by PG&E throughout its territory, has been measured to emit spikes of up to 50,000 hz and higher. This constant pulsing of high frequencies, in addition to the RF function, is causing not only interference with other electric and electronic equipment in many homes with smart meters installed, but also is causing havoc with biological systems in its field of exposure.
Dirty Electricity
When current flows through the wiring of a building it generates a surrounding electro-magnetic field that radiates outward all around the wires at right angles to the direction of the current’s flow and reaches out into the room.
It is well known that switching power supplies can generate spikes of so-called electromagnetic interference (EMI), or high frequency transients, which then travel along the wiring in the walls, radiating outward in the wiring’s electromagnetic field.
Such spikes are known as ‘dirty electricity’ and can be conducted to a human body that is within the range of the radiating field. This function is on all smart meters used by all utilities and is on constantly, 24/7.
An engineer explains it this way:
“Extensive measurements have demonstrated that all of the meters measured so far, including ABB, GE, and Landis Gyr, emit noise on the customer’s electric wiring in the form of high frequency voltage spikes, typically with an amplitude of 2 volts, but a frequency anywhere from 4,000 Hertz, up to 60,000 Hz. The actual frequency of the phenomena is influenced by the devices that are plugged into the customer’s power. Some houses are much worse than others, and this observation has been confirmed by PG&E installers.”
Another Fatal Flaw in ‘Smart’ Meters
Our consultants believe that it is this ‘dirty electricity’ generated by the e-meters’ switching power supplies that is a major contributor to the symptoms being reported by growing numbers of people in association with the e-meters thus far installed.
The ‘opt-out-for-a-price’ arrangement put forward by duke energy, in which the wireless meters would, at the ratepayer’s expense, have its RF transmitting function turned off, would still not eliminate the ‘dirty electricity’ flowing into the buildings wiring, and so would not prevent negative health effects in the buildings’s occupants.
Editors Note:
To get some idea of the amount of dirty electricity it generates, buy a Stetzer meter or a Trifield meter (or both) and measure the amount of line noise and the strength of the magnetic field in your home. The Stetzer meter will measure the line noise (dirty electricity). The Trifield meter will measure the magnetic field and how much it fluctuates. A needle that fluctuates a lot means there is a very unstable, erratically pulsating magnetic field. Pulsating electromagnetic fields are very harmful to human health.
Purchase microsurge meter for dirty electricity about $99.00 (Stetzer Meter) (Measures Line Noise or Dirty Electricity)
I know this seems like a lot of effort but I think its worth the effort. I don't trust the power company and neither should you. They want to use the data gathered to sell it for a profit. Also someone is willing to buy that information to know what you are doing. I smell agenda 21.
I want to know if the "dirty electricity" in my house wiring is at a safe level. I suspect with a smart meter installed it is not safe.
In the near future I will post the information that I have found about the "dirty electricity" line noise in my house wiring.
Before I check my house wiring I will cut off most of everything in the house so I can get a more accurate reading of the line noise that the smart meter is putting out.
Then I will compare it with the line noise after I turn my house electrical devices back on.
I will turn them back on one at a time an note the meter reading. If it spikes I will be able to tell what device is also causing "dirty electricity on the line".
I do know a bad device at a neighbour's house can also throw spikes on the line but I normally don't have that problem.
Graham Stetzer Filters are available for devices also. $29.99
I will only need one to test different devices and see if the line noise is reduced.
So for about $130.00 bucks I can find out about the dirty electricity in my house wiring.
The meter, developed by Dr. Martin Graham, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Berkeley, allows the user to measure the quality of the power without the need for super-expensive and more complicated equipment like oscilloscopes. The meter will display a reading from 0 to 2000.
- The lower the number, the cleaner or clearer the signal is.
- The higher the number, the more dirty power, electrical pollution, noise, etc is present on the line.
- In severe cases of dirty electricity, the meter could display only a 0 or a 1 or shut off. This means the reading is higher than 2000 and cannot be displayed.
- Install one filter
- See how much the first filter affects the circuit. Usually the first filter will considerably (often over 95%) reduce the reading on the meter.
- Try installing a second filter and see if the reading drops at least another 20%
Most people won't take the time to find out about the "dirty electricity" in their walls that a smart meter produces.
- In severe cases of dirty electricity, the meter could display only a 0 or a 1 or shut off. This means the reading is higher than 2000 and cannot be displayed.
- If this is what you find when you first test your wiring without devices turned on there will be know doubt your smart meter is a silent killer similar to someone who smokes or drinks alcohol. It will catch up with you but then it will be too late.
- If this is what you find I suggest you inform your neighbours about their smart meters and the "dirty electricity" it is generating in the house wiring.
- It would really be time to get off the grid.
Protecting yourself from EMF radiation
You can do something to protect yourself from "dirty electricity" in your home wiring up to a point.
The sooner you do something the better, just like stopping smoking or drinking.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Smart Meter Fires
Shocking and disturbing facts about smart meter fires -- which your utility does not want you to know about.
Excellent information your utility company hopes you never see. Every homeowner and property manager needs to see this.
Smart Meters: Most have no built in surge protectors
Contrary to analog meters, with most ‘smart’ meters there are NO BUILT IN SURGE PROTECTORS? And the results? Millions of dollars in damage from fires, explosions and power outages which should have never happened.
Q: Is it true that insurance companies won’t insure against the risks of “smart” meters?
We heartily recommend that you write to your own insurance company to ask explicit questions about whether they insure against the risks of “smart” meters. The more people who write to ask this question, the more attention insurance companies may pay this unaddressed question.
Editor note:
I am more worried about a smart meter with no surge protection starting a fire at my home than microwaves surging through my walls slowly "cooking" me..
I am going to ask the utility company why the new smart meter they just installed has NO surge protection.
I am going to call my insurance company and ask does my home fire insurance cover a fire caused by a surge to a smart meter or just a smart meter catching on fire by itself.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
General John Kelly Trump's New Chief of Staff

This is a "tweet" executive order that President Trump should override. Hopefully General Kelly will help.
Fox News
President Donald Trump replaced Reince Priebus with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as White House chief of staff. He is a retired Marine Corps general.
The shift at the top of the White House hierarchy is aimed at bringing order to an administration that has been beset by infighting, as Mr. Trump seeks to notch the sort of sweeping legislative victories that he promised during the campaign but that have eluded him to this point, advisers to the president said.
“John Kelly will do a fantastic job. Gen. Kelly has been a star, done an incredible job thus far, respected by everybody,” Mr. Trump told reporters Friday.
Mr. Trump discussed bringing in Mr. Kelly with a small group of people, the senior official said. Part of the draw, the official said, was that he believes Mr. Kelly can provide effective leadership and has the respect of the West Wing, which is staffed with aides whose ideology falls across the political spectrum.
Mr. Priebus told The Wall Street Journal he submitted his letter of resignation on Thursday. In an interview later with CNN, he said Mr. Trump “obviously wanted to make a change, and I offered my resignation, and he agreed. And we moved on.”
He said he and the president discussed naming Mr. Kelly as his successor and said Mr. Trump “knows intuitively when things need to change.”
Editor Note:
President Trump should have replaced his chief of staff sooner. Because he hesitated on replacing staff that argues too much the white house staff has not been effective as it could have been.
In fact I would say it has been not great but below average.
Trump's tweets are not the way he should run his administration.
Some of his tweets are just stupid others are ok.
Someone needs to edit his tweets or he just needs to stop tweeting his thoughts before he makes more mistakes tweeting himself into a stupor that the fake news media feeds on.
I am a Trump supporter but I have never agreed with many of his tweets that just make him look less presidential and settled.
If Trump's tweets can be monitored and edited before he sticks his foot in his mouth maybe his administration can get something done other than a tweet that says:
Great, wonderful, big, huge etc etc etc.
Mr president while you are making staff changes I suggest you look into the mirror and replace the urge to tweet your thoughts that sometimes get you in hot water and make you less effective. Lets make America great again, stop the tweets!
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Solar Eclipse 2017 Data Calculator (Find out about any location in the US)
Solar Eclipse Calculator 2017
You can obtain data about recent and the upcoming August 2017 solar eclipse for any location.
People are getting excited about the Aug 21 2017 solar eclipse. Many want to know details about how long it will last and when it starts and ends. You can find out about any location in the US by going here: Solar Eclipse Calculator 2017
Solar Eclipse Calculator 2017
You can obtain data about recent and the upcoming August 2017 solar eclipse for any location.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Junkyard Rescues
Junk Yard Rescues
Stories and tips about old truck restoration.
Old GMC PickupsSanford And Song Theme Song
Sanford And Son 1951 Ford Truck
Sanford And Son Salvage
We Buy And Sell Junk
Restoring classic cars and trucks is a fun hobby that can be profitable as well. However, there is a danger involved in restoring these classics. When they were manufactured, people knew a lot less about the dangers of certain hazardous substances.Many materials used in the manufacture of classic cars and trucks can lead to severe health problems when individuals are exposed to them. The following is a guide to the dangerous substances that people need to be aware of when they are restoring vintage automobiles.
Perhaps the scariest substance found in old classics is asbestos. Asbestos is used in old brake pads, drums and clutch plates. It was used for its fire resistance. However, exposure to asbestos is now known to cause mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is an extremely deadly form of lung cancer. It is imperative that restorers exercise caution when working with classic cars. Oftentimes, 15% of the dust found around the wheels and brake pads of vintage automobiles is made from asbestos! It is best to always wear a dust filter mask when working, as well as using a shop vac to suck up as much as the harmful dust as possible.
Another scary chemical found in older cars is lead. Exposure to lead can have serious health consequences, including brain damage, nervous system damage, kidney problems, reproductive health issues, learning disabilities and behavioral problems. Lead is found in the electrical connecting areas of most classic cars. Also, many times lead was used as a filler for cracks and dents in body work on older automobiles. All that lead in the body of a car is released into lead dust when restorers sand the body.
Again, the best protection against lead exposure is to always wear a protective dust mask when working on an older automobile. Many of the older paints used contain toxic substances as well. Cadmium was the chemical of choice to achieve the color yellow back in the good old days. Unfortunately, exposure to cadmium can be fatal in a very short period of time. The lungs absorb cadmium particularly effectively, so it is again imperative to work with a proper dust mask at all times. Lead chromate is also found in some older paints.
As well as the chemicals used in the manufacturing of older vehicles, they accumulate nasty chemicals over the course of their life. Dirt, oil and grease collect around the engine, drive shaft, transmission and axles. This dirt, oil and grease compound is full of nasty chemicals. Restorers should protect themselves at all times with proper safety gear. Wearing latex gloves and a proper dust filtration mask will prevent exposure to toxic chemicals, lowering the risk of health problems down the road.
Junk Yard Rescues
My grandfather owned a 1950 GMC truck. I remember a suicide knob that was attached to the steering wheel of his truck. The 1950 GMC truck was a slightly bigger, more powerful and stronger version of the 1950 Chevrolet truck. The GMC and Chevrolet trucks shared identical transmissions, suspension and bodies, but the GMC featured a thicker frame and larger engine. Chevy pickups shared its engines with General Motors’ automotive lines. GMC had specially manufactured truck engines. Although GMC and Chevrolet shared most of the same sheet metal, GMCs had a distinctive grille, tailgate, hubcaps and exterior colors.
Solar Eclipse Calculator 2017
You can obtain data about recent and the upcoming August 2017 solar eclipse for any location.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Paula Dean Store And Restaurant In Savannah, Georgia
Paula Dean Video Of Her Store And Restaurant In Savannah, Georgia
Paula Deen cooking
Check out Paula Deans "The Lady & Son's" Gift Shop and Restaurant in Savannah, Georgia. Here are 7 Great Paula Dean Quotes.
1. Life is too short to wonder where you hid your waffle maker.
2. Sadly, in today's times, pies are an endangered dessert.
3. I would not want to live in a world without fried pork chops.
4. I have always said that I don't care for uppity food and I can't cook it.
5. Most anytime you put two Southern cooks in the same kitchen you will sense a little cordial disagreement.
6. Baking is big in the South—whether it's a biscuit or a roll, we love something in our hand to put some butter on, or to sop up pot liquor.
7. Then there's ham. Hallelujah!
Paula Deen Plantation Blog Recipes(
Friday, January 20, 2017
Watch Fox News Live (Jan 20, 2017)
Watch Fox News Live Jan 20, 2017
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Emergency Message To Donald Trump To Deter Martial Law
Emergency! Trump Must Go On Offensive To Stop Democrat Plan For Martial Law
Fight back against the campaign to bring down President Trump - January 14, 2017
Alex Jones’ Emergency Message To President Donald Trump To Deter Martial Law
Since the November 2016 election, the Democratic party, the big foundations, the offshore banks, the shadow government, the deep state and the rogue intelligence agencies have done all they can to bring down President Trump.
Alex Jones calls on Donald Trump to go on the offensive to defend against attacks that undermine our democracy and his rightful place in the Oval Office.
We must go on the offensive exposing globalist infiltration, or they are going to overturn the election.
Alex Jones’ Emergency Message To President Donald Trump To Deter Martial Law
Editors Note: Jan 15, 2017
Because of what has happened leading up to Jan 20, 2017 I do believe obama/hillary will try a coup to distrump the Jan 20, 2017 Presidential Inauguration of Donald Trump.
If obama/hillary/democrates/cia etc can keep Donald Trump from being sworn in as President on Jan 20, 2017 America will be controlled by a dictator and the US Constitution will be suspended.
This means you will have no protection under the Constitution and the dictator can do anything he wants to you or you loved ones.
It is true that the massive protests against Donald Trump are well coordinated and planned in the hope of keeping Donald Trump from being sworn in as President on Jan 20, 2017.
These protests will give the incoming dictator cover for stripping Americans of their freedoms.
This is D Day for America - Jan 20, 2017.
I hope and pray God will allow Donald Trump to be sworn in as President on Jan 20, 2017.
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