I research news articles and comment. The deep state includes corrupt state and local officials.
Some links are out of date on this blog and information on some of these links has changed.
1803 posts are too many to go through and change a link that is bad or has been purchased by someone other than me.
The Information on links I no longer own or control, I am not in no way responsible for what is on the link. Just beware.
When you use a search engine often many real news sites are not listed or if they are a big pop up is displayed on your screen that says the website is risky or dangerous.
There are such websites but you can know the difference by doing a little research and find out the big pop up is there just to keep you from reading the truth.
Major social media websites censor information and comments all the time in various ways including shadow banning - which makes you think people are seeing your post but are not.
Another website to check out for real information is CaptainConvey.com
This is not a social media website so information is not censored.
The original question was: Why post real information if it is censored is now answered.
Here Is Something You Can Do To Protect Yourself From The Joe Bijeng Dictatorship.
Aside from submitting to leftist Democrats over the next four years, nullification appears to be the only peaceful means of responding to their efforts. Republican-controlled states must step forward, honor their oaths of office, and defy each and every unconstitutional edict that comes from Washington. The future of the nation — and our freedom — may depend upon it.
The time is now. State legislators, are you listening?
A joint committee on neutralization of federal laws; and to provide a directive. HB 1282 North Dakota
North Dakota HB 1164 (PDF) Review of presidential executive orders - Restriction
Send a copy of this PDF proposed ND House Bill 1164 to your state legislators and demand they pass similar legislation to protect you from the unconstitutional edicts that come from the joe bijeng dictatoship!
If your state legislator is unwilling to introduce legislation or support legislation to protect you constitutional rights make sure that they don't get elected again!
Follow the status of HB 1164 carefully. Bill Actions for HB 1164 Review of presidential executive orders- Restriction
The Dissenter web browser is built for The People, not advertisers. Block Big Tech ads and trackers by default. Discover a comment section on every URL online. Welcome to the free speech internet.
“We will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in. We will never give up. We will never back down. We will NEVER, ever surrender!”
The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine, HCQ, treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.
This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!
We now know that that number could have been lowered significantly if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!
A new study posted in the American Journal of Medicine in January found that early treatment of coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine lowered the mortality rate for the disease.
The study found that immediate use of HCQ, while the patient was still at home, showed significant benefits.
For the past several months the website c19study.com has been tracking the HCQ-coronavirus studies.
x; box-sizing: inherit; display: flex; flex: 1 1 auto; font-size: 18px; justify-content: center; padding: 4px 0px; transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out 0s;" target="_blank">latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.
This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!
America had lost (reportedly) over 150,000 lives at that time.
We now know that that number could have been lowered significantly if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!
A new study posted in the American Journal of Medicine in January found that early treatment of coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine lowered the mortality rate for the disease.
The study found that immediate use of HCQ, while the patient was still at home, showed significant benefits.
This is just the latest study that shows the effectiveness of HCQ in treating the coronavirus.
For the past several months the website c19study.com has been tracking the HCQ-coronavirus studies.
According toc19study.comthere have been 237 studies, 171 of which were peer reviewed that show 67% of patients improved in early treatment trials.
How many hundreds of thousands of victims were killed due to Dr. Fauci, the CDC and the tech giants’ false claims on hydroxychloroquine?
The jihad against HCQ was to get back at Trump. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead today!
Government And Mass Media Uses Protestors In DC As A Template And Cover For Appointing joe biden As Dictator In Congress.
The democrate/communists are using the Trump rally and antifa infiltrators to discredit 74 million people that support President Trump.
Trump rally protestors were set up.
Dozens of young men were seen given a DC police escort in 4 white non descript buses at the capitol then dozens of young men disappear into the crowd.
Eye witnesses said they saw people waving Trump supporters toward the capitol building after DC police took down barriers to the capitol building.
What happened on Jan 6, 2021 in DC was a combination FALSE FLAG operation and peaceful Trump rally protest to deceive America again!
What the US Congress has done is infuriated 74 million American voters.
Congress knows this and thats why they are desperately working to totally discredit President Trump and those who attended the massive DC Trump rally and all Trump supporters.
This was demonstrated on Jan 6, 2021 in the DC Trump Rally.
The traitors to the US Constitution in congress will move quickly to cement their dictatorial power using the Trump rally as an excuse to pass dictatorial laws to protect themselves.
The STENCH of congress stretches all over America reaching from coast to coast.
The smell of corruption in congress is overwhelming.
It might as well be a garbage dump!
Congress will act like its another 911 so they can take away our freedoms and make the mistake of trying to take away our freedom of speech and weapons.
If you encounter someone who asks you to prove or show them information of election fraud give them the very detailed information on the website hereistheevidence.com
Uunlawful electorial certificates were submitted by states that did not following their own election laws.
Article II, Section 1, Clause 2:
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. ArtII.S1.C2.1.2.1 State Discretion in Choosing Electors
Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan submitted unlawful electorial votes.
These states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause.
The combination hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) - (Plaquenil) and azithromycin (AZ) - (Zpac) is used in the treatment of COVID-19.
Administration of the HCQ+AZ combination before COVID-19 complications occur is safe for most people and associated with a very low fatality rate in patients.
Don't waste you time asking your doctor if they will perscribe HCQ if you have tested positive for the covid-19 in 35 US states.
There are 15 US states normal (pre 2020) HCQ prescription regulations.
CLICK HERE To Contact A PHYSICIAN Who Will Perscribe HCQ.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is available in 15 US states.
HCQ and AZ must be taken at the onset of the covid-19 to be effective.
If you are one of the people who are protesting because of the phrase black lives matter you are being used as a useful idiot by blm, democrate/ communists and islamists to destroy America.
You need to read the fine print about blm.
Dabo Sweeny Coach at Clemson said, "I whole heardedly support black lives matter." He supports a radical group of communists and islamists.
Dabo like many other people are being used by blm as useful idiots just like the mayor of portland oregon who led the march on 7/22/20 and had a ted talk with blm that failed. He then ran for cover in a nearby building for his life.
By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.Russell Blaylock, MD
Tell your loved ones about how to protect yourself against a virus or covid-19.
Be sure to tell your loved ones to take one of the known cures for covid-19 below if they get covid-19 and are told by a doctor or nurse to just go home, isolate yourself and wait.
Take one of the supplements below also as a preventative against a virus or covid-19. Make sure first that the supplements are ok to take with your meds.
Knowledge is power and the fake news media, big government and the drug companies don't want you to know the truth about covid-19 and how it can be stopped especially when you learn how to stop it by taking the right zinc supplenments!
I am not a doctor but I do know how to read and research information for myself.
Anit Kumar Singh: " Yes, zinc stops the coronavirus to replicate and multiply "
Well... ultimately, that is the effect. Intracellular Zinc interferes with coronavirus transcription, which results in the ability of the virus to replicate. [
] However, being a ++ ion, extracellular zinc requires active transport to pass across the cell membrane. It so happens that chloroquine is a zinc ionophore, thus provides zinc++ with the transport mechanism. [
] In this instance, chloroquine has no drug action. It is the zinc that is in play, and I find it concerning that so many news organizations (and governments) are failing to convey this fact..opting, instead, to portray chloroquine as having the key drug action. it does not...
The definition of an Ionophore is, "a substance which is able to transport particular ions, like zinc, across a lipid membrane in a cell". Well, now is the time why knowing more about zinc and a ZincIonophore compound may just save a life, especially someone with COVID-19.
Be sure to read the articles below about Zinc Ionophore and how important this is to your body absorbing zinc which is the best thing you can do to protect yourself against a virus or covid-19.
Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney [U.S. Air Force Retired] said in a no-holds-barred
interview that he doesn't believe the courts are likely to come through for
President Trump.
Despite massive amounts of evidence of widespread irregularities, many judges
appear either unable or unwilling to sort through allegations of rigged voting
machines and dozens of affidavits from eyewitnesses to ballot stuffing, denial
of Republican poll watchers from observing the process, evidence of more votes
cast in hundreds of precincts than were registered to vote, and a host of other
The general placed the burden squarely on President Trump to use the
emergency powers at his disposal and put down what he described as a coup d'état
in progress.
McInerney is not just any retired general making these claims.
He is highly decorated, having flown 400 combat missions over Vietnam. He was
in charge of NORAD for Alaska and had a top security clearance with
responsibility for the U.S. nuclear arsenal. He spent 16 years as a military
analyst with Fox News.
"He is not only a patriot he is a historian and he understands the massive
threat now faced by America,"
McInerney said the fraud seen on Election Day could easily be repeated in
Georgia to steal the two U.S. Senate seats up for election there on Jan. 5,
giving Democrats full control of the government.
McInerney said that after listening to President Trump talk with Fox News'
Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning, he was concerned that the president "sounded
kind of down."
"What startled me was, he kept talking about fraudulent votes, and then I
heard Rudy Giuliani talking about fraudulent votes. It's not fraudulent votes.
The American people must understand, we are talking about treason."
McInerney said President Trump must be compelled by his supporters to "honor
his oath of office" and employ the tools available to him to quash the
insurrection that he believes is in progress.
The retired three-star general was very specific in what he said Trump must
do to put down the coup. He must invoke the executive order that Trump signed on
Sept. 12, 2018, allowing the president to declare a state of emergency related
to foreign intervention in U.S. elections.
"He has got to declare a national emergency …He should also use the
Insurrection Act because we have an insurrection right now in this country when
you look at Antifa and BLM, plus other groups. He must suspend habeas corpus as
President Lincoln did in 1861 and Franklin Roosevelt did in 1942 when World War
II started."
McInerney said a silent coup is being perpetrated in plain view. It could
turn violent but so far it remains bloodless.
The Chinese military doctrine of warfare includes six stages, the first five
of which are focused on informational warfare tactics. If those asymetrical
tactics should fail, the sixth and final stage involves traditional kinetic
"The Democratic perpetrators of this, plus the Russians, Chinese and Iran,
have not disguised this cyber warfare on America," McInerney said. "As a matter
of fact, they have been blatant about it and open about it, cocky about it, in
all the things they've done and all the people they've employed."
He said he has personally seen pictures of people unloading truckloads of
mail-in ballots that hadn't even been folded and put in an envelope.
"It's a printing press operation. And yet we have judges that are challenging
that, saying that's not enough. And so that's why it's so important that this
national emergency be declared and the president start arresting these people
right away; this is a national emergency. I would declare martial law."
McInerney said the decisions made to allow massive numbers of mail-in ballots
were made by secretaries of state and courts, not by state legislatures as
required by the U.S. Constitution.
"And then on election night they decided to cease ballot counting in five
states," he said.
In Atlanta, a supposed water-main break was cited as the reason to stop the
counting at 10:30 p.m., only to continue once all observers were gone. The
broken water pipe has since been found to have never occurred.
"This has never happened before, it's unprecedented, and shows there was
pre-planning across several states to do these treasonous acts. That's why it's
not fraudulent voting, it's treason. They are trying to overturn this
government," McInerney said.
He said the new acting secretary of defense, Chris Miller, should make use of
the National Guard as well as active-duty military personnel to crush the
"Until this gets cleaned up, until we have all the facts, the president
should suspend the Electoral College meeting on the 14th of December and the
inauguration on the 20th of January."
The general said that because the courts have shown themselves "unable to
figure out what is going on" the use of military tribunals will be necessary to
deal with the coup plotters and participants.
"That's why martial law is so important," he said. "We need to set up
military tribunals because the judiciary has shown us they're not capable of
figuring this out.
"In Pennsylvania the local judges couldn't figure it out because the state
sent out 1.8 million ballots and they got 2.5 million mailed back in. My
goodness, someone had to have a printing press that was printing all these
votes, yet the judiciary couldn't figure it out and stop them. That's why we
need military tribunals and have these people arrested and charged, and the
evidence should be presented there."
If America doesn't "wake up" and realize what's happening it will soon be too
late, he said.
This is corroborated by people who in earlier decades lived through the
socialist revolutions that took over Cuba, Venezuela, China, Germany, Russia,
Vietnam and Cambodia.
"The president has got to start having rallies, talking to the people
primarily in these six states. He must use the executive orders and suspend all
action of the Electoral College," McInerney said, with a sense of urgency in his
voice. "And the 85 million people must demand that you, Mr. President, clean
this up, make it happen."
If the courts fail to act, and Trump fails to act, he said the election in
Georgia will simply be a repeat of the fraud, allowing the Democrats to take the
two senate seats and total control of the government.
"They're going to win that election in Georgia, using Hammer and Scorecard
and the Dominion voting machines," he said. "I heard a prominent Republican say
‘we really need a large turnout.' It doesn't matter what your turnout is when
they're using cyber warfare. They always beat it by three percent. That's why
it's important we suspend even those votes down in Georgia until we clean this
McInerney said the Founding Fathers had no way of anticipating the concept of
cyber warfare.
"But they did have the oath that the president and all the people like myself
took to support the Constitution of United States of America against all enemies
foreign and domestic. These are domestic enemies and they must be treated as
such. This is hybrid warfare in the 21 century, this is how it's done. That's
how you destabilize. You don't have to have combat troops. You do it through a
country's own democratic processes. Like Stalin said, it doesn't matter who
votes, it matters who counts the votes."
He said the perpetrators knew their massive assault on the voting process
would confuse the American people, including judges in the judicial system.
With Fox News, for years the only large mainstream news outlet that served a
conservative audience, now flipped to the other side, the only way Americans can
hear the truth is through small independent news providers.
The FBI and DOJ have been missing in action, as the president himself noted
on Sunday.
Trump sits in a lonely place, all by himself in the valley of decision.
"I sensed he was down and I want him to know that the American people are
demanding his leadership; he's the only person in America today who can turn
this around, and win it. It's bigger than Lincoln had, and if he turns this
around it will rank him right up next to George Washington if he saves this
union by taking the emergency action that he needs to take."
Not only are federal law-enforcement agencies standing down, but so are many
Republican politicians.
"GOP leaders, where are they? Mitch [McConnell], we haven't heard from you.
Let's hear from you senators, let's hear from you House members. Let's stand up
and be counted," McInerney pleaded. "Wake up America. Let's demand our
representatives, let's send messages to each one of them and tell them, wake up.
We want a full investigation on this. This is so obvious."
McInerney is recommending that people email or tweet to the president a
message asking him to invoke the Insurrection Act and the September 2018
executive order
Executive Order 13848 September 12, 2018 , declare a national
emergency and suspend the meeting of the Electoral College on Dec. 14 until a
full investigation by military tribunals can be conducted into the many election
irregularities that, if found to be true, would constitute a blatant act of
treason against the republic.
You can email the White House by going to
Whitehouse.gov/contact, and the president's Twitter handle is
"It's important for every America citizen to understand that you are now
facing, for the first time, hybrid modern warfare, where the enemy is unseen,
it's stealthy. Be aware America, be afraid, be concerned, rise up. We cannot let
this election, these treasonous acts, this coup d'état, to stand."
*** Editor Note ***
I have been asking myself what can I do to stop the democrate joe biden
dictatorship from happening on Jan 20, 2021.
Please invoke the Insurrection Act and the September 12, 2018 executive order
Executive Order 13848 , declare a national emergency and suspend the meeting of
the Electoral College on Dec. 14 until a full investigation by military
tribunals can be conducted into the many election irregularities that, if found
to be true, would constitute a blatant act of treason against the republic. Save
our Republic. Keep America free. Help us please.
Ask President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and the September 2018
executive order
Executive Order 13848 September 12, 2018 , declare a national
emergency and suspend the meeting of the Electoral College on Dec. 14 until a
full investigation by military tribunals can be conducted into the many election
irregularities that, if found to be true, would constitute a blatant act of
treason against the republic.
Convince President Trump he must act now before Dec 14 to save our Republic
from being taken over by foreign and domestic enemies!
Video shows poll
workers pulling out suitcases of ballots | Georgia election hearing
WATCH: Footage of
State Farm Arena in Atlanta shows that after poll monitors and media were told
counting was done, four workers stayed behind to count ballots, at times pulling
out suitcases containing ballots from underneath desks.
This video evidence of vote count FRAUD in Georgia could be the main CATALYST
that will allow President Trump to legally be elected President again in 2020.
The fake news media will not be able to keep this obvious vote count fraud
video from the public enough to keep telling Americans there was not any actual
massive vote count fraud.
One Thursday Dec 3, 2020 the "cat" in the bag of vote count fraud was let out
in Georgia!!!!
The courts now DO NOT have ANY excuse not to let the Trump Legal Team
have court hearings allowing them to present their massive amount of
evidence that the democrates actually have manipulated the vote count totals
nationwide through various means that were illegal.
This is equivalent to the SHTF in Georgia!!
MAGAVotesMatter.com The SHTF In Georgia On 12/3/20 When The Secret Suitcase Ballots Were Seen Being Counted With NO Observers Present Because They Were Told To Leave, The Vote Couting Was Over. This Is When The Democrates Dragged Out Ballot Suitcases From Under A Table That Had Been Hidden From View.
Thousands Of Ballots Were Illegally Counted In Secret They Thought But I Guess The Democrates Forgot To Turn The Cameras Off!
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be
admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
(1) Voting Legislation (2) Illegal Votes
(3) Polling Place Irregularities
(4) Discarded Or Distroyed Ballots (5) Voting Machine Irregularities
(6) Unverified (New Submissions)
If you encounter someone who asks you to prove or show them information of
election fraud give them the very detailed information on the website hereistheevidence.com
Attorney Sidney Powell lists the massive evidence of nationwide vote fraud on
If all the efforts to expose the nationwide vote count fraud by the evil party known as the democrates are not sucessful joe biden will be a fraud president.
If the US Senate is taken over by the evil party known as the democrates the USA will descend into chaos as the dictatorship of joe biden begins.
We must fight now to save our freedom and not allow the evil party the democrates to steal the 2020 election.
Attorney Sidney Powell has filed a lawsuit, affectionately known as “The Kraken“,
against named defendants in the State of Georgia to include Governor
Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State. [Direct pdf Link]
Attorney Sidney Powell has filed a lawsuit, affectionately known as “The Kraken“,
against named defendants in the State of Michigan also.
GRETCHEN WHITMER, in her official capacity as Governor of the State of Michigan, JOCELYN BENSON, in her official capacity as Michigan Secretary of State and the Michigan BOARD OFSTATE CANVASSERS. Defendants
Sidney Powell’s fund to defend the American Republic against election
fraud. (This money goes exclusively to Sidney Powell’s legal defense fund.)
Attorney Sidney Powell will file a lawsuit in Georgia on 11/25. Other
lawsuits in other states will follow very soon.
Attorney Sidney Powell has massive evidence of vote fraud in Georgia and
other states. Please donate to her legal defense fund
The FAKE news media is doing everything they can to stop her from exposing the
massive 2020 election fraud nationwide.
stopbigtechnow.com This
organization is on the ground in Georgia working to expose how big tech is
shifting votes by fraud. Please donate to this organization if you can now to
help stop big tech from stealing the Jan 5, 2021 Georgia senate election.
How and why joe biden and the democrates have stolen the 2020 Presidential election.
The number one reason the 2020 Presidential election vote fraud has succeeded is mail in ballots that were not verified in a legal way.
Millions of mail in ballots were counted as legal ballots with no signature, witness signature or postmark required in the 2020 national election.
These mail in ballots were "verified" by machines in most states initially.
They were not truly verified as valid ballots because they could not be verified by signature, witness signature or postmark.
In many states republican observers were not allowed to witness the counting of mail in ballots or any ballots.
This fact alone means where ever mail in ballots were counted without republican oberservers present makes the mail in ballots counted as fradulent ballots!
In serveral states even during the so called recounting of ballots republican observers again were not allowed to witness the ballot recounts.
This makes these recounts invalid and fradulent recounts because they were not obervered by republican observers.
Millions of recounted mail in ballots and other ballots are fradulent ballots because there was no republican observers allowed to verify the counting of ballots as required by law in many states.
Corrupted or intimidated local, state and federal officials have allowed the 2020 Presidential election to be stolen by mail in ballot counting fraud.
These officials have been intimidated by the nation fake news media along with other groups associated with the demecrate party which is totally corrupt.
The mail in ballot fraud can be proven in a court hearing but state after state will not allow any court hearing on ballot counting fraud to occur!
The republicans are not defending President Trump and his election win.
They are allowing the nationwide massive mail in ballot count fraud to send biden to the white house.
The second big reason some states had more votes for biden than President Trump is because of dominion voting machines that have built in software capable of manipulating the vote results!
In the critical so called swing states this built in dominion voting machine software was used because of the unexpected massive surge of votes for President Trump that overwhelmed the mail in fradulent votes.
This to can be proved in a court of law if a court hearing were allowed but so far no court in the entire counrty has heard the evidence of mail in ballot and ballot fraud.
This vote count fraud has occurred and President Trump's legal tream can present the evidence but the courts will not allow justice to occur.
The Trump Presidential legal team has the evidence of massive nationwide vote count fraud.
It can overturn the election results of 2020.
They are not being allowed to present this evidence in a court of law anywhere and have a court hearing on their evidence presented!
Not one state has allowed President Trump's legal team to present their evidence of vote count fraud anywhere!
Their cases have been dismissed outright without any hearing of evidence of vote count fraud presented!
Will the democrates get away with this national vote count fraud?
They will if the US Supreme Court does not allow the President Trump legal team to present the evidence of massive mail in ballot fraud nationwide?
Between Nov 24 and Dec 12 the US Supreme Court could rule to allow President Trump to present his case of massive nationwide vote count fraud.
If the US Suprement Court does not allow President Trumps legal team to present their evidence of massive nationwide vote count fraud biden will get his fraudulent electorial votes on Jan 6, 2020.
I am sure if this happens the Trump legal team will make sure the American people know the truth about joe biden and the fact he will be a fraudulent "president" elected through fraudulent manipulation of Americans votes.
Trouble is on the horizon for joe biden and the democrates.
People like me who voted for President Trump will do everything in our power to stop joe biden and the democrates power grab of the US Government.
The democrates gave President Trump 4 years of "hell".
You can be sure the 4 years of "hell" for joe biden will be much much worse.